Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I wouldn’t sell into that personally, until large supply is confirmed on an up move…

Hi. I’m new to this thread, and actually I’m reading the old thread where I’m at page 67 haha. I need to know if my current vision of things is correct. Are we seeing signs of accumulation on EU and GU?? it keeps going doing but the volume appears on those low wicks…

I see no accumulation phase yet. No stopping volume on hourly. Acc phase starts with SV. At lower TFs it looks balanced now for me.

You are on the best place to learn. Keep reading man. Good luck.

I know we do rarely use 4 hourly for analysis, but I would like to share this chart for discussion.

A healthy markdown on usd pairs. Looking for retrace and supply coming in to short, or proper stopping volume for long.

So you mean for example you are looking for a retrace on the EUR/USD to go short, unless stopping volume shows you to go long?

I’m only asking because you said on usd pairs but some people might get confused, as it does matter which currency you are referring to as the base :wink: Love ya Pete!

Right, eu, gu, au. :60:

To low to sell, not ready to buy…but getting there. I would consider a NS entry on E/U, especially if the 1hr closes bullish to confirm stopping volume.

I thought stoping volume should be around the 10-11000 value cause of the big Feb 29th candle. Actually, I’m short xD

yep, we got some buying in 1.3130 area, but still no stopping vol, remember next bar must be up, which ain’t the case. as said before based on daily chart, which 4 some has no value or little relevance, i aim for 1.29 zone, would like to reload above 1.326 with shorts, we’ll see:)

I went short at 14:00 gmt, then exited at 15:55 with a few pips. EU stuck in range. Actually I do not see where this thing is going to :slight_smile: SM is still collecting orders to decide where to go imo.

Guess who!!! :59:

Played top to bottom, bottom to top today, just picking off pips. First week back to VSA and Ive taken very few losses. Today is the first day I’ve seen somewhat significant buying. Looking for this area to hold and get some beautiful high volume downbars. I feel like a climax is nearing but won’t know until its confirmed. Volume was pretty constant through this morning, staying in a tight 20 pip range. I’ve closed shorts and might start building longs. One open, took some profit off it already. Let this run and hoping we’re in the same range tommorow morning. The beige box is the bottom of the weekly pinbar back in October. This will be a determining factor in wether I want to build those longs or not.

I am still bearish. No SV yet. 5 min shows a ND, very high volume with no continuation. Its still in a range. I beware of shorts too because the Fib area on lower TF is below.

i am still praying to God for you to mak a video abt …exit and continuation ways in VSA…patiently waiting…pete…go pete…go pete …go pete…lol…u ar d best av seen now.

I took two trades today. Since there’s no clear phase ( accumulation, distribution, mark-up, mark-down … ) is this considered aggressive trading or just dumb luck ?

I’ve entered the trades after confirmations of NS and ND bar.

Strength before the long and weakness before the short…you are fine. I have no problem scalping either direction if volume suggests a range.

I’ll do you one better…


It will be held during the London session tomorrow at 12 GMT (7am EST). I’m going to cover everything I can, top to bottom…don’t miss it. I will post the webinar information here just before we start.

Thanks Pete I’ll be listening in.

No trades for me today. It looked like some decent accumulation coming in at the end of he session but no good confirmation for a long.

I caught the long actually hehe…the entry gave me plus 50 with no drawdown. I’ll show you tomorrow.

Ok, I need to see if I’m getting right the concepts of accumulation and distribution in real time. On EU and GU, if the current 1H candle closes bearish, distribution continues, but if closes bullish, it’s the first sign of accumulation, right? This is still true when the candle that closes it’s past the London hours?
What happens if the close is neutral and we have one or two long wicks on the candle? Do you wait for the next candle or you have to analize the wicks?