Shorting eur/usd

ppffft. whatever. break the bank. cash out the 401K. rob the kids college fund, and take that 5th mortgage out on the house. IT’S A SURE THING…RIGHT?!



You’re only on your 5th? Jeez you’re slow.

Thank you so much for this.

The way to stay in the forex market for a long time are:

  1. Profitable trading system
  2. Proper risks management
  3. Patience
  4. Discipline

Are you just trying to get your post count high enough to start posting links, or…?

I wonder if it’s coming out in 3D ?


‘Quite the thread’ I see!!! LOL!!!

Not to ‘rain on any parades’ here but I believe it to be a ‘no brainer’ (and yes it IS me, Dale, FOREX, EUR/USD, can you believe that) but it’s backed up by this:

(The above is a link to my two latest posts where I ‘solved Adam’ for the coming days and weeks just yesterday).

If you haven’t already read the entire thread though I’d suggest that you do before going short i.e. it’s an ‘experiment’ ALTHOUGH let me say THIS that I HAVE simply gone short EUR/USD today (again) and, to be honest, the only reason I’m ‘experimenting’ with EUR/USD is because it’s the ‘cheapest’ per point / pip movement I have available to trade. I certainly wouldn’t be ‘experimenting’ with this on the Dow or the DAX for example!!! The point is though: I’ve at least ‘put my money, albeit only a tiny tiny amount, where my mouth is’.

As a side-note: Soc Gen, for example, is ‘calling’ the EUR at around 1.2500 and there is even talk of parity with the USD. Not to mention that the nett shorts betting against the EUR are, according to Bloomberg, ‘piling up’.

Alright: MAYBE I’m trying to ‘justify Adam Theory’ but so far it’s been ‘on the mark’ (but far too early to tell if it has the potential for being consistently profitable as a trading system in and of itself).




To be ‘exact’: short at 1.3025(5) on Monday, 19/12/2011. Initial stop at 1.3649(3). Stop hunt THAT you ‘cnts’!!! LOL!!! (Actually let me 'cover my are’ here i.e. I mean the BANKS not the brokers)!!! LOL!!!

Nah, that’s becoming too dry. What about a little beer (in real, not just 3D) on top?

Every trader needs liquidity!

Cheers! :smiley:

Every trader need liquidity LOL I like that one !

The two of you had better watch it.

It won’t be long before Judith3113 (being a woman) will be moaning and groaning because you’re ‘pis*ed AGAIN’!!! ROFLMAO!!!




Do you know the substitution of sportsmen by the way? Sportswomen? Albeit then we would call with sportswomen just the women, right? What then about the men? Sportsmenwomen? And then what about the childs? Sportsmenwomenchilds? Or maybe we could use sportspeople? But, then sportspeople is not the same as sportsmen, right? …

Sportsapiens. ?

Here’s one that you may enjoy (a favorite saying of a good friend of mine):

‘If it’s got tits or wheels it’s going to give you sh*t’!!! LOL!!!




Maybe we should stop now. I am pretty sure there are already armies of liberals reading here and getting new ideas how to rule the world even more with their cra… b food.


I’m just trying to ‘lure’ Judith3113 back to HER thread is all. I think you guys gave her a ‘bum rap’ to be honest. For the most part: the replies given were more like those that I’d expect from the ‘f*ckheads’ that hang around Forex Factory is all!!!

No offence chaps but it was a BIT harsh given that she was new here. Put it this way: at least she wasn’t some ‘virtual broker person’ or ‘troll’ or somebody trying to ‘sell their wares’.




I’m glad somebody appreciated my attempt at humour although humorous as it may SOUND it is true (at least in my case).

When I started posting on forums and was seeking help and advice being a NEW trader it was this one (BabyPips) and ‘over there’ (FF). Here: no question was too big or too small to be answered by experienced traders. ‘Over there’ (FF): all I got was the type of ‘you’re just a noob’ and ‘we’re all champions’ answers. And this happened not once but several times. Unfortunately: I HAVE to ‘hang around’ there sometimes but it’s not a pleasure I’ll tell you that much. Just take a look at THIS CURRENT thread as a fine example (link below). This type of thing wouldn’t be tolerated here??? Discussion @ Forex Factory

I’m ‘fintrans’ over there BY the way. As you’ll clearly see in MY posts (especially those of today) even I have to ‘go on the defensive or attack and act like a barbarian’ just to make a point.

But it’s funny you know. I don’t know if YOU (petefader) know but I had my own IT Business for 16 years before starting on this ‘lark’. And I noticed something i.e. every single one of my clients (different businesses) had a certain ‘type’ of person working for them. In other words: at some one could go and be friendly and ‘joke around’ a bit with the staff in general while at others one just knew that even the slightest attempt at being ‘not serious’ was frowned upon. It might sound ridiculous but it’s almost as though each individual was sort of ‘magnetically drawn’ or was ‘pre-ordained’ to work for that particular company and with that particular ‘type’ of person of ‘group of personalities’. I don’t know if I’m explaining myself too well here. I hope so. I’m trying anyway. Put it this way: this held true WAY too many times for it to be co-incidence or for it to be my imagination I’ll tell you that.

Anyway: my comments HERE (about being ‘blind’ to Judith3113) were not meant to upset anybody here nor was I ‘pointing fingers’ at any particular individual. I just remember what is was like to be a NEW trader (as you will NO doubt have gathered I think the term ‘NOOB’ is most distasteful and condescending i.e. they’re NEW traders who are just trying to learn what we already THINK we know)!!! LOL!!!



I’m short FF as well, lol. I mean, some members there are really nice - even some forum “gods” (particular if they can trade), but the admin doesn’t even trade and I doubt he knows what a pip is, lol. If I saw his avatar, I knew the same moment I won’t bother anymore to read or post there. LOL! Sometimes a link shows up if I search something on Google, but that’s it, lol. Well, everybody has his (her - for Judith and her club! LOL!) preference. :slight_smile:

Regarding long/short, if you buy everything there is Jay. If you buy every euro there is nobody left anymore to sell, lol. That’s indeed a sure thing then. :smiley:

Dale, for the most part, no body jumped down to attack her until she called Akea and/or myself a sexist.

I made an off hand comment on how these types of posts show up near market tops and bottoms. Other than than, my comment was went on to explain why I thought that would be a mistake (short eur/usd). This was helpful and my follow up post WOULD have been out and out nice/service oriented, and in the sincere spirit of wanting to HELP…that is, until I or others I know were slandered by being called a SEXIST.

noob and other rational aside… I, like Simon, draw the line at personal inflammatory insults hurled from ignorance.

Next time some one asks you a “silly” question… I have little doubt you’ll stay away from insulting them or critisize them to any large degree.

Now…next time they do that…AND call you a racists (or whatever)…NOW tell me how you care to respond. Oh, and by the way, they have absolutly no bearing or reason to call you such… but the happen to do so anyway, publicly.

Kinda means something else all together now eh?


Seriously this thread made my day. Better than watching a movie. :35: