Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

mmmm, I got nailed on that one ginx10k. I saw the same thing, entered on push through demand. As soon as I entered, it reversed and caught my stoploss by 3 pips, then dropped like a bloody lead balloon.
Proper looking setup went to 2% loss, and if SL was just that little bit further (I set is 5 pips past the last high pin), I would have had well over 2% profit.


Damn That Sucks. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t use Auto-Stop-Loss anymore. a Friend of mine gave me the advice and said just manually track the trade, on this trade I was -30 Pips when it retraced, but since I knew it was in an overall Down-Trend, I waited for further signs of weakness or strength, if the latter wouldā€™ve showed up, I wouldā€™ve taken -35pip Loss, but since Weakness+DownTrend+Crude Oil showing great weakness, I had to add to my position.

i was always told you should only risk 1-2% of your trade

Sorry I didnā€™t respond sooner, I wasnā€™t around. Well I only risk about 2 - 3.5% of my account per trade, but I manually trail the stop loss.

Here is my entry today. I have mentioned before, I like the 15m HMA method posted by Pete a while ago. I tend to use it very often. The main reason is that, on most trades, it doesnā€™t retrace much and lets me put in BE +1 quickly. Sometimes it gets hit, sometimes it doesnā€™t. Today I let it run and is looking nice.

A little background, based on Peteā€™s recommendation, I like to find a Hull Color change that is manifested with a sign of VSA weakness/strength. I wait until both occur: the color change and the vsa entry. Sometimes the ND/NS/Pushthrough/Thrust happens before the color change, then I wait and enter on the color change. Best probability I have seen is when the ND/NS occurs within 3 candles of the color change.

In this ideal case, the ND gave a color change so I got in upon candle close. As we have said before, it is usually riskier than the fail-proof 1hr/5m method, but it gives a bit more entries per day.

Please review my charts - my very first try

1H shows an attempt to push through supply level

Here is an entry at the test point on low vol


Well, target at 1.26800 wasnā€™t hit. There are must be still alot of sell orders in 1.25900 area so price have met resistance and stepped back

Is it SV we see at 1.2500 ?

Is it possible to make average 10% consistently on a monthly basis using this method??

Has anyone been able to achieve and sustain such results for atleast 1 year??

By the looks of it, yesā€¦but it can also be redistribution.
Gapping up or down on Monday will confirm it i reckonā€¦

How can you give advice when you havenā€™t tried out the method yet? Your answer doesnā€™t have any value.

To answer your question, everyone lost money using this method, find another holy grail please.

Hi, is your chart you are using from ibfx demo as Petefader recommended? Because Iā€™m seeing a little difference in volume.

Hereā€™s my take on it, letā€™s look at the volume and the reaction of the market:

On 23/05, we see wide spread down bar on high volume, it results in the market stalling, so we could conclude that thereā€™s buyer step in. Market stall and try to break 1.2600 on the next day and we see high volume pin bar which results in market falling again, so basically we see buyer and seller are fighting in that consolidating area, nothing is confirmed yet. Scalping on the the box is what Iā€™m doing. Last Friday, we see wide spread down bar again, itā€™s expected since buyer are waiting there, weā€™ll see how price reacts to that bar and make move accordingly.

Your naivette suprises me!!!
I guess you are one of those who believe that one must have a couple of hundred posts and a dozen charts uploaded as a proof for having tried this method and to qualify for giving adviceā€¦
If my answer doesnā€™t have any value, you can keep it to yourselfā€¦i dont post for making you feel good!!

Your guess is wrong again. I judge the post on its quality. Your first post you ask whether the method is profitable, your second post you said ā€œIt could be accumulation, but it could be distribution tooā€ lol, bring your garbage elsewhere please.

Guys, settle down please. This thread is not about ego`s. The information here is valuable so make the most of what has been presented here by the many talented VSA traders. The last thing we need is individuals leaving because of the negative comments of a small few. Have a nice and stay happy.:wink:

Right on the moneyā€¦but you know its sad to see some 5th grader who canā€™t tell a pip from a tit inundate this thread with his nonsensical frivolity behaving as if he the undisputed king of VSA trading ā€¦guess some people are born asses or victims of child abuse and stay that way for the rest of their lives without doing anything useful or constructive in their entire livesā€¦
To indulge in any more arguments with such dingbats is an insult to this thread and Pete, purple, tassie, nero, dodge and everyone else who has made this thread what it isā€¦i dont know how to say thank you to Peteā€¦all the vids and posts that he has so selflessly made without any ulterior motive but to help newbiesā€¦

I am so impressed with Pete and his VSA method that for the first time in my life the thought that one can make a living trading full time has crossed my mindā€¦a chance to break free from the shackles of jobs and bosses foreverā€¦and that is my ultimate aim. Hence the question about monthly returns that some of longtime users of this method have been able to generateā€¦i was not questioning the success of this method.

I know that it ultimately boils down to oneā€™s own ability when it comes to how much can one make. Even the best of systems can fail if it falls in wrong hands. Am quite sure someone like Pete must be making in excess of 15 - 20% pmā€¦even more if the conditions are right.

Those TG vids burn a hole of a 1000 bucks in your pocket still you will go round and round in circles after watching them a couple of dozen times. Peteā€™s vids are free and contain so invaluable an information that you feel if ever Pete decides to make them chargeable in the near furture people will be more than willing to pay through their noses to have them.

I just hope that the person who has given me and several others like me [I]ā€˜A new Hopeā€™[/I] has not abandoned this threadā€¦long live Pete and please dont ever leave.

Luiz - i know where youā€™re coming from and are free to ramble on till kingdom comeā€¦i have mastered the art of ignoring someone who doesnā€™t belong to this planet. As far as garbage is concerned, the admins/mods can recognize the garbage by the smell of it and will surely take actions deemed necessary if the stink becomes unbearable:40:ā€¦may be that rose will bring a little cheer in your lifeā€¦

Great post lol

Said you master the art of ignoring but came out with a string of garbage again. Canā€™t bear your crap bro.

As far as VSA is concerned, the less people know it, the better it is. The way market works, is majority of people have to be loser, they provide needed liquidity to feed the SM. So the less troll (including hell81007), the better it stands.

I donā€™t like the people taking away from the conversation and talking about other mothers, victim of child abuse, where fromā€¦etc instead. You are just full of ****. Not because of the way you born, where you are from, your raceā€¦ but yourself, just you, you are full of ****.

Meanwhile, back on the VSA front ā€¦

Things have been fairly quiet lately as the markets have been all over the show. It has been mentioned, I think by Luiz, the markets (AU and EU specifically) have been falling and then stalling on what is normally stopping volume, however, the reaction (Iā€™m talking about 1hr timeframe) has almost always been bearish and it has fallen further. I am only new in the scheme of things with VSA, which means I did not see the GFC while studying Forex, but in my time it has been unheard of. Pete has mentioned similar with the onset of the GFC.

Being quiet does not mean losing money though. It means we have to be extremely disciplined and patient. The undisciplined VSA trader will be making trades fit and losing money. The disciplined one may be up to just a few trades a week. Rememer, big rule, trade with the trend, so wait maybe for the ā€œapparent stopping volumeā€, retrace then enter on the resumption of the downtrend, confirmed by a ND candle.

Remember, VSA is following the movements of Smart Money, and attaching ourselves to them like sucker fish. JP Morgan lost $2 Billion in a two month period. They are part of SM, so if they lose, it also sends strange signals to us via the volume etc. I personally believe this will be the start of a very long and protracted ā€œhard timeā€ with forex trading. The $2Billion loss is only the tip of the iceberg that we are now only starting to see. This is realised losses, but the exposure of the SM (Banking world) can be catastrophic to the worlds economy.
Just think about this for exposure
JPMorgan Chase - $70.1 Trillion exposure
Citibank - $52.1 Trillion exposure
Bank of America - $50.1 Trillion exposure
Goldman Sachs - $44.2 Trillion exposure

USAā€™s top 4 banks have $216.5 Trillion in derivatives exposure ($2 Billion looks small now)

This exposure is 3 times the worlds total economy.

With this all in mind, we are in for a shaky ride, so I am only going to be trading the ā€œperfectā€ setups with VSA. I donā€™t see any recoveries on the horizon.

Anyway, sorry about the rant, it has moved away from VSA as such, but provides what I believe is a background to where the economies are heading and the trouble that lies ahead. It also shows that Smart Money does not always get it right either,a nd that does impact us as well.

Great post Tassie,

I think itā€™s a little too late to short, if short, Iā€™ll only looking for bouncing around channel, box, if thereā€™s some dramatic action happening again and a bullish push to the upside, Iā€™ll looking for a long ride of 400 pips.

It may be a bottom or maybe not. Donā€™t try to predict the market ( catching a falling knife ), itā€™s impossible. Let the chart tell you what itā€™s going to do ( VSA ) and you will have the winning hand. Happy pips,


It is all up to the individual, but it is risky trying to catch the bottom. There are fundamentals that are killing the markets at the moment. Derivative risks, Greece issues, general Eurozone issues etc. I hope as well to catch a big reversal, but apparent stopping volume is not reversing the market. It just keeps falling. I was convinced the AU was going to reverse at 98.5c a bit over a week ago, but it is still falling.

We have got to trade what we see, not what we want (not pointed towards you Luiz, but a general observation). We are all human, and I am sure we have ā€œbentā€ the charts a bit to fit our trading strategies at times. A few of mine of late do fit that. IMagine going long after a 60.8 fib bounce, just before getting a ND and falling through the zone completely for a loss. I got excited seeing the 5min chart setup, but didnā€™t look good enough at the 1hr to confirm. Learned a big lesson to go the other way around and watch for the 1hr setup and entry on the 5min.

Letā€™s all just hope we get some nice clean charts this week and get some nice profits :slight_smile: Bring back April for me :slight_smile: