Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

when i look at the volume indicator , it is telling me the amount of buys and sells in the system. I have watched the vids and pete does reviews in the 5 minute charts. Are you using volume for short term trades, or long term.
I have watched all the vids and have reviewed the charts going back. I cannot see how this can be consistant in trades.
I need help. lol

Tassiefx it is totaly clear now. I think a had a brain fart.


No worries Ridethetrend. I wish you the best with it :slight_smile:

Trying to get this stuff down and I just ended up psyching myself out.

Not a very good picture but the fib levels you see were from today’s earlier rally on the eur/yen. I entered on the first ND,CF on the chart right below the 50 fib and after the tiny automatic rally. I know that zone is prone for retracement but there was no big stopping volume, just a soft bump after pushing through support. Things were going ok until price jumped back to the new resistance and I bailed. Shortly thereafter it went back into the channel I had previously drawn.

So probably not the best exit there. If I had to do it again my S/L would have been about 5 pips higher because that would have put it on the other side of the resistance. My question is was there something between that first little upthrust and then the main one that would have clued me in about continuing weakness? Was that first upthrust actually an upthrust even?

AR = automatic rally
ND,CF = No demand confirmed

just want to say thanks to pete and senior thread members who have contributed greatly to the thread. I just finished reading and learned so much about entry n exit using VSA. I am not new to VSA things but always confused on how to apply it in trading :frowning: and vsa thread like the one in FF is confusing because everyone likes to make it complicated.

Have a nice weekend and good rest everyone! May the pips be with you

Yes, the gurus in FF tend to complicate it and it’s like the method is for elite only. But it’s when I met petefader :smiley:

Just wondering which companys offer no bias charts for Vsa.

Most of the people here use IBFX. Also GoMarkets as a bit of a backup if things look a bit funny on IBFX. Both multi bank feeds and reliable. Otherwise, it would have to be E-Signal, which you have to pay a monthly fee for, but IBFX does do the job nicely for us.

Does anyone have experince with Tadawul FX on this?? I already have a live account with them and would appreciate if someone using TDFX can share their experience regarding its volume feed. I have the option of using ibfx demo and comparing it to tdfx but reckon getting it directly from the horse’s mouth would be much better…

Also those who have waded their way just ankle deep into this method/thread, i’d like to say that those vids petefader posted are far more informative, useful and worth implementing than those at TG. I have also been reading VSA thread at FF but this one by pete is pure gold. I have read 160+ pages of the initial thread and watched pete’s vids atleast half a dozen times…all of 'em.
This is the best education that you can get and that too for free. [B]Read both of Pete’s threads, [U]watch vids a dozen times[/U][/B]…even more if you feel like and you’ll be on your way to financial freedom. Its not a dream but naked truth.

I dont know whether pete still runs his vsaclub, but all the vids and information in this thread is absolutely priceless considering the size of hole that firms like TG burn in your pocket for teaching VSA and i thank you Pete from the bottom of my heart for your time and contribution in helping out those who are still wet behind the ears.

BTW Pete, i’ve sent you a PM twice on Skype, dunno whether you got it or not? Thanks once again.

Pete knows his stuff. TG is far better for stocks then forex. If you follow the live chat on skype you will pick up a lot more. Cheers,


When is the live skype chat?

also we had a big volume spike today on Euto USD, Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on this.
Is it stoppng volume, or ready to bounce volume, or loading up to short.

I am having a problem breaking down the exact understanding of the next direction when i see it.


Yeah even i wanna know that…when is it?

Can someone throw a PM about the timings and availibility?

Bounce of .68 fib on 1H. Entered after confirmed ND, second bar from the right on 5min. Let’s see what happens.

Edit: sry, horrible quality. Will fix next time.

Here we go.

Edit: (why does it scale my img? pls someone drop me a pm with best practice for posting pics, thx)

Extreme High Volume on an R.Upthrust Candle while Price was at bottom of Lower Trend Line. I went Long @ 1.27946. Because thisI believe we’re in an overall Down-Trend, this is a bit risky, so I’ll manage my stops with caution.

You have already entered into a wrong trade since the euro is continuing under pressure due to the possibility of a fresh elections in Greece.

this a wrong way to trade vsa in pete own way…you av to wait for the nxt candle comfirmatoin or look for entry in 5min tf…so u are wrong in this.

I can already see this. I knew not to enter in that direction, since I’ve been doing well taking shorts on Eur for a week now. and I guess I saw that Extreme High Vol and I got impatient. Lesson learned.

Well I made Up for the small Loss of 30 Pips I took on the EUR, with +60 Pips I took on the AUD/USD last night.

I entered the SHORT trade based on the signs of Weakness that were in the background, following the current Down Trend, and the fact that Crude oil was continuing to fall, therefore allowing the USD to grow stronger.

Once price retraced back up and showed even further weakness, I added 1 Lot to my position. I set a Take Profit of only +30 Pips since I was going to bed, and woke up to a sweet surprise this morning. Lol. Yay!!!