Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Its hard to let go of indicators when you start out, I still like my pivots, but the key is to maybe use your own blend to enhance the VSA stuff which is pretty much naked no clutter charts.

Looking at your indi it might be usefu to tell you where there is some support and resistance coming in which might give you some confluence, and confidence in your trade, maybe you could set up alerts to tell you when price are getting close and look to see what happens there but its only another addon.

The real thing thats going to drive it is the VSA price action at those levels so yes, maybe set yourself some alerts up. I do still tend to draw major SR levels at the start of the week, its nice to know where they are but most of the time you can tell from the price action/volumes and could pinpoint them anyway. I do use the SR and my pivots as exit areas, I do not (and never would now I understand VSA) rely on them as entry, just backup.


Pete, generally people who are successful in trading donā€™t tell their secrets. Why are you letting everyone in on your trading ways?

Wyckoff did, Williams didā€¦ thatā€™s why we are here

what s your generalization based on ? do you know a lot of successful traders ?

Teaching the basics over and over again can keep you sharp with all the basics, instead of slowly losing them over time, so it can actually be beneficial to a person as well :slight_smile:

did anyone spot the distribution going on with the Yen pairs at the end of last week?

If we all adopted that approach to life weā€™d wouldnā€™t have made it past the bronze ageā€¦ just be grateful :wink:

The GU is the one to watch. Itā€™s less then 100 pips off itā€™s six month high and slowly setting up for a big drop. Iā€™m waiting for the climatic action though, not before as the uptrend is very strong. Cheers,


maybe the climax occurred on friday and we are now in distribution.

There wasnā€™t anywhere near enough volume for true climatic action. Thats not to say it canā€™t go up or down, itā€™s simply not an ideal vsa set up. Can only watch and see if the chart gives us that set up. Happy pips,


No trade for me yet todayā€¦you can feel the uncertainty out there. See what NY bringsā€¦look out for high impact news, and possible setup after.

In a/uā€¦

I started taking off some profit here since things are slow and itā€™s fib zone. This setup was also confirmed on the 15 min, nice and clean all around.

Iā€™m confused. The method Iā€™ve shown here is the real deal. Iā€™ve been trading it for years now and for me personally it just gets better and more refined. I share all the knowledge I have and all the details of the method. Sooooo, where is everyone? The most popular gurus around hereā€¦well, lets just say the outcome is disappointing. (Iā€™m not bashing, just keeping it real).

Is it too complicated? Do I not spoon feed enough? Seriously, Iā€™m here to help, but I do not get it. :57:


Iā€™m not one of the most popular members of the thread, but i did go through a big stage where i traded and studied the VSA method you teachā€¦ And i must admit, i had success with itā€¦ Reading the whole previous thread and most of this one til date its obvious this method works, i dont think anybody could deny that if they actually took the time and read the information youā€™ve providedā€¦

My only downside to VSA, and the main reason i tried to start exploring other options is simply because i dont have the access to the volume information when at workā€¦ By the time im home, London is at its closing and i would have missed most of the days actionā€¦ I remember Purplepatchforex mentioning he was looking into trying to work out how to trade VSA without the actual volumes so he could do it from anywhereā€¦

But like i said, to me personally, i would be a much bigger contributor and follower if its something i could apply more vigorously in my day to day lifeā€¦

I echo what Sanj says. Trading is not easy, and as I get a better grasp of everything available, the actual diffuculty becomes very clear. Results speak for themselves, and exactly as you say, some of the gurus are unimpressive because they are unable to pass on their knowledge into working trade plans.

I keep coming to your thread and studying it in the background because I want to apply the methods when I have more time to trade them. Frankly I am limited to the 4hr and daily charts so it is impossible for me to be active in this method. I keep studying in hopes that one day I have the time and resources to sit down and apply it.

What your offering is so hard to find. Many offer strategies, but here there are clearly defined parameters for entries and exits, the one thing that often gets lost with other systems or is soo subjective that many just trade variations of the original intent. Keep doing what you do. If you want to add content I could suggest a definitions sectionā€¦ something that took me along time to accumulate through alot of thread reading.

Iā€™ve been a member of another Wyckoff forum with someone with a lot of experience. But the trades never happened for me because I couldnā€™t see the whole story, unless he pointed it out. In a couple of days Iā€™ll be using petefaders method and Iā€™ll let people know how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I can get a better idea where people are coming from and what I can do to make it easierā€¦so keep it coming if anyone else wants to chime in.

ctmvas, coolā€¦post your charts and weā€™ll have a look. :slight_smile:

I like this ideaā€¦ I think creating sort of a glossary of the definitions and screen shots of what they look like on real charts would help some newbs coming into the thread. Obviously newbies should look past and read more into it that just the ā€˜glossaryā€™ but i think it could definitely be helpfulā€¦

I have been trading this method for about a month. Due to work and college I have limited windows of time I can trade. 6am CST to about 9:30am CST on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As a result I donā€™t get many trades. That being said I have been taking at least 1 trade a week. I will start posting them from now on to make sure I am understanding.

I like this system and I look at VSA even when I am looking at other ways to set up trades. In time I hope to be able to read VSA in fine detail and use it more thoroughly. And I am following VSA as Petes teaches it.

People possibly wander off and look else where because using VSA takes time and trades are few compared to other systems. Of course, you donā€™t need many trades for return on account to be very good if the set ups work but some people may simply want more action.

I would like to see more trade set ups posted so that I can compare them to my own charts. Not sure if this is possible; maybe all relevant trade set ups are posted on here anyway?