Shorting eur/usd

I see it going down another 350 pips, but thats just me…

Around 1.2750, then we might see a real move up, and if it breaks that, 1.18

Also, I want to add, and this is all my opinion from looking at my charts and my angles,

The past 4 months, there has been a rediculaouse (SP ) amount of cash moving around EU, double then what the norm usually is… So, either alot of people are jumpin on the wagon, or there are bigggggg players moving this stuff around to make last ditch efforts to hoard cash for the long term… Im talking, PERSONALLY HOLDING…

The demise of the Euro is all right there, make your cash NOW,

Again, JMO,

And, This is why I trade the way I do, Make the most of each situation, if your right, your golden, Just be right, and everything is cool…

This show isnt going to be around forever, Forex anyways,

When I saw this chart I lol’d a little… :smiley:

Judith just trolled you guys hardcore.

Props to her. Double props if it’s a guy posting as a girl… :o

and the funny thing was…?

LMFAO, yeah… I was thinking the same thing…

…don’t rule out hermaphrodite. Wouldn’t want to offend the majority species now would you, this being a strict p.c domain!
Seeing’s as it’s the weekend & this is the comedy thread, here’s a joke especially for you… :wink:

There was a boy who worked in the produce section of the market.
A man came in and asked to buy half a head of lettuce.
The boy told him they only sold whole heads of lettuce, but the man replied that he did not need a whole head, only a half head.

The boy said he would go ask his manager about the matter.

The boy walked into the back room and said, "There’s some jerk out there who wants to buy only half a head of lettuce."
As he was relaying this he turned around to find the man standing right behind him, so he added, “and this gentleman wants to buy the other half.”

The manager agreed the deal and the man went on his way.

Later the manager called on the boy and said,
“You almost got yourself in a lot of trouble earlier, but I must say I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of it. You think on your feet and we like that around here. Where are you from son?”

“Canada sir.”
“Oh really? Why did you leave Canada?” asked the manager.
“They’re all just whor*s and hockey players up there.”

“Really,” replied the manager, “My wife is from Canada!!”
“No kidding! What team did she play for?”

[B]toot toot…all aboard! [/B]

Hee Hee Hee, the best post of the thred so far.

I was thinking how can you even analyse the market with so little indicators and moving averages? Don’t you think you should add more, to make a clearer image?


I guess you are being sarcastic with your answers, I would rather you to be straight forward and then may be I could learn something from you. :wink:

The real funny thing is that in my chart there are NO moving averages. :slight_smile:

What do you use to analyze the market correctly?


I dont think this is a mens club.

Thank you.

“The term man (pl. men) is used for an adult human male (the term boy is the usual term for a human male child or adolescent). [U]However, man is sometimes used to refer to humanity as a whole.[/U]”

Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obviously, something the op didn’t know or didn’t understand. Albeit even if she didn’t understand it, there was not reason at all to feel emotional this way, because nobody pointed to the fx men or any sex relation than herself.

And I am still very convinced woman and men are not equal, lol. I mean, every feminist club itself is evidence for that, because if we would be all equal there would not be a feminist club or dancing for woman only or ladies night at club xyz, lol. I mean, I have no issue with a ladies club night, but then they souldn’t the same time pretend we are all equal. I would bet some pips that the op would have no problems et al if it would read fx women honorary member. And, that’s the misconception of all this feminist cra… b food. Or any other fundamentalist contradiction what is out there. They mostly don’t want equality, they want to substitute the almost gone patriarchy though matriarchy. Which is the same as patriarchy, just with another polarity. To be equal regarding human rights means everybody has not only the same rights, but also the same [U]responsibilities[/U]. Something our loved liberals avoid like the devil drinking holy water. If it’s going to voting rights for instance, most take the rights, but avoid the responsipility to learn more about politics, economics and so on. That’s why we have such losers as political leaders these days. Not a sex issue, btw. That belongs to everybody who has a brain. Or should have (and use it properly!) one, lol. :smiley:

Regarding short or long, yes it could go more south, but one thing is obvious, the more south it goes the less margin is left, because zero is the maximum (or should I say minimum, lol?) where it can go, lol.

My opinion (which I do not trade) is that it will go up first and then go more south and then it will go up again. In short, up, down, up. LOOL! :slight_smile:

I have yet to come across the highlighted above Buckscoder. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahahah. How is that for gender stereotyping?

Well, whatever it states, I am not responsible for the definition, lol. Nor am I responsible for any rules here in bp. If somebody feels she must ask for changing that into fx women, then please go ahead. I wouldn’t have ANY issue if there would be mentioned for instance “fx women” or even “fx martian woman”, lol. I don’t know, if they have woman there, hi hi. If not they must maybe mention “fx venusian women” lol. :smiley:

I think its best we go with FX - It. Since gender less bots which make money also should be included.

LMAO… at everyone here… ahhh yeaaaaa… man, (whoops! lol!) if I was the OP, and I was reading this…I would be thanking the lord right now that this is anonymous, and u all don’t actually know who I am or where I live. Because I would feel SOOOO STUPID right about now. silly silly person, first she gets all sexist, then she gets all anti-marketing on everyone. rediculous. hahaha… whatever.


P.S. more laughs from this thread than i’ve had all month. no doubt! Thanks!

I didn’t see it like this. Genderless creatures, lol. So I have developed already what the liberals still try to do. LOL! :smiley:

so are we all done here?:46:

Simon…thank you. Very Much.


No Brainer??? This would mean guaranteed profits, which in the world of forex is the opposite. Whatever situation, DO NOT over-leverage because it will just wipe out your account. Keep the discipline of risking 3% of your account and if you think it is a no brainer, go risk a maximum of 5% of your account.