Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I think it’s good that you share your losses aswell, because that will not shrink the confidence as much when somebody else makes a loss. Many new traders tend to switch off to something else when they make a loss, they think “heck… this didn’t work, let’s try something else! :45:” Even the best makes losing trades (yes I’m poiting at you Pete) so I really like that you shared this with everybody :57:

Everybody makes losses. E V E R Y B O D Y. The ones to truly trust are the ones who also share their losses.

Trading is not and never can be 100% success. A wise man once said to me that to be a successful trader, you have to be prepared to both allow your successful trades to run, and to be able to stop your bad trades quickly and without emotion.

My best strike rate before VSA was 64% pulling 24% in a month on demo (madscalper)

Petefader gets a bit above 70% and since going live on VSA, I am 67% (real acct) , and I feel it is going to improve still as my skills pick up some more.

It is always refreshing to see someone share their losses, and the people on this thread do share them fairly openly. One big reason why this thread is so good and valuable. We share the good trades and our learning experiences (not so good trades).

What is a loss? :slight_smile:

Yeah, thats so cool. Losses are cool too in their very nature. They show us we are in progress.

If you are going forward with your trading you will definietly get losses but if you give up then you will become a true loser.

I heard people having even loosing months and theyre professionals…but they made profit end of the year.

The disappearance of something cherished, such as a person, possession or property.
The definition of loss also includes

"the act or instance of losing; the failure to keep or get something valued; the harm or suffering caused by losing or being lost; losses a.k.a. casualties occurring during wartime; destruction; and a measurable reduction in some substance or process."
Loss is a common experience common experience that can be encountered many times during a lifetime; it does not discriminate for age, race, sex, education, economic status, religion, culture or nationality.

Most people have experienced some type of personal or professional loss at some point in their life as a byproduct of living.

Other Types of Losses: Primary, Secondary, Major, Minor, Psychological, Psychosocial, Symbolic, Disenfranchised

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. (2000) Houghton Mifflin Company. Definition of Loss. Bartleby. 10 August 2006.
Dyer KA, Thompson CD. 2000. Journey of Hearts: From Idea to Reality A Website for Web-education Grief and Loss. ITCH 2000 (Information Technology in Community Health) Conference Proceedings. University of Victoria, School of Information Health Sciences. 10 August 2006.
Childs-Gowell. E. 1992. Good Grief Rituals: Tools for Healing. Barrytown, N.Y.:Station Hill Press.

Hey, let’s try and keep things realistic for all the new traders reading the thread.

70% a month will bring a $1,000 account to $582,622 in a year, and $339,448,533 in two years.

While 24% a month sounds more reasonable, that will bring a $1,000 account to $2,233,299 in three years, or a $10,000 account to $21,970,000 in three years.

A big part of trading is having realistic expectations. Otherwise, newbies are led down the path of over-trading and over-leveraging. I’d love to hear what the pro traders here are making consistently (for a year or more) on a monthly basis. It might just help someone here avoid disaster with their first account :46:

Profit depends from your risk:reward and entry succes rate. For example if you have 1:2 risk:rewaard then your month can look like this: -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, +40, +40, -20, -20, +40, +40, -20, -20, +40, -20, +40, -20, +40, +40, -20.

What if someone give up after 4-5 losses?

Your monthly profit is 80 at the end, that is 4% of your account balance if you risk is 1% per trade. This may be realistic at the beginning. 160 if you make 40 trades per month with 40% succes rate thats 8% monthly.

Yea… It went quite high after that. Over 100 pips. Nice bonus from 1/4.

I just read today that euro will totally be doomed… Whole Europe… So I guess no wonder this happened. So typical, huh?

Don’t always trust what you read. Why would the EUR appreciate against the dollar if this move were based on the euro being “doomed”? If that were true, the move would have been more than 100 or so pips…and it would have been in the opposite direction :13:

Good thing you didn’t trade based off that information! VSA showed a clear sign of strength on the 1HR EUR/USD chart today

I was looking for longs, too bad I fell asleep before the big move :34:

Yes, I do think that Euro is doomed :smiley: It’ll be soon.

Well, you all know I don’t pay attention to fundies. It’s funny how the major headlines say doom for the Euro (hard to avoid seeing it)…and it just happend to be one of it’s BEST days in a long time today. So ya Dodge, I think Nero was being sarcastic lol. Is the Euro doomed? I really don’t care…probably not. There are various ways to take over countries, war is only one way. :wink:
The powers that be don’t want a crash, just more power. All hail the Fed and Central banks for giving us this rally…whatever, those dirty bastards. I did end up taking a ND short…just got home to 30 pips in the bank.

Hey Dodge,
70% is only one part of that stat. It was a 70% strike rate, not reurn on investment. The % return for that month was 24%. I have attached a screendump from which tracked it all live, as it does with my current VSA trading. I wasn’t giving newbies false expectations, it was based on what I got in that month.

I just don’t like the look of those charts today, Fibs are to wide and you can’t really place them on the 5m for the last few hours, I think that big move yesterday will hinder trading today. Patience I think will be the order of the day.

Couldn’t agree more PPF. The intervention yesterday that caused the price jump probably will make the market go a bit funny for a while yet still. Yes, there will be big opportunities with it, but the risk also increases. I am content to watch tonight as I did last night and just see if something obvious jumps out at me. If I don’t trade, so be it. GU taking a hit at the moment, but need the charts to “normalise” a bit to be able to read them properly and consistantly.
I am guessing big money can be made today, but it can also be lost. Just got to remember we are traders, not gamblers :slight_smile:

If you want to gamble, go to the casino. At least the money is tax free there if you get lucky, otherwise be patient and and stay on track

I’m seeing a lot of buying going on, looking for a long entry.

1 HR

5 Min

Do you mean reaccumulation ? Those down bars on the 1HR chart ?

Made about +14 pips on this one, got out on signs of supply coming in. Looking to re-enter long.

I was referring to all the downward wicks and closes on the top of the gray bar. Looks like resistance has turned to support.

Entered long again, but I just exited at the higher volume compressed bar, also showing resistance on the midpivot and previous support line from the 22nd.

Does the market seem choppy today, or is it just me?

Hey guys, just getting on. It looks like a wait and see situation now. Ideally, a fake break above yesterdays high on high volume for a short me thinks.