Starting from zero - ICT inspired methods

Just had this picture in my mind (Trader’s inn), based on the last posts…:slight_smile: Please, see it with a sense of humor…

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I’d taken today off to go to my daughter’s karate graduation, and awoke from a nap around 4, saw this picture as I was running out, and thought you were commenting about my exchanges with ST and how the pic was partially a reference to me. I looked at the fellows and thought "yep, that pretty much shows my handsome-ness level these days.

When are the charts and analysis coming? I need help with this stuff.

Who’s who…

Well, I don’t smoke and have been known to rock the odd three-piece suit, so I fear that’s me on the right.

Hahaha, Hogarste…:slight_smile: No no reference to you. Inspired by your post I took a look at the Trader’s arm thread. They were talking about how it used to be, who aren’t areound anymore and how it currently is… I thought, they sounds like old men in a pub… The thought made me smile, and I wanted to share it… But I didn’t want to place in in their thread and intrude… No harm intended… :slight_smile:

Damn, my money was the one in the middle, loving the suit though! :57:

Haha Love it. Welcome to Grumpy Old Geezers club.

Mind you, when the alternative can be this, I know where I’d rather be…

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