Supply & Demand Trading System

Hope you are feeling better brother! Rest is important! Yes please, they are just as volatile as NZD and AUD pairs if not more.

Got into the GBP pairs but didnā€™t take full advantage of the GBP move. Took 50% profits on all of them and was satisfied with them because I only had 1 trade in each pair. After the downward spiral of GBP, I am taking trades in the opposite direction of what I had taken previously. Held them over the weekend.

Was in CHF pairs too, one of them hit my SL, 1 my TP and others are still moving around. Held them over the weekend.

Will post possible trades for the coming week sometime today! Lets GO!!!

Nzdcad d1
supply zone

Triangle pattern coming to an end. Expecting a breakout, but not sure in which direction

Gbpnzd h4
supply zone

Gbpcad h4
supply zone

Gbpjpy d1
supply zone

the pattern is still alive

Usdjpy d1
supply zone

The yellow lines are D1 Supply and The pink zone is H$ supply. Looking for bounce off from those levels.

There are also some trades which are still valid from last week. So do keep and eye out on those! Like always, feedback and questions are welcome.


iam fine with everything except nzd/jpy i would just analyse/watch it until it reaches a zoneā€¦not taking a trade yet

think usd jpy is one of my favorits this weekā€¦ :slight_smile: just a feeling hehe

Hi everyone, loving this thread! I found it this past Thursday and Iā€™m hooked. You guys introduced me to S&D :slight_smile:

For this trade, in addition to the price testing the upper supply level several times, another reason I wouldnā€™t have traded this one is because I would have thought it would be better to avoid short trades and only take LONG trades when price retraced since the trend is going up?

The trend looks to be going up to me since the demand is absorbing the ā€œminiā€ supply areas that formed in that price swoop down that occurred around Dec-Jan?

Am I seeing this right?

Sorry, I didnā€™t bring Aniskaziā€™s image when I made the previous post. Here it is for easy reference.


I picked a chart at random and analyzed it per S&D. I included some of my thinking in the chart. Anyone have any comments on my thought process?

I first analyzed the W1 and then went down to the D1 TF. Iā€™m not sure how to use both TFs together to optimize what Iā€™m doing yet.

My trade would be to go LONG NZD USD once the demand was hit and price started exiting the zone.

Iā€™m also curious how you (@Trueman and @r2theb2thec and othes) set your TPs?

Weekly NZD USD:

Daily NZD USD:

In case its not clear, on the daily chart, the dark green shows the weekly demand zone and the faded green shows the daily demand zone.

The reddish pink shows the weekly supply, the lighter pink shows the daily supply.

I basically make the weekly (or higher TF) demand or supply a stronger color and make the daily demand or supply a lighter shade since the weekly zone should hold more wait than the daily.

Another side note - I didnā€™t draw the demand and supply zones with the exact width I would use in a real trade, I drew quick ones. In an actual trade I would use the open/close and high/low depending on if it is supply/demand.

Agree 100% with you. Not something I will be trading either. Just looking how it plays out.

Agree with you 100% again. excellent level. I will surely trade it.
I had read on Alfonsoā€™s S&D thread that the above example might not be the best Supply level because of all the choppiness in that same zone over the previous few days. If you seen in your chart, before the fall of the pair a few days ago, there is some choppiness. I know we havenā€™t talked about this but it would be very important if we pay attention to it as well moving forward.

I would agree 100% with you and your above analysis. I am an amateur to this system, so I would strongly recommend reading over the links that I and Trueman had posted in the beginning of this thread. It should give you a lot of clarity and our thought process because that is exactly what we know and have followed in this thread.

Going against the trend is trades are possible but less probable to success, so you might want to have a smaller TP and risk less $$ IMO.

Nice charts and I would agree with the levels you have there. Generally I trade based on a single TF. For eg if there is a trade on H4 based on the Supply zone that I am approaching, I look at the D1 and W1 TFs, if there are no S or D zones closeby I take the trade on H4.

If there is a Supply zone trade in D1, then I look on the H4 TF to see if there is a H4 Supply zone within the D1 TF; if there is a H4 Supply zone within the D1 Supply zone, then I set my pending order based on the H4 zone. Let me know if that makes sense.

How do I set my TPs ?
If I am taking a trade on H4, I tend to limit my TP upto 100 pips, I might even open multiple trades in the same pair, so I can keep collecting TPs at regular intervals and keep moving my SL to those levels everytime price moves further.
On D1 TF, I set TPs at 150 pips onwards, but you gotta be patient for these. I am having difficulty being patient so when I see good amount of gain on a trade, I tend to close it. Which is fine because I am making $$ but at the same time I am limiting my gains. But I would take small gains over losses any day.

Keep sharing your questions, thoughts, charts, trade biases, etc here and we would love to answer them. Just by going over your questions and analysis, I am learning a lot about S&D and also about my trading style.


Wouldnā€™t it be better if you would not limit your gains? There must be a way to keep trades open longer. Maybe a moving stop loss? I donā€™t think itā€™s good to limit yourself to 100 pips, what if price went up 300 pips? I understand that itā€™s difficult to know where the price will go, but maybe someone with a lot of experience can help you? :slight_smile:

Iā€™m new in this world but I learned somewhere that not riding profitable positions far enough is a mistake. Iā€™ll keep following this thread!