Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Haven`t seen you around for a while NeroKoso. Good to see those bright colours again. I need sunglasses and eye drops.

I went short because I would have liked to see a spring to complete the accumulation and unfortunately picked the only one false NS candle…

i also went short and lost that trade…i hope some av better explaination…cos there was no stopin volume at 1h tf.

I chanced it but I didn’t like it so was very hot on my SL, but following that there was diminishing volume on the down move, so it was time to get out if you had gone in.

No real explanation from me. Been slightly frustrated today so far. Looking at the chart and being nice and strict. Looking at 1hr direction and waiting for ND/NS setups, which I haven’t been real comfortable with. Thought about that short and happy I didn’t trade it. Predicted things correct since, but no actual real entries by the looks of it.
And bounced off the support line I drew in from Mondays low almost to the pip.

Might be a frustrating day maybe…

Could look for a bounce of the 50-61.8 fib level from last low to high. Hit it just now. Possible short setup if it retraces again???

In the fib zone. Maybe wait for the retracement down, then a ND and confirmation for a short. Careful though as the TP would need to be towards the previous low, maybe a S/L just above the 61.8???

It’s a No Demand candle, not a No Supply, I remember it by thinking NS = No Short

Yes, you are getting frustrated! Just wait for the setups to come.

A little frustrated. That has come from seeing where the direction was going to go but not seeing a correct setup. That will go in time. At least I don’t have a trigger finger. Waiting for the setup to “Scream at me” before I enter a trade.

Will wait patiently for another 2 hours, then bed beckons so I can wake up for work in the morning :slight_smile:

Now, that is a bullish candle. Over 100 pips in 5 minutes???

WOW News in

FED, ECB, BoJ, ECB, SNB, BOC to lower SWAP rates by 50bp starting on December 5.

There is the reason for the huge candle

Don’t you start using swear words on this thread now please! :slight_smile:

now some body explain wat happened?

Up,Up and away!

Just be aware at the moment people, it probably isn’t a good time to trade for a while. With that 2c rise, stops would have popped absolutely everywhere, so not much demand will send prices higher (in my learners opinion). With this in mind, price may get a bit whacky for a while until everything settles a bit more.

Sorry PPF for swearing. Hopefully one day forex trading will get rid of the need to work :slight_smile:

Two big losers today for me. My mind got confused with this accumulation/redistribution thing really…

Normally, if a Reserve lowers their rates, they effectively weaken their currency. So as a local example for me, the Reserve Bank decide to lower their rate, the AUD will lower in value, opposite for a rate rise. This is one reason why the AUD is so strong. They have a reserve rate of 4.5% where most other countries are below 2%.

With the above announcement, that would devalue those currencies, but I would have thought that the AUD would have shot up but the others to a lesser extent as so many countries have announced a drop in rates.

In short, I understand why the AUD shot up, don’t understand why all the others did against the USD.

Oh, to be in the know before such decisions (yes, I know that would be illegal) :slight_smile:

What a big numbers they re playing with… +200 up then -100 down in a few minutes…

Like Tassie said, it`s time to just watch or go to bed.

Oh, to have had a genuine long setup a little while ago. Some people somewhere would have had long positions. Good luck to them. I just wonder what the news in the morning is going to be when it all gets washed out. Why so many banks in unison have slashed rates by so much. A pre-emptive stirke to push liquidity, but what is the underlying reason???

lol, I was just thinking of going back to bed, but I guess I’ll watch. Once normal PA returns for a while than I’ll think about trading. Confession, I didn’t wait for that 50 fib test and shorted to early yesterday. Although some argue the fact, it’s true I am only human lol. Only a 1% spanking, but a good reminder to always follow my own advice! “Wait for the setups, I don’t have to trade today”