Supply & Demand Trading System

Happens all the time to me too! moving SL to BE after 40-50 pips sounds appropriate.

I missed out on that but great to see that your Trend line is holding up and bounced the price off it!!!

i like to have a little bit more room for my sl…it happens to often that price stoped me out and then moving in my direction due to 4-5 or 10 pips…and this entry were very very late…not a good example but normaly i try to reach a sl of 40-60 pips…sometimes its more but in this case a adjust my position size
( max 2% of account)

absolute nice trade that usd jpy
Position 1 up to 113 pips position 2 up 146 pips…
daily chart not a great zone trade but 4 h chart absolutly nice…but feeling more compfortable with 1d dont know why

usd cad :slight_smile:
at moment 230 pips profit…

time for a cup of coffee “winning” coffee :wink:

yes its just a thing of repeating and exercise …
just the same as with every sport for example…after long time of practice and playing every day you will come to a point where you dont even have to think about a movement…instinctly you will do the right think…cause you have already done it 1000 times before
thats the difference between pro and amateurs … we as amateurs have to think twice before we make a move…the pro does it automaticly … he trust his skills
but we are on a good track everybody is learning little new pieces everyday…and thats the key to succes

hope iam talking no bullsh.t hehe …just woke up hehe

nzd usd 1 d
we maybe could enter long after a pullback in our zone ( ressistance turns to support)
its a pity that you get stoped out in this trade txs …but hey next time next try…

nzd cad 1 d
maybe pretty nice short here but unsure about sl…in daily tf kind of big…

Thank you for telling me this. It’s intense! Even in a demo haha. Its nice to hear that I’ll settle in after a few months.

This has crossed my mind - if I’m nervous now, how am I going to cope when its the real deal? Lol!

Again, thank you for sharing your experience. It helped me out a lot :slight_smile:

Thanks for the guidance, I’m going to try this going forward.

CONGRATS! That’s awesome stuff! Your USD JPY is looking good too.

You guys are rockin it!

No BS here, you have good advice when you wake up :wink:

+100 pips on the NZD CAD!!! Price went up and hit my 100 pip TP over night so I had something nice to wake up to.

hehe we try to but there are loosers as well … not only winning trades…that would be nice :slight_smile:

usd jpy booth positions are stoped out Overall 195 pips—mhh again i should have placed my sl higher…

very nice :wink: congrats :slight_smile:
nzd had a good run

wow usd cad at 330 pips í will trail it down now :slight_smile:

and here nzd cad 4 h

Nice! I think USD CAD is just now going back up to hit the S&R line or more likely the trend line.

That’s great that you could hold out for the full 330+ pips. I need to get better at that!

I should have taken the NZD CAD back down but I got too excited with the 100 pips :slight_smile:

I think, that even though there are losers, this is one of the most high Reward to Risk Ratio strategy. The reason I say that is because the general Risk is approximately 30 - 60 pips on my H4 and D1 TFs. However my TP1 and TP2 are somewhere between 70 and 150 pips. so even if we lose 50% of the trades, you would still be in profit overall!

And a pro like @Trueman, can sometimes run his trades over 200 pips which gives him 3 times or 4 times of what he had risked!

:wink: ohhh far away from pro…you can call me that after i quiet my job :wink: :slight_smile:
usd cad is closed with 270 pips
nzd cad still open with 71 pips at moment

what a nice week

nop you made everything right ,… take good 100 pips and out …there will be new and better opportunities… absolutly good job from your side