Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

price has hit 61.8 fib with high volume waiting for close of hourly candle and look for nd in 5min to short

Stop volume doesnt seem very straight forward to me. Id like some direction with the example below.

From what I understand, proper stop volume usually doesnt act as a pivot as such, but rather an early marker of phase change (distribution in mark-up, accumulation in mark-down). But can also mean re-accumulation in mark-up, and also re-distribution in mark-down?

For e.g. this chart - EURUSD 1H:

Candle A - not stop volume, prices climb further (this is aggressive buying against supply, yes?). Ongoing strength in background
Candle B - stop volume in my eyes - highest volume of the day (but pre-london) on an upbar, medium spread, confirmation next bar
Candle C - almost equal volume on downbar, followed by up bar. To my understanding, not stop volume, because we arnt in a phase of markdown?

At point candle C would be the start of a trading range, yes? Probably distribution. Feedback appreciated.

njokie, how reliable is this volume, given its start of London session?

Im not sure if anyone has discussed the timeframe cut-offs that we consider are high activity owing to London open, for e.g. 1hr before and 1hr after official open. Probably arbitrary, but good to know estimates.

as i write this the volume of the confirming candle is bigger plus seems like it will close higher well i dont like the look of the confirming candle its such time one is supposed to wait for an obvious trade well may be av forgotten but the volume at the fib zone need not be humougously huge i guess someone can correct me
so i sit but and wait for a good setup al let that pass

another rule is the price shdnt close above 61.8 fib so many reasons to wait

Lol - Nice ND on the EU right before the news release and down we go.

weakness followed by test, close below= :53::53::53:

the nd came after price had really gone down or did u look for nd before the inside close confirmation candle in 1h?

Really nice potential bottom here on a/u.

pls pete wat shuld we expect from nowā€¦the market is tryin to fool me ā€¦lolā€¦is everybody sleeping?

If you donā€™t know what is going on, I suggest you to wait. The market will soon reveal its intentionsā€¦

this what i seeā€¦any comment is welcome.

Really? Well maybe, but itā€™s a very rare event, most of the time, the best we can do is give it a half decent educated guess.

It was a tough week for me. Iā€™m down about 1.7 percent which isnā€™t bad. I have no emotions about it. Losses are necessary part of success. I donā€™t regret the setups I took. If I trade tomorrow Iā€™ll keep my risk low and only take a high probability setup and enjoy my weekend no matter what. Thatā€™s real life and staying in the game, staying positive. :slight_smile:

I get annoyed, I donā€™t let it affect my trading, well maybe sometimes, but I just take it as like having a bad week at the office, Iā€™m not going to let it bother me, but a good week is always better than a bad week,

And now Iā€™m annoyed, that the market has gone dead and I got into that long off the 62 Fib I had, itā€™s in profit, but Iā€™m fed up with the lack of movement, itā€™s like having Forex constipation! If I get out it will go up, if I stay in it will go down, the World is flattish, VSA is useless, a Volume indicator shows how loud your telly is, and isnā€™t confluence something you drink?

:smiley: I am flirting with MA crosses and MACD againā€¦

As if! LOL!

thank you petefader for answer my questions

and i hope if you can help me and answer my questions that make confuse when i see chartā€¦it is 4 questions

what does that meanā€¦

1- wide spread on low volume ?
2-Difference between no supply and test of supply ?
3-Difference between hidden pottential selling and Buying climax ?
4-Difference between upthrust and squat up bar ?

Wide-spread on low volume? Remember effort v result. If there is a wide spread bar on low volume, lets say upbar for example, then that means that there was absolutely no supply in the market during that bar. ā€œThe herdā€ were thinking long, and the smart money were thinking ā€œwe donā€™t care if the market goes up but we are not ready to show our hand/make a move yetā€. So they donā€™t participate in helping push the market up but arenā€™t ready to cap the market either.

Thatā€™s my take on it anyway. ā€œNo professional interestā€

That is the basic principle, but itā€™s a lot more devious than that! BUsatrsds!

However, sometimes they work late, I think hopefully yes please?

Hah, you know what I meanā€¦