Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Does this look like the start of a potential accumulation?

Sorry for newbie question.

Hi John,

Nice to see you here.

I also have watched this and saw those small upthrusts. One of the vsa definitions says: [I]ā€œUp-thrusts are frequently seen after a period of selling, just before the down move.ā€[/I] There supply overcame demand but I did not dare to enter because of the Pivot R2 line. :eek: It was a good entry for a 1:2 trade.


Hi Andras, hope you are well.

I have had a couple of small scalp buys on the strength of my reading, Iā€™m sceptical about the accumulation but the more I see higher volumes on the down moves, that coupled with price at support of 6th Oct. I suppose watch and wait for outcome.


Hi All,

Just to further support my previous query.

Stopping vol / preliminary support on down move.
Long period of downward prices.
At previous support Oct.
Increased vol on lower prices @ support with little lower prices.
Now further buying @ support.

Am I falling for something or could this be accumulation?


We donā€™t know if itā€™s accumulation distribution yet, we need to see what develops, also we look for Acc/Dist on the 1hr to see which phase we are in.

I wouldnā€™t take any ND bars now off the 5 min since the volume is dying as the price is falling, indicating that there is no further down for the time being, but thatā€™s not saying it will go up, a little consolidation is most likely.

Thanks ppfx, I understand now to watch H1 also.

Also to consider guys, is that is it coming to end of week, and a lot of traders are closing out positions, so ā€œnormalā€ trading is not occuring as much on the Fridays. I never made Fridays consistently possible with my last system (Madscalper), and have since kept away from Friday trading, as Peter mostly does as well. No trades for me today, but had valuable time with my 4yr old son :slight_smile:

Happy weekend guys and letā€™s hope for a great week next week :slight_smile:

Thanks Tassiefx, I havenā€™t traded in a month so I suppose Iā€™m a little trigger happy at moment.

So when SM closes their sell positions it shows up as a ā€œbuyā€, making it look like possible accumulation. ahaah.

Have a good weekend.

Weā€™ve seen fairly high volume today but I donā€™t believe it to be stopping volume, by the look of the candles it looks more like selling too me. And this current up move doesnā€™t look very healthy at all. I still have my short on from yesterday. I hope I can close it out a bit lower though, before the market closes.

I was hoping you did, been expecting it down here. My final target 1.3218 was hit while I slept. 150 pips from a quick set and forget trade on Thanksgivingā€¦didnā€™t quite expect that. :slight_smile:

Nice! I didnā€™t really think this week would bring much but it actually did :).

No, itā€™s not :slight_smile: Look at the higher TF, why traders always have the habit of buying when the trend is down and vice verse.

Hang on, Iā€™ve just gotten over my TP 30, which I must say with what I understood before has served me well, but my new level of understanding allows me to stay in longer when I need to, but still donā€™t know about this overnight thing, I dont think I could sleep!

Weā€™ll I did set BE, so I wasnā€™t going to lose anything. As far as targets, itā€™s simply what the chart tells me, weather itā€™s 30 pips or 200, I try to obey the signs. Try sleeping while the market looks set to move big and youā€™re not in it lolā€¦either way.

Hey Pete, whoever you are, youā€™re a pretty good philanthropist if nothing else, for me, you starting this new thread has made a major impact on my trading, I understood about 25% of it and thought Iā€™ll assume the rest, hey! you get used to it, looking and ā€˜systemsā€™ once youā€™ve understood a quarter of it itā€™s pretty safe to assume the rest, and I have been proved right so many times, so why should VSA be different, well the answer is in the start of the thread no? (:wink!) but over the last month ā€¦ well shall I say itā€™s towards the end of the learning curve, and for those that believe that Volume donā€™t work in Forex, ROFLAMO, IMAHO, HAHA, He HE Ho lOl ā€¦, geesā€¦ whack, fall over again, sorry Iā€™ll just switch Bloomberg on to see if I can work out a trade for Monday!!!1

Pete did state to me that he expected 1.32 soon and it does :smiley:

How is thanksgivings day, Pete? :slight_smile:

Hey Luiz, it was great thanks. The food and drink was so good, itā€™s not even right lolā€¦and my Ceasar salad was a hit! :slight_smile:

Hi Ltrader, if you apply a K.I.S.S. VSA analysis to this chart, you donā€™t get accumulation.

  1. The first high volume wide spread down candle you markedā€¦itā€™s a good start for stopping volume but the next candle closed lower. This is a strong sign of weakness, thatā€™s how important the reaction to potential stopping volume is.

When it finally made itā€™s swing low, there was not much volumeā€¦so thatā€™s not a lot of demand showing up at lower prices yet and no stopping volume.

  1. The second area you marked has medium volume on the down candle rather than stopping volume. Then we see a high volume UP candle and another with a large wick on topā€¦both indicating supply.

If you look at the peak between the double bottom, there is an ā€œupthrustā€ indicating weakness.

Finally, that last test of support again showed no stopping volume.

What youā€™re simply looking for to even consider accumulation is a high volume down candle with an up candle to follow it as a reaction. Lower prices bringing over whelming demand, not high volume and lower prices to follow.

Thanks for the update Pete.

Being a newbie, this is great info. Points duly noted.


I definitely agree with Purplepatch here. I am glad I stumbled upon VSA in my early days of learning forex so I never really had to ā€œunlearnā€ anything. I am trading forex for more than a year and I canā€™t say Iā€™m consistently profitable but letā€™s just say my profit/loss is in the ā€œblack zeroā€ :). But just now itā€™s finally all starting to come together. I must say again that those youtube videos from Pete are more helpful than you might think at first. They contain tremendous amount of information and they are definitely worth the time.

I am just trying to encourage the newbies, because altho this is not an easy road, itā€™s definitely a fruitful one.

And of course itā€™s all thanks to Peteā€™s trading which is simple in thoughts, harder to apply, but always makes sense and $$$.