Starting from zero - ICT inspired methods

Thank you for dropping by Tassie! Lol I like this little joke you play… Your funny dude! Confusing … But funny.

On a side note this is my 50th post! Booyah! I have a few notepads worth of personal messages I’ve been wanting to send ICT but I needed 50 posts first!

Good luck good trading!

Irrelevant and inaccurate. It’s kind of reassuring to see that, despite the rebranding, you’re sticking to your core values.

Christian, before this goes stale, I’d love to see some “mocked” up video content, who knows, with your precocious talent, FX may not even be needed. The bright lights of Hollywood beckon for you I’m sure.

Hey ST. It’ll calm down soon. ICT has said that he’s going to stop posting on Babypips, basically because this whole thing has got out of control. It’s taking over the forum.

A shame in a way. Thanks to the work of some of the more excitable ICT followers (this thread is a lovely little parody of their antics), the main ICT methods thread will have no-one to lead it. The blind leading the blind. The noisiest newbies to his methods leading other newbies. That’s unfortunate for those who come here and want to get to grips with his techniques.

So it’s a big well done to the cabbage patch kid and others. You wrecked it for everyone. Way to go boys.

Good luck on your path to success!

I think the material is enough to learn from. You can always ask him a questions direct and he’ll get back to you when he can.

Cabbage patch kid… LOL :slight_smile:

Agreed on that…

Absolutely agree, yes. I have absolutely no beef with ICT being here at all, that’s why I have kept out of most of the recent to and fro, it’s just some of the surrounding furore and hyperbole that has trashed the site for some, in my opinion. The current sticky has been there for ages, many find it helpful and it was easy to ignore for those who weren’t trading that way, just like any other effective thread, so in my view is wholly appropriate, yes, it’s a good addition to the site.

Then PPF had his meltdown, a few rookies went slightly bananas, some other members failed to bite their tongue when they ought to have done and/or became too personal, and the place fell apart.

To my mind a main page sticky and then a dedicated ICT subforum (including as many substickies as are needed) would clean the place right up, and leave the main Newbie Island page for more generic trading advice that covers a wider range. The Mods could move any new ICT threads (such as this one) into the subforum, which would then surely attract less static from some members (MG99 springs to mind!), thus overall saving the Mods a cartload of work.

A number of us might also return to posting generic trading advice, if things developed that way.

Anyway, I am not seeking to set myself up as judge and jury, but as you asked a fair question I hope you see that I wanted to give a fair response.


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Great post, in my opinion.

I’m not sure that the traffic will quiet even if ICT leaves. Indeed, it could worsen, as at least ICT knows how to trade - a few of the newer followers freely dispense advice without actually being solid traders themselves, which risks undermining the educational function of BP, I personally feel. Combine that with the zealous fervour of a few of the more experienced supporters (which has certainly, on occasion, clouded the quality of their trading posts), and I fear that we could simply see a continuation of the proliferation of bad bits of the whole ICT project, while having lost what little central focus and direction currently exists.

(Sorry if I am unclear, am on the iPhone only today!)


What, because I thought you left?

I try to be very mindful of the culture of whatever the thread is that I am posting in. I would not go in to the Traders Arm’s making some of the jokes that I have on this thread. I was involved in the PPFX thing, and thought that his chastising another member was the worst kind of brown nosing for the sake of showing the teacher who was the most sympathetic. I thought it was bullying, and would express my distaste for it again in a heartbeat.

I was just reading through some of the recent posts on the Traders Arms, and frankly, for people who want a more productive environment, the snobbery and exclusivity I see there today (as Hog puts it “invite only” and I think Bob uses the word “Riffraff” referring to other BP members) is no better than the bickering on the ICT threads. I would hate to think that a first time BP reader is looking at a group of folks talking about the good old days when a certain select group discussed things. It’s OK to do that privately, but when you do it on a public thread, what kind of message does that deliver.

I respect you tremendously ST (that goes for all the folks I enjoy reading at TA) and I hope to emulate the path you’ve taken. I realize that there is a group of regulars that you folks miss who made the BP experience more enjoyable, and not meant to be anti-social to others. But if you read some of the posts on TA today with fresh eyes, perhaps you can see that you’re doing something very similar to that which you are voicing concerns about. Before you ignore this or write a dismissive response, is it possible that my point has even a tiny bit of validity.

For goodness sake, read the posts on Traders Arms today, and then apply your comment “members failed to bite their tongue when they ought to have.”

Guys don’t worry about it. ICT’s challenge is going to go on for THREE years. (if ict sticks it out. I honestly think, staying with it will be tougher then the challenge itself). The people that are causing ruckus over it all only have an attention span of about three WEEKS. After that only a few will lurk around and watch that myfxbook account. Patience. :wink:

This is why my preference is for staying quiet, these days - too much scope for misunderstanding and tangents.

I deliberately kept that element of my post neutral - I did not say which members I personally think should have bitten their tongues, there were many advancing many arguments. Certainly I should have said nothing on various occasions rather than posting stuff which continued the discussion.

I have not read the posts you mention (‘riffraff’, ‘invite only’) - I’m just in from the school run and now posting on my 'phone simply as this needed addressing - but even if those posts are, in your view, unreasonable, that is really not the point of my post. It is so hard to keep discussion on track on here, these days. I am speaking in favour of a subforum which might suit all parties - pro-ICT, anti-ICT, ambivalent-to-ICT, Mods, everybody. I’m not going to engage in he said, she said when it comes to the wider discussion, beyond the couple of names I already mentioned in my original post.

My reason for this is that I don’t care who was the winner in the ‘unreasonable post’ stakes. Some might think I was a major offender, others might think I was nothing to do with the main issue but than member a, b or c was the problem - so what. I know what I think, others know what they think, a few ignore lists have maybe grown a little recently, others won’t have, it just doesn’t matter to me at this point.

So if you find some posts in HoG’s thread indicative of snobbery and as bad as anything said in the various ICT arguments then that’s obviously your prerogative, but it isn’t really relevant to what I’m saying so apologies for bot addressing it in detail.

There are more than simply two viewpoints here, as some of the stuff posted has been about ICT, some about his advocates, some about his critics, some about their critics, some about BP in general.

So while I’m disappointed that you might think that I would ‘ignore this or write a dismissive response’ (don’t waste your time respecting me if you think that that’s how I roll!), I hope you don’t see this as dismissal or avoidance. I just want to move past the mud-slinging and propose a solution that retains enough of what enough people want that we don’t end up with a diluted BP that doesn’t cater to its traditional, wide audience.

(Apologies if this doesn’t flow or repeats itself - iPhone is not an ideal interface!)

Good weekends, all,


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Segregation to me to me would be wrong in so many ways. It doesn’t need that surely! But that’s my opinion and everyone has the right to that. I could go on but I can’t really be bothered opening the next can of worms, so I’ll say good weekends to all and I have no issues with anyone on this forum.

Self help and self improvement book club is so appealing right now…

hmmm where to start?.. oh how about this one “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
Sounds good!

I don’t think that most of us here are either seeking friends or seeking to influence others!

Curious… So, why we are here for then? Oh yeah, to make lots of lots of money!!!

Personally, I make my trading money at home, BP is never going to be at the centre of my money-making efforts - it’s a largely anonymous discussion forum populated mostly by loss-making aspiring traders, at the end of the day.

I am here to help others with their trading and improve my own trading, and to exchange ideas with other traders.

I have no interest in influencing anyone, and while I have made some good friends through this site that is not and never has been my purpose in being here.

I understand that these is all part of “entertainment” specially to those who are already making money trading on their own. They don’t need to learn anything at all or don’t care what other people is contributing either a new way of trading or the most popular method of trading.

So we spend a good amount of time in a day in this site by lurking, posting and reading comments. If this is only for entertainment to some, I am hoping it is more of a light headed one not being so dramatic, full off emotions, disrespect, etc…

Ok, we needed to go back to what the intent of this thread … POSITIVE collaboration environment with a drizzle of a sense of humor…

I hope you don’t stay quiet as there is too much value in the things you have to say. You’ve written many posts that have helped make the long train commute go bye much faster.

I should not have assumed that you might dismiss the thoughts I voiced - Sorry about that.

I did read some of the comments on HoG’s thread today and it did seem odd that several people who were complaining about their experience on Babypips due to the ICT crowd, were also indicating the desire to have the chance to have a private forum. While I don’t think that is a great thing to post on the forum, I suppose that if I felt that concerned by what I read, I should or could post a comment on the TA thread. I’ve interacted with several people who post there, and they’ve been nothing but nice to me. I should not assume that a respectful post would not have been received that way.

The ICT thing is not one way or the other - it’s several (like you were saying I think) ways. He has done something very very nice in my view. My trading has benefited tremendously from his teachings, which I am grateful for. Many of the regulars there are also very helpful and nice. But yes, some folks take it way too far, and that is what has done the most damage in my view, not ICT himslef. I think making fun of it as Banker has is a fine way to blow off steam.

Most of my exploring occurs inside Newbie Island (which some may argue is now turning into ‘Lost’.) I am part of the ICT student crowd, but I like Babypips because there is so much here, like Nikita, Salim, Chris Capre, MG99’s thread, and a bunch of others. I’d be OK with a subforum (I’m guessing at what that is), as long as I could navigate from place to place. I am pro ICT, but I don’t want to be only ICT, and I don’t want to beat others over the head with it.

Regards and good weekend to all,


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