Sunday Breakout Strategy

I agree with you, but it is tricky. you could try working the buffer into Phil’s excel sheet to see results in longer term.

the extra buffer (5 pips on both sides = 10 pips) will cost quite a lot in profit.


Not if I keep the 2% ratio all the time… :slight_smile: so I guess it will compensate the times i will get stopped like some people yesterday…

1 loss, 1 breakeven for me this week.

Anybody, any comments?

You need to go back and read the first post. The Stop Loss on a long play is the sunday 20:00 candle low. The Stop Loss on a short play is the Sunday 20:00 Candle high. It’s as simple as that.

I understand what the instructions says as to what to use for the stop losses.

Perhaps Cpro can comment:
Your SL on the long play was different than what I got. Your stop loss was 1.6496 and my 4 hour 20:00 GMT candle showed 1.6487 as the low so my stop loss is 1.6487. Just wondering why the difference.

Does your 20:00 GMT 4 hr candle include the full 4 hours (1 hour from Friday and 3 hours from Sunday) or is your broker only using 3 hours on Sunday to calculate it?

I use IBFX demo account for 20.00 GMT candle. I don’t know whether it is a 4HR candle or 3 HR candle. This is what Phil uses ( I guess) and I am using the same one… My numbers generally match with others with a couple of pips differrence.

Hi guys, I’m back!

I’ve been out of commission for about a month because of a car accident. I’m ok, but I have a both a broken rib and a broken wrist, which has kept me off the computer for the last few weeks.

I’m still pretty slow with my one-handed typing, so don’t expect too much activity from me for a while, but I just read through the last month’s posts and saw some people wondering where I went, so I just wanted to let everyone know I’m ok! :slight_smile:

We’ve had some great trades in the last few weeks… Let’s hope it keeps up!

Hi Phil,

Glad that you are back. Hope you are fine now and can’t wait to learn more from you.

Take care Man!:wink:

I’m glad you’re OK Phil!

I think I can say that I’m not the only one who’s missed you :slight_smile:
Good to see you back here again. Let the trading discussions resume :smiley:

yes good to see you back Phil. I enjoy your sensible comments on many issues and am glad you are OK

Thanks Mumpips and MacGyver! I’m glad to be back as well! :smiley:

thank God you’re safe!
I’ve some parts of my body shattered before, i know the feeling.

Hi Firstfx!

I use IBFX, and my data feed only includes 2 hours of data on Sundays. If your broker has more it shouldn’t be a problem. Your numbers will be different from the “official” numbers, but in the long-term your results should be about the same as mine. ±10 pips in either direction isn’t going to make a difference in the long run.

Thanks Pirateboy! These were the first broken bones I’ve ever had, and I don’t want to repeat the experience.

I used to be a paramedic and I’ve seen hundreds, if not thousands, of broken bones before, but that didn’t prepare me at all to see [B]my [/B]broken bones! :slight_smile:

Hello Phil! glad your back! I hope you’re okey now =)

I know I’m replying to a post that’s a few weeks old, but I’m just catching up on the old posts and wanted to comment on this…

This is NOT a short-term strategy! Depending on your luck you’ll probably be in the negative anywhere from one week to a month or two when you start trading this system.

That’s just the way it is with a 1-2 trade per week system that only has a 25% win rate. You’re gonna get 3-5 (or maybe more) losers before you see a winner.

Like Pirateboy said, this system is not for everyone! It makes a pretty decent return for the amount of time it takes to trade it (I’m at 31% for the year, and I missed a few winners due to my injuries), but you have to have the patience and discipline to trade it. :slight_smile:

Hey Phil!

A while back you talked a bit about opening a chat room.

I just found this through a post on another forum. You definitely have to check this out: Currensee | Trade Together

Only thing that concerns me is that they apparently get direct access to your account. I’m going to check that they really are as they say, registered with the NFA.

I haven’t delved deeply into it yet, but it does seem very enticing. Have a look and tell me what you think!

Hey Phil good to hear you’re alright but sorry to hear about the circumstances! Just glad it weren’t too serious :slight_smile: All the best,


Welcome back Phill

Hope you make a speedy recovery. Sunday breakout has been performing great & has become a regular part of my sunday night, setting my alarm for 1am (UK summer time) i wake up bleary eyed fumble around half asleep on my laptop setting my pending orders & then back to sleep till the morning. & thats it apart from moving stops to BE when required, theres nothing else to it. its the perfect strategy for those who are either unable or unwilling to sit in front of the computer
