Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Nice one. I actually entered early today on the bullish close of the second star from the right. With very small risk though, thought I wanted to be in early but I put stop to BE really fast and it got hit. Looking for a proper NS entry now instead.

I guess not… :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think we’ve been seeing more demand than supply though.

Hmm… What I get from staring the charts…

Distribution and redistribution always look longer than the accumulation phases. 95% of the time when I was thinking “ohh this accumulation phase is so looong” it ended up redistribution. Like today…

Expectations do not help us to trade with clear mind. It is a double-edged sword.

Everybody was talking about accumulation. See this picture. There were no easier setups for short what I ever seen before…

This could be a trap move just before the mark up… Just my two cents… There is no healthy proper down trend yet…

It depends how big your picture is. First ND was good for 80 pips, the 2nd for 60.

not everybody was talking about accumulation :smiley: I was always saying to short this thing. But now it’s too late to short, too early to long. What we have to do now is wait. My bet is still on the short side.

Yep, I was planning to hold a piece of the shakeout short I had yesterday to from 1.35.35 to 1.32…as I was telling Luiz (BE was hit though). This down move shouldn’t be a surprise…yesterday was distribution. I think you guys jumped he gun on reading demand. DannyK’s chart shows…the DOWN candle did NOT hit high volume, the one that is marked is actually an UP candle.

If there is weakness in the background and no high vol down candle has shown up, it’s shorts only…from the 1 hr perspective.

NOW, we do see that potential stopping volume on the 1hr, but we look at the 5 min to line up and we see that the lowest price didn’t have a lot of volume and it was able to sit there for a while…doesn’t say overwhelming demand to me…far from it.

That’s because it dropped about 900 pips in 1 Month. Many of the accum/markup attempts failed and became redistribution.

Thanks for clarifying that. I did not think it HAD to close as a down bar to be considered stopping volume, just high volume reaction to a certain point. But what if price hits so much demand that it’s forced to close as an up bar, I guess that could happen? :33:

You would think right? At times, sure it can happen as you said, but as a general rule…Smart Money will buy MORE on a down candle than they will on an up. (until markup begins)

Remember the “auto match” method they use when sneaking in, I talked about in the “truth” videos. They use downward pressure to get in long positions without creating bull candles. If the candle goes bull, it’s possible that the herd bought as well. Can’t have herd and SM doing the same thing now can we lol.

Oh I see :). I do actually remember you saying that demand shows in bear candles and supply shows in bull candles, I just didn’t know it HAD to be like that everytime. But now I will definitly keep this in mind, thank you :57:

Cool, just try to keep in mind that SM is patient when accumulating. They will want lower and lower prices to buy. The technique they use is deliberate, it doesn’t cause bull candles unless they want higher prices, either to:

  1. bring in more supply to buy into the subsequent down move
  2. go into markup phase
  3. or there is simply not enough supply or herd selling to give lower prices, forcing a markup.

Good stuff Pete :slight_smile:

Another thing, back to the bullish/bearish candle stuff. Just curious about this thing, nothing I’m going to make a trade on :stuck_out_tongue:

This candle I’ve marked in this picture would it be considered as strenght or weakness? The previous candle had a slightly increase in volume but this candle had even more volume. Does it all depend on the close of the next candle, if it closes bearish=weakness or bullish=strenght? In this case it closed bullish but it all looks like supply is riding along.

Idk…I see strength all over yesterdays and todas chart. I don’t understand the market at all right now. I feel like VSA is giving up on me. :15:

Could anyone mark the distribution you were talking about?

can someone help me with this…

I think you’ll find it a few pages back.

This is my take, hope it’s readable enough, what do you think please?

Now we have highest Volume for a while and no follow through, but no real reaction either yet, so a long would still be risky?

look like the reaction is bearish, so we are in markdown!

why is it dat no body is talking about dat volume…?:59:…is dat stoping volume?