Starting from zero - ICT inspired methods

Awww… you are definitely a “Rock Star”!!!..Awesome!!

mouth drops!!! Begins smashing the ‘print’ button

Banker, while this thread is entertaining, you need some serious help with your mental issues

I think he may be trying to prove that it doesn’t matter what you post or how much as long as it has the words “ICT” “Good Luck Good Trading”. This may be the only way he won’t get banned again.

He should just go around spamming


Good Luck Good Trading"

Do you know if the over use of “ÏCT and Good Luck Good Trading” key word written in admin/mod rules in order to get someone banned? If there isn’t, then he should be ok then.

We let the heated battering back and forth and a non sense conversation with negativity and picking person around. Why not let some humor about this from time to time. Besides, it was already been use numerous times with other ICT followers. It is not that new to us. So, just relax and participate if you can…

I thought there is a member here who is a “stand up comedian” (I seriously don’t remember who he/she was but I read it somewhere) who can step up and lighten up a little bit in this forum but apparently there isn’t…For some odd reason, there is a member who is willing to do it. I guess we just have to warn other newbies so they don’t get confuse :slight_smile:

[B]EDIT[/B]: Even ICT himself get a good kick about this and show his appreciation for his biggest fan! How cool is that!?

I know I shouldn’t, but I’ll bite. I know that this is a comedy thread, but isn’t it time for an ICT subforum? Serious question.

you wont find someone more relaxed. i was participating. its not funny anymore but for awhile i laughed :smiley:

It will be more funnier if everyone is participating.

Not that I am aware off… Do you know?

Let’s see what Forexmas brings…


I was in the process of preparing a suggestion for CG, that he prepare an istructional video series and release it around a holiday, like the Three Days of Memorial Day or something. Actually ICT did hold something last night where he mentioned that plans to reduce his participation on BP, as he thinks that some people feel that there is too much ICT on BP. I don’t think that is the case personally, I think it’s more that a select few should just be more sensative (I think I’m preaching to the choir) and tolerant of others.

Personally I think it shows some level of consideration and normalcy, that after CG/Banker made his point on the other thread yesterday, he moved things to a seperate thread that people can choose to follow or not, which is really the larger point. I’m an accountant by trade not a comedian, so I’m not sure how valid my opinion is on this, but I think this thread could have some continued comedic value if done properly.

I know what exceptional analysis looks like when I see it (usually by others) performed, and I’ve seen ICT do some things that made me say “wow, this guy is good at his profession.” This is also a field that most people would like to be in because of it’s convenience etc, and I feel strongly about it because I enjoy the study, so as I’ve watched ICT release well over a hundred videos I’ve said “wow this dude is really generous with his time.” But that does not mean that there is not an aspect to how far people take things sometimes that could’nt use a little poking fun at. I do not know the full history of things on BP between people and sometimes I go days without being able to get caught up on my reading here, but I can’t believe that ICT is any more offended by the posts the last couple of days then to shake his head with a smile and say “you guys…”

ICT has by definition changed (or become a part of) my life. After my family and my job, fx trading has been the next most dominant part of my life since July of 2011. I feel like I express my sincere gratitude whenever possible, but I just refuse to change my screen name to GreenGardenForex or something and chastise those who do not follow ICT to my own liking.

And how would that help? They still show up in the new posts. 28 March he will be leaving us anyway. It is cut in stone… :slight_smile:

I thought you left BP.

CG, Excellent work! Can’t wait for the first results!



OK, ok -

The plane was going down fast, there were four people on board but only three parachutes.

The first guy says ’ well I’m President of a large country and a very important person’, took a parachute and jumped.

The second guy says ‘well I’m a forex trader and understand the fundamentals of the world economy and a very smart person’ , took a parachute and jumped.

The third guy said to the fourth remaining passenger - a 12yr old kid - ‘look, I’m an old man, I’ve lived my life to the full, you take the parachute’.

‘Do’nt worry’, said the kid, ‘there is two parachutes left, ’ the very smart person just took my school bag’.

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A Technical Analyst and a Fundamental Analyst are chatting about the markets in the kitchen.

Accidentally one of them knocks a kitchen knife off the table landing right in the fundamental analyst’s foot!

The fundamental analyst yells at the technician, asking him why he didn’t catch the knife?

“You know Technicians don’t catch falling knives!” , the technician responded.

He in turn asks the fundamental analyst why he didn’t move his foot out of the way?

The Fundamental analyst responds, “ I didn’t think it could go that low”.

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Well guys! One of the best lessons I have picked up from ICT is to learn how to trade like a sniper! Today I was figuratively crawling around in the brush stalking the elusive Judas Swing OTE … Although I wasn’t able to pull the trigger, I learned a lot as I scoped out my target all day. Plus, I went back and watched as many of his videos as I possibly could… Only taking time in between videos to stare at my demo account balance, sighing contentedly at my new found prospects for financial independence. Tomorrow my .50 cal sniper should make London close one heck of a Killzone!!

Good luck and good trading!!!

Ahhh…a challenge to a dual…handbags at dawn ladies!

Sorry…I got carried away…

Lol… Alright well I’m kinda shy now that I know my man ICT has his eye on my thread… But shucks I think I can help out some people who may not be as knowledgeable with ICTs methods as myself!

I think Sweetpips just wants to watch two stud muffins battle it out for her attention… Not today sweetpips! Akeakami and I are brothers… Bonded together by shared indebtedness to ICT

Ok so I will try and post some charts that capture the true essence of what ICT has been trying to help us newbies out with!

Good luck good trading!!!

Wow, joined 2 days ago and already on the cusp of 50 posts. You are the complete trader man.

By the time your other account is re-actiavted, you will have the same amount of posts in each