Starting from zero - ICT inspired methods

Ok guys! So many of you know I am a huge fan of my man ICT. His threads and videos have helped me an incredible amount in my journey from “zero” to what I believe will be a full time career as a forex trader! I have a few purposes for this thread: first and foremost I just want to give a big shout out to Michael (ICT). He has been a godsend to me and many others like myself who have been struggling to even break even. Secondly, I want to create a place where other ICT followers can come and share our passion for our mentor and bounce his ideas off of each other, a POSITIVE collaboration environment :slight_smile: Thirdly, I think I have a pretty good grasp of his material that I’ve studied so far and I will post an instructional on how I trade methods inspired by his own - key points will be Judas Swings (my personal favorite), kill zones, and you guessed it OTE’s!!! Booyah!

So if you are reading this (maybe even ICT will squeals!) then welcome aboard! I will be your host and hopefully we can journey through this together! Zeros to heroes baby!!!

And as always…

Good luck good trading!!!

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This is starting to get ridiculous bro. I would love to know why the mods are taking so long to identify you?

Positive environment Puremuscles! I’m glad your aboard with me in the journey! Please feel free to add your input :slight_smile:

Ah well, will enjoy it while it lasts :wink:

Let him be… Show us what you’ve got! Wait, aren’t you incorporating “Fundamentals”? I am sooo hoping you do… because that will be sooo much fun!

Nah can’t be doing that. ICT laughs in the face of fundamentals. And they run off scared.

Anyway Christian yes. These Judas Swingers things. I’m not quite getting them. Are they anything like Judas Priest?

Fundamentals?!? Ewww icky! :slight_smile:

I’m glad you are interested in them and feel free to post your contributions! As for Myself and other ICT followers, we like to keep it nice and simple and focus on the chart patterns. We probably will touch on treasury bond curves and COT analysis (these are EXTREMELY valuable tools) other then that ICT methods suggest we stick with just watching the charts :slight_smile:

Oh that’s too bad… I really thought Fundamental analysis is much more interesting than technical. I am really disappoint… Anyway, I really want to know about “Judas Swing” and any other swing there is available.:5:

I know you’re not charging anything, but this sounds very valuable. Can we make donations to you for your efforts.

I am a fan of ICT and his methods, but I found these posts to be pretty funny. CG, I’ll definitely read your thread as long as the ribbing stays good natured.

It’s for “entertainment”… good for the soul so get in line :slight_smile:

Well you are in luck little lady! I will be posting examples of trades I’ve taken and will be sure to include examples where I caught a Judas Swing. Hopefully they will not be an unfamiliar term for much longer!

Good luck good trading!!!

:18: … Good Grief

:shakes his head:

I think any donations should be made to his psychiatric fund…lol

Aren’t you forgetting something? No good how to thread would complete without a Myfxbook account to show off with!

Oh no…you posted on his thread…he’s gonna squeal again…(covers ears)

LOL… I know right? what’s up with the squeal…lol. It’s so funny though…:slight_smile:

Mr. Grey is really a big fan… He can’t help it. Show him some love ICT!..

The squeal comment had me again Mr Grey…

That had me even more…

Seriosuly though Banker928, er, I mean Christian, you’ve always been a big ICT fan I knew it and I bet you’ve seen all the videos.

I’m up for the giggle, but please don’t trade just to try and derail anyone wanting to trade the concepts taught to us.

Good luck good trading!!! Ha ha!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great idea SweetPip! However I have already planned this well in advance and I have a place reserved on my first post for that myfxbook link :slight_smile:

bounces up and down squealing ICT!!! You read my thread?! I built this for you Michael… You have no idea what it feels like to have someone hand you your dreams … I am just trying to pay it forward :slight_smile:

Expect some analysis and screenshots as the day progresses!

Good luck good trading!!!

This is really tough for me, because as I’ve said and as I will always say, I feel indebted to ICT. I understand what he means when he says that giving results in getting. However there is a certain over-the-topness from the response of some people (myself included) that it is funny to laugh at.

Is there a fundemental equivlent to the Judas Swing? Like if price reacts sharply after a somber banking authority announcement, would this be called something like a Moses Move? If it then retraces over time would that be a Noah’s Arc? In theory, there could be a Fundemental Trinity, when a trader is able to catch pips off of all three moves.

This should do…