Starting with a €21,86 account

Want to post 5 years results? Let us compare that :slight_smile:

Then I can show you the results of my personal account.

If I post one month and you claim I am boasting what would you say when I post 5 years? And you so glibly refer to others as childish? Grow up maam, if you cant take critique dont post on public forums.

Post the 5 years one, then I will post it as well. Then we can talk. Otherwise do not waste my time. By the way you started, cause you could not take critique in the poll I posted :slight_smile:

Show the results that are reasonable for your ego :slight_smile:

The results I have posted are not demo results that is my live account. Readers will read what we both have here and draw their own conclusions. I am not being disrespectful, trying to promote, sell or any such thing. Just showing other traders what is possible for small account holders.

Hit BE

The first sell hit SL as price retraced deeper. Selling again now.

TP. Account status: €13,39

that is true

Good luck anyway. I will be following.

Thank you.

EURUSD - sell

Hit BE.
Account status: €13,42

EURUSD reentry sell. Hit SL. Account status: €12,68

EURUSD - sell

Closed it as it is not expanding away. Account status: €13,00

GBPUSD - buy. Grabbed manual TP as I do not like the rejection just before the H4 resistance level.
Account status: €15,73

USDCAD - buy

Closed in loss. Account status: €14,25

Man, really admiring how you resisted any urge to top up the account after that last loss to €10. That must not have been easy.

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Thank you! My thoughts while trading: ‘‘The strategy has proven to me it works profitably. Any mistakes made, will be covered. A loss happened? I need to review how I influenced the strategy.’’. These things are playing in my head. Hence I do pay less attention on the amount I lose or win. Just need to follow my trading plan.

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