Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Hi Pete, Its been a while since I posted due to work commitments but I continue to watch, study and learn. Ive been going over and over your video`s and it was good to see a live example of the Push and Test Entry.
I was a bit more aggressive and took the trade after the N/Demand on the 5 min. I know it was a bit close to the top but after seeing the buying on the 1hr followed by the pin confirming supply coming in on the 50 fibb with the increase in volume I took the plunge. Nice short for a few pips. Thanks

[I]Is it too complicated?[/I]

no and yes, it just takes time for people to cotton on, its totally different to anything else out there so in that respect it can [I]appear[/I] complicated.

Because 99% of whatā€™s out there is indicator based.

Over time this will rise to the surface. The cream always does. It took me a while to get my head around it, most people start from indicators to tell you where its going. This is a totally different approach/method.

Maybe thats how you gotta intro the first video, not the phases but the actual approach. This method does work.

Indeedā€¦ Frequency is a HUGE problem for the beginner.

There is easy money out there, but not every day. That is the hardest part. I would love to trade the smaller timeframes but it feels like I have to be around all the time. because you dont get setups everyday and need to be available to take advantageā€¦ but I also would like to keep learning because even if the 50-61.8 retraces only present themselves twice a week if I learn the phases better I may be able to setup an alarm.

When you have limited time and look to smaller tf it is so hard to get over not being in a trade. With other things where I set time aside to be awake in the middle of the night for LO you start seeing things and imprinting your perspective onto the chart and next thing mindless trades are being taken. The other half of it is okay so I didnt get a setup mon, tues, wed when I could have been sleeping and 9 hrs of sleep went by and nothingā€¦ sometimes that just feels ****ty even if I know I am supposed to be okay with it.

In all, a person needs to find a methodology that resonates for them. Yes, some for the people out there that want to become traders still like the frequency thing. I loved it when I started. I scalped and took maybe 20 trades an evening. It was the thrill of the trade. However, that subsided when I worked out that I was not learning to trade to ā€œhaveā€ to be in a trade all the time. I want to gain financial independance and not have to be the same as everyone else and work my guts out till I was 65, if I reached 65, then to hopefully retire and enjoy what years I had left. Stuff that, I want to gain freedom from the 9-5 crap and enjoy everything life has to offer now, not in 30 years time.
I truly believe that this method will take me there. I have traded it live since November, and had kept a keen eye on it for 6 months prior to that. A year prior to that even, I was enjoying the madscalper.

You know whet the problem with indicators is? They tell you what happened. They donā€™t give you a real understanding of the market. VSA, and Petes methodology paricularly, gives you an understanding of what is happening NOW, and not in the past. OK, the frequency is not there, but when you make a trade based on a solid VSA understanding, the market needs to watch out as you are going to take profits from the herd many more times than you donā€™t.

Yes, I have made 24% in a month using an indi, but I have also lost the same and believe it would be possible to lose more. Yes, the indiā€™s give you much more frequency and ā€œthrill of the tradeā€

VSA gives you consistency. While frequency is not there, it has been reported in many trading magazines I read for example, that if a person has made money trading in the last 6 months, then they have been doing extremely well. Following Peteā€™s VSA method, I have had weeks without a single trade, but that means no loss as well, right?? And the trades taken have almost all been profitable. The last week (Weds to Weds), my account has grown 10% on purely VSA trades. How many? ONLY 2 trades. You do not need to trade every day, or multiple times each day.

No offence to those who cannot make time to learn and take trades on VSA, but if you want to truly learn the market and its behaviour so you can be one step ahead, you need to work out the priorities and accept that decision you made. Yes, I am very lucky, I have a full time job with flexible hours that suit me. I put in a days work, then start on the charts at the moment at 8pm through to 1am (Aust. Eastern time), sometimes a bit longer. It is hard, but the dividend at the end of the day is going to be enormous. It will break me from the shackles of working for the man :slight_smile:

I have no doubt this is the way forward for me. If it could fit into you life and you can make the commitment, I am sure it will work for you too :slight_smile:

Thanks Petefader for giving us the choice of the red or blue pill and for those of us who swallowed the red pill, opened up the world of VSA and its possibilities. Those who want the blue pill ā€¦ back to work tomorrow :slight_smile: (Yes, I love the Matrix)


Great post, thank you. Just wanted to say that I am reading in the background and like the approach very much. I have studied several VSA threads for months and must say this thread with pete is THE most practical down-to-earth way of trading vsa. Really the only reason why I am not posting much is the fact that I absolutely love trading from daily and 4 h charts. I have traded below 1h for some years, but I recognized that I didn`t like it very much and it absolutely ruined my health. Nothing compares to getting in on an early developing trend and ride it through, like GBPUSD until yesterday, on the 4h.( But this is just my personality, I say this although I could watch charts on the 5/15min all day long. )

So if I do take trades on the 5min based on 1h phases etc., then only a) out of a very relaxed state, having " earned " my pips already and totally without the " need " to generate a minimum for my weekly target - and b) with much smaller expectations.

I do love the way pete explains everything, however, and I think he has great teaching abilities. Just watching the videos and truly understanding them can give anyone serious enough a profitable base.

Thanks to pete and all for valuable posts - and please continue :slight_smile:

It looks like thereā€™s a climax at 1.3220, with a bearish reaction, itā€™s just a heads up, but we could be going down from here.

same shā€¦ different day :27: volume not working guys LOL

On the hourly chart it was crystal clear and I missed it to. Oh well always next time.


+1 from me also for you Pete!
iā€™m a silent participant for now. trying to clear other things around me so i can go with this without daily distractions. also i was trying to compare and validate tick volumes with fxcm and if i can use that.

i think the problem is that other honorary members probably have their own strategies, and when people find something itā€™s showing acceptable results, they tend to stick with it, and donā€™t want to open minds for different approaches even if they might be better. although, that shouldnā€™t happen to emotions-free experienced traders. of course i could be wrongā€¦

Hahā€¦ Hi thereā€¦ Just wanted to let ya know Iā€™m still here and trade every now and then. Iā€™m just finishing highschool and therefore Iā€™m busy with my studies but I will have free time from June to Septemberā€¦ No work, no schoolā€¦ I can trade my butt off :13:

I will also post charts and ask for help, so please stay with us Pete! :slight_smile:

This is obviously climactic, so itā€™s shorts yes? Put the farm on it? (EURUSD)

Bears followed by more bears followed by bigger bears, itā€™s gonna go down.

How many pigs do you want?

In Forex speak, weā€™ve had a climax with a bearish reaction, and each of them is followed by a bearish reaction, this is looking at the shorter timeframes, That early big volume burst early morning on the 1 hour, was stopping volume, confirmed by no further progress.

This is just my take on things, but Iā€™m quite happy with my short at the moment.

remember that massive bar during NY session? many got tricked thinking itā€™s SV:58: knocking up there again, oh well, here weā€™re now entertain usā€¦

I dont see climactic vol at the highest prices on 1hr or 5 minā€¦canā€™t say I agree. Looking to buy the dip today.
I have to catch up and read the posts in here after trading. :slight_smile:

mmmm, the bearish response isnā€™t quite strong enough, but Iā€™m still seeing shorts, Iā€™m out at the moment, wait to see what the response to the news is.

In the past two days the highest Vols have been on large up candlesā€¦ isnā€™t that signs of dist/redist?
plus the low vol upthrust that just touched the 618 of the last weekā€™s markdown (todayā€™s high)

Just bouncing off observations to see how iā€™m getting this.

Looks like youā€™re right, againā€¦

Judging by todayā€™s conflicting views between you & your chief drum banger on here, that appears to be the impression youā€™re giving to newcomers perusing the material yes.

In post #'s 2634 & 35 heā€™s advising folks to bet the farm on a sure thing & 3 posts later following your intervention, he hesitates & changes his tune.
Thatā€™s not exactly offering very much confidence to inquisitive novices is it.

If youā€™ve shared all this info in such detail & itā€™s supposed to be so straightforward, then how come there are regular differences of opinion & youā€™re not all singing from the same hymn sheet?

Yes, but itā€™s a slow market and there has been some progress after, so weā€™re really still in the ā€˜fightā€™, and a bullish market will always nudge up that little bit further tan you think, and following that it will show a proper climax or or dive downwards.

At the moment weā€™ve got some support.

Itā€™s all a matter of what your looking for. PPH was correct in that there was a good shorting scalp opportunnity, however Pete is looking for the bigger move on a retracement and going long. They will likely both be proven right. Itā€™s easy to criticize, difficult to post recomendations. Cheers,
