Shorting eur/usd

Hey eremarket.

I understand what you’re saying and, well, to be QUITE honest, I did indeed happen to notice that her comments seemed a bit ‘sudden’ or ‘out of the blue’ or ‘irrelevant’ or ‘over the top’ or ‘out of context’ (not quite sure which description to use really).

Reading your post: I see where you’re coming from. Never thought about it that way. Then again: I AM a ‘sexist’ so no wonder it didn’t carry as much ‘weight’ with me!!! LOL!!! (WHOO BOY is THAT statement going to get me into trouble)!!! LOL!!!

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think that any of you went ‘overboard’ or ‘overreacted’ (and even if you DID it’s none of my business really). And even IF this was the case: I’m the last person to ‘call’ anybody on it i.e. I’ve ‘overstepped the mark’ on occasion and have been quite sorry and embarrased afterward. I guess it was just her last post (something like ‘Thank you so much for this’) that sort of made me ‘feel bad’. I mean: I may LOOK like a ‘thug’ but I’m quite a ‘softie’ you know!!! LOL!!!

MeiHua: ANYTIME. The pleasure is all mine (ours)!!! Glad you’re enjoying it. Don’t ‘change that channel’ yet i.e. it COULD VERY WELL get more entertaining!!! LOL!!!



This thread is reminding me now at this movie:

Needful Things (1993) - IMDb

Albeit, Meihua is right. The thread tops the movie by light years (entertainment). LOL! :smiley: Anyways, if you have some spare time, the movie is not that bad either. Lot’s of laughters. Particular regarding “Buster”. And it has to do with betting, too. LOL!

Aright Dale…I’ll give that to you. I also saw that post…and I’m honestly not sure what to make of it. If she’s being sincere, and in her way acknowledgeing how our banter about her unnecessary outrage statements has shown her that next time, to be a little less defensive and a little more considerate (regardless of whether someone agrees with you or not), then I would quickly pack up my arsenal, store it back in the vault that it usually resides in, and “forgive and forget”. Heck, i’d probably go a bit out of my way to show her why here original trade idea is, possibly dangerous to a trading account, just to prove no hard feelings.

However, I’m not sure this is what was meant by that. I tend to think it might be… but she might not even care at all, and be saying in her own way “whatever. shutup.”

If this is the case… then, I feel bad for her for an entirely different reason… but would feel no motivation to apologize, or “reconcile”. Because in this case, then “we” (myself, bucks, ST…etc…etc…) are simply annoying gnats to be disregarded with a roll of the eyes, and under the breath muttering of “whatever”.

And since my own personal defenses go up when i’m accused of being two things i’m not (a sexist, and a charlatin trader product hocking charater), I don’t know which way to take her comment… so therefore, I feel no reason to change my take on this situation until something CLEARLY presents itself that indeed shows a difference of perspective from the original poster.


I wrote some posts ago that the issue with such people lies in the fact that they have no hindrance to attack others out of the blue and without any reason, but for themself play out the victim card and start crying as soon as their logic ends (if there was any before) to defense themself. Nobody in this thread, NOBODY came up with any gender speech before she started her attacks. And, even after it nobody attacked her in person with something out of the blue or not related to her distorted world image. I am NOT sorry to be a MAN, LIBERTARIAN (with a lot of background knowledge in economics), have MY opinion (and can freely share it as everybody else), etc. etc.! If anytime we will get a period where men or woman have to be sorry about their gender, sharing their honest opinion, etc. etc. then good night freedom and liberty! Freedom and liberty and the right to vote has to be defended every single day! That’s nothing what is given to us forever. If such creatures who already work in armies to develop and spread lies over the world I can read every day in any newspaper get any more into control, what all of you believe will happen with democracy, liberty and individual freedom? I wrote this also in relation to the well earned death of the leader in North Korea today. May he burn in “hell” together with Mao, Stalin, Hitler and some others to come …

I lived almost twenty years with a washed brain by liberals. No MORE! I see every day how liberals steal our money, our energy, our power, our everything to enslave the rich AND the poor, but tell a lot of lies that they defend the poor. Look at Washington, London, Berlin, Paris, Brussels. There sit the thugs and thiefs who create those sick ideas of all people would be equal, politicians could solve the issues they for themself create, etc. If all people would be equal that would be a boring world! If all politicians would stop creating the sick issues they create, let THE MARKETS do the work, the world would be a rather peaceful place. Plus a rich one. Because MARKETS need no bureaucrat monsters! Which we all have enough now! They create more and more every day!

Sorry for ranting, but I feeled that must be said right now, lol. :smiley:

Jay, you misunderstood, you were being accused of Hocking A Chinick, OYE !!!

The Ever Appreciating Yiddish VIPER

Hey Jay, could you sell me whatever it is you are selling I hear it is very popular !!!

I’m bored.
Maybe I’ll go over to leandar’s thread.
At least he (oops, or she?) wont stay down, no matter how hard they hit, he just keeps coming back.
The main character on this thread has left, so its not much of a match.
leandar may never make a gazillion percent in ten days, but man, for entertainment…


Not so fast. I’ve just woken up so ‘the day is but an embryo’!!! LOL!!!

After looking at this rather ‘interesting’ thread again with a ‘fresh’ (having slept) pair of eyes: MAYBE it was just ‘that time of the month’ that was the reason for ‘her’ outbursts??? LOL!!!

Hey: I’m not saying for anybody to apologise at all neither do I think it necessary in this case for what my opinion is worth. Alright: in MY case(s) ‘apologies all around’ were INDEED necessary. No question about that. I too have one or two ‘buttons’ that inevitably get ‘pressed’ at the WORST of times possible and then I end up making a total fool of myself by TOTALLY overreacting.

So YOU (eremarket) are ‘Jay’. Buckscoder mentioned a ‘Jay’ on leandars thread the other day and I wasn’t sure whether to ask him if it was a ‘typo’ or who he was talking about so I just left it at that!!! LOL!!!

WOW Buckscoder: now THAT post was ‘DEEP’!!! LOL!!! I’m pleased I didn’t read it last night and only saw it this morning!!! LOL!!!

SOOO: what’s on the ‘agenda’ for today (for this thread) ‘boyz’ (and ‘girlz’)???



Quite, Judith was unpleasant, a few of us called her on it, she never offered any apology, retraction or explanation for that and the ‘thanks for this’ could have been taken many ways (personally I read it as more sarcastic than contrite) so while this thread might mark one of my more gung ho contributions, I stand by all of it to the last punctuation mark and am not feeling as though I need to apologize or show sympathy for anyone.

To pick up on Dale’s point of feeling a little bad - I agree with you, as ever, but would add that being a rookie around here does not give one a pass on basic manners/judgment/courtesy/calling others bigots so as I said earlier in the thread: I did answer the original, trading question, then a couple of things were said that I thought were poorly judged, so I came out swinging. If it happens again, I’ll do it again and sleep soundly that night. Not because I am a big man keeping a little woman in her place, but because I am a decent person happy to stand up and be counted when I see others being unpleasant.

I might not push first, but I am happy to push hardest, if the need arises.


Who am I kidding here. Actually: I’m just a ‘pushover’ when it comes to woman (I’ve been on my own too long now)!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!

Very nice post. Very nice.

And THIS I like:

I might not push first, but I am happy to push hardest, if the need arises.

Do I have your permission to ‘keep’ it’??? LOL!!!



Well, good afternoon folks!

I don’t think ANYBODY has reason to apologize here than exactly one and that’s the op. For the sake of her own reputation. A different opinion is NOT a reason to apologize. An attack out of the blue of the bp nomination of some members (how reasonable the naming conventions are or not is another question) plus showing a sexist victim card (while being the offender) WOULD BE imho! We have all our “days” sometimes. However, I can’t remember such happenings going live since the 2 or so years I am around. Lot’s of trolls and crazy ppl around sometimes, but not such an outbreak. Well then, there is always the first time for everything … I can also live without apologies. Just a storm in a cup of tea. Back to business. Seems like going south was not the brilliant idea so far. Oh well, it’s holiday season, lol. Don’t eat too much!



Regarding the ACTUAL topic of this thread:

I told you on my ‘Adam Thread’: my stop is 600 pips away from my entry price and as long as ‘Adam’ is telling me it’s going down ‘that’s my story and I’m sticking to it’!!! LOL!!!



With the help of my funny chart the first TP profit has been hit at 1.3120

Next TPs at 1.3280 and 1.3330

SL is already at B/E… free risk trade :slight_smile:

Hello Dale. :slight_smile:

However great the edge of Adam might be or not be, then it’s just the fact that you are in the hole now with 100 pips around. Right? If something looks too good to be true, … What about if price goes up 600 pips and turns right after the last buyer (you) bought? :stuck_out_tongue:


Well if that happens: then at least I can say I wasn’t stop hunted!!! LOL!!!

HAVE FAITH my very dear friend. Have faith. If I keep solving Adam, and if it keeps telling me to be short, I’ll stay short. If it tells me to add to the short position: then I’ll add to the short position and I’ll ‘short it to ZERO’ as the book says!!! LOL!!!

By the way: after your post with the picture I thought that I should just mention that I’m QUITE happy being on my own!!! LOL!!!



As I said… Judith’s post would likely call the absolute low.

New, uninformed forex players are actually uncanny at calling the absolute lows and highs…they just think they are the highs and lows. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’m vebeen long since 2997…and 2965, and 2985, and 3001…and…ya… etc…etc…

up over 9% for the week in my primary acct.

THanks for all the liquidity.

The lesson here, again, is when the world is short. time to go long. really really simple.


Well, I hope she is not hoping now for a quick rebound. Particular if I look at some COT charts, lol!

Nice call (or should I say bunch of calls?) Jay, btw.!

See. This is why I love this business so much!!! Just a ‘bunch of good ol boyz’, ‘shooting the breeze’, having a ‘difference of opinion’, and being able to differ with each other like real gentlemen!!!

And yes. Agreed. Nice ‘bunch of calls’. But if I may I’m going to repeat one of my oldest and most favorite jokes here (for those that haven’t had the pleasure of seeing it on some other threads which have, by now, become ‘corpse threads’):

It’s the one about the young calf and the old bull.

The young calf and the old bull were standing on the top of a mountain ridge overlooking a valley that was full of cows grazing on the lush green grass. The young calf said to the old bull: “Let’s RUN down the hill into the valley and fuk ONE of those cows". The old bull said to the young calf: "Let’s WALK down the hill into the valley and fuk ALL of those cows”!!! LOL!!!

See: now I wouldn’t ‘get away with that’ if we had a woman in the room!!! LOL!!!

L-O-N-G term trend trading vs. SHORT(ER) term trading??? Get the ‘connection’???

“I’ll short it to ZERO”!!! LOL!!!

Have faith!!! It looks like we’re seeing our ‘Santa Claus Rally’. But wait: ‘the morning after the night before’ is coming!!! LOL!!!




Merry Christmas Dale :wink:

Oops!!! I forgot about you!!! LOL!!! But it’s because you’re so quiet???

But thanks: Merry Christmas to you too!!!

Good one!!! You ‘got me’ there!!! LOL!!!

And purplepatchforex: you sure didn’t waste any time ‘liking’ that post KNOWING that I’d ‘set myself up’ like that!!! LOL!!!



That might be a longer journey, tho:

A brick just hit me before reading this and told me that we are going into another [U]election year[/U]. Just bought some. Low risk and high chance. Whatever, lol. Everything is green today.

Do you know another joke about investments? A short investment what failed usually becomes a long investment. LOL! :smiley: