Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I thought I saw stopping vol or a buy climax. Maybe i didnt…

Exactly, that’s the point, if your not 100% sure it’s SV, take it as it isn’t, don’t worry about missing moves, we wont get very one, we just want the safest more obvious ones, and that will give you more profit than you could ever dream of :wink:

Heres the question

Can stopping volume and buy climax’ show during off peak hours? csurely they cant or at least we cant be sure as price tend sto flap around doing crazy things… maybe thats why I got it wrong. Looking at PA during 7am… bad idea?

Im at work so will post a pic of the trade later today… thank you

Not a bad idea, but generally a waste of time, most of the time you dont get enough volatility, but you can get setups, but your time is better spent from 8am to 4pm GMT/BST on the whole.

The problem you get at that time is that, an increase in volume because volume is increasing going into the London open, rather than because it’s a climax.

thats true. Low vol doesnt always mean SM is inactive with a “motive” but maybe because they’re asleep. :stuck_out_tongue:

wait for stark raving obvious trade…i think i need this statement to be blinking infront of my eyes before i take anytrade i agree with u purplepatch

Hi guys…it’s a markup that hasn’t seen a climax, looking to buy after a retrace. Nice confluence between fib zones and previous resistance 1hr, eu, au. Need a clear 1hr climax to think about shorting.

i thot so that candle in 1h eu with a wick ontop does not have good high volume to look for short mh ok am getting it slowly by slowly

expecting eu back in that area…looking to short:46:

That’s against the background imho. No proper climax yet. I follow that and to stick with the phase, markup. This situation is funny today. Buyers want lower prices as usual, and nobody wants to sell, so they’re just looking at each other lol. Hence the low volume today. We need some bad news or something lol. A/U is nearing fib at least…signs of buying on the way down in general on the xxx/usd pairs 5 min.

yea how cool is that LOL, lets c what happens in yest highest vol area on 1h…thats key for now, if ny will buy heavy then it will fly above 1.34 easily:57: what u make of last 4 weekly bars on usdpln? if may ask

I don’t really consider the weekly, just trading intraday moves. The story today has been gbp strength and yen weakness…I dont trade them much. Wall st open now hopefully will bring some usd driven activity.

au getting interesting…

no entry yet…pls pete post a pics of ur entry on dis aud trade…for newbies

I entered at the close of the ND candle… Broke through the Asian range session low, took some off at +15 and locked BE…

What happens if you get an extremely high volume on large down bar (aka stopping volume - strength) but the next bar doesn’t confirm it and the price goes even below the climax? Does that mean further weakness?

What’s the situation on AU right now?

a very risky trade…not advisable

but eu now…SV …ND…ENTRY…LOL …BUY FOR ME:)

strenght in the back ground so wait till u get an entry…

Can you explain why you considered it risky?

It means aggressive selling against demand. There’s no trade off of that for me since I don’t pick winners of a fight, rather waiting for the imbalance (a lot of one and a lack of the other). In your example it’s high activity from both with one being stronger.