Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the positive feedback, I appreciate it! I made a quick follow up video (6 minutes) in regards to today’s FOMC (QE) release as it pertains to the Dow. I also addressed the couple of questions you guys had.



i am reading soon to be watching then trading. i am verly verly new to fores and i am clueless thax in advance

Thanks for the update PipDaddy, and thanks also for the info on your broker and volume feed. I’d like to raise my hand as a second on the request for a copy of your notes. I’ve been taking a lot of pages of notes myself, but I always welcome the knowledge other peoples notes can bring.


anyone know why he picked that fib lower level and not the retrace a day later.

Hey PipDaddy,

A big thank you for your videos and I for one would be keen on getting a copy of those notes.

Many thanks

Hey Pipdaddy thanks for the videos. I trade the Dow through CFDs with my forex broker. Pretty much the same strategy you use. Works great. The only thing I do different is I use the actual index chart thru stockcharts dot com. $INDU. The volume for CFDs sucks. Its not accurate at all. I ended up buying the double bottom that showed up the morning after that crazy high volume day. Probably shoulda held onto it. I got out at the 200 day average. If you look at the actual index chart, it also shows super high volume at the high from last month at 17350. Thats why I got out. Im sure you have alot more experience at this than I do, and I know you said long bias in the video, but do you think we should be concerned about that high volume on the index chart? Or would the futures override that? I’m still trying to learn all this stuff. Also, I would love to get a copy of your VSA Bible. All of Petes knowledge in a condensed format. That sounds like one amazing book :slight_smile:

Would you really consider that the beginning of the up swing?

Ideally the fib is drawn in one of two ways. Either the last obvious swing, in this case it made a lower low, so that fib was already broken. The second is to catch the entire multi wave move, as I did. I try to avoid drawing fibs from random, mid trend points. I’ve refined this over time.

'allo 'allo chaps.

interested in this method yo. Going live this coming Monday! lol #YOLO

tfw same day as new CoD release ;_;

Yes I see what you mean Pete ,thanks for that, I was in that trade but didn’t have the fib just when I saw the pin and then waiting for an entry , I suppose the Jap QE announcement didn’t hurt that trade.

Hello community, im testing this strategy for a couple of days so far and i find it very interesting scalping method to mix with my own strategy.
May i ask if there is an edited version of NSND indicator which shows all possible No-Demand/No-Supply on the chart regardless of confirmation?
And i’d like to ask if this indicator repaints after candles close?

Happy trading to all!

hi pete,

i have have two questions i hope you can answer for me and fill in the missing pieces to my vsa knowledge.

  1. This question is regarding news, say you have a entry to go long 15-30 mins before a big news release, and you have signs of strength behind you and a strong background, Do you take the entry or do you wait till after the news release for a entry.

  2. This question is about trading Fridays, i have been trading Fridays and doing quite well. but i know sometimes people on here say they dont and i think i remember at some point you saying you dont trade fridays as well. so just wanted to know whats the deal with trading fridays? shall i trade it? should i reduce profit target on fridays?

thank you for all your help in this thread and i look forward to your reply.

I hope Pete stayed with the trade, it looked like it turned ouot to be a good one.

LOL, this cracked me up for some reason. Welcome!

Hey Moninchow,

Good post and good question! To be perfectly honest I had never heard of CFDs before your post. I have seen the INDU symbol before, but was never quite sure what that was. I have a few comments on what I’m seeing as I look at INDU on and comparing it to futures:

  1. The volume is pretty different from what we see on the futures. That said, I could’ve sworn that on my futures chart, that last previous high above 17000 did have higher volume. I remember saying it in front of my class as I pointed to my chart, and said that the selling at that price level is likely what caused the pullback. I do distinctly remember though, that the volume was nothing that I’m seeing on the CFD chart. In fact, it was really only even notable because it was at a new high price. However, now when I look at my futures chart, that volume spike is no longer there. That is fishy to me and I’m not sure what to make of it. However, I would say a couple things on that:
    a. I do know that the volume spike that did show up at the previous high was not nearly as high as the volume we saw a couple weeks ago, at the bottom of the pullback. Given our trend, and the balance of supply and demand, I still remain extremely bullish.
    b. I have to imagine the futures volume is a better indication of where the buying and selling is actually taking place. If for no other reason, I will probably only consider the futures since it’s what I trade, its worked for me, and I don’t want to confuse my little brain :slight_smile:

Lastly, we may have our answer in the making. The YM gapped up this morning and made a new all time high, surpassing the previous high. It looks like it did it on light volume, and it looks like unless something changes throughout the day today, its going to be a lighter volume day, which means it would be an unlikely time for a buying climax.

One quick question for you is, how does the volume seem for stocks on - Simply the Web’s Best Financial Charts. I commonly get questions on stocks and this might be an easy way for me to answer people, but only IF the volume seems reliable.



HaHa do you ever feel like your getting old P:59:ipDaddy ,I know I do

Physically yes! Mentally as immature as I was when I was 13! :60:

PM me if you are interested in the document with notes from both threads. I prefer not to post it in the thread.

Hi Ryan,

How do I PM you? Left you a visitor message on your profile but can’t seem to see an option to Privare Message you. Maybe I need to have made a certain number of posts?

Your help is much appreciated.

A.K.A peekinside

That old :slight_smile: lol