Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

via Imgflip Meme Maker

Ahahaha! sick. My nose looks deformed in that pic. I’ve also been told I look like Liam Neeson. OK, moving on… :stuck_out_tongue:

Big volumes being injected into the E/U.

Long Gold based on a High Volume reversal / Stopping Volume with an expected retracement up to the at least the 38.2 Fib with a target at 50%.

Result of Gold Long Trade based on Stopping Volume. Target hit at 50 Fib. + 18pips. Trade was placed on Trading212 platform but I use FXCM for analysis because its the bollocks.

Another massive spike in volume followed by a bearish reaction.

WOW oandas volume feed really does blow by comparison, thanks pete :44:

I got Esignal. Loving it. I’ll make a video soon with info if anyone is interested in it.

Messy week on some pairs but I pulled out the pips. Managed to get 3 small wins today.

Please do!
Keep your great videos coming. Really good stuff!

When watching your YT videos, im starting to see why volume is so important!
You always read everywhere that there is “no volume in Forex”. But one have to consider what the volume really is, that its based on activity as i see it!

goddamn i got #rekt this week :15:

everything looked a bit messy, should’ve just stayed away… had one win early in the week, but taken out by three losses. Goddamnit. I knew what i was doing was wrong but i still went ahead and took the trades. uggh, its all about controlling yourself and having good discipline. I let myself down this week.

Ah but at least you know where you went wrong, so that must be progress TT.

goddamn doesnt feel like progress when your account is dwindling ;_;

No but next week…

Hey Pete how much is Esignal? and where do you get your data feed from and how much is it a month?

you know you’re absolutely right m8. I dont know why im getting all emotional, i cant be getting emotional about this not in this game. Losses happen, losing weeks even losing months happen. It’s the long game that matters. I did a lot of wrong the past week, i know what i have to do to move on.

Its all mental, patience… discipline…

Spot on m8(as you say ) :wink:

Haha, Axel. This is real Rock n Roll. You can almost smell the alcohol while listening.

Thanks for the video on Esignal. Im sure its great but how would you comment the current volume feed from the MetaQuotes-Demo account in MT4?

Im plowing through your videos and they are great. Will probably see them several times as time goes but could you recommend some good literature in the VSA method?

I saw a couple days on the metaquotes feed lately that I really didn’t like. If you don’t get Esignal my best advice is to compare at least 2 or 3 brokers when trading. That’s what I would do.

Like I mentioned in the video, I do not recommend other study material besides my own. Mainly because I don’t agree with or use everything that another would teach. Even traditional VSA is different from what I do. Often I am trying to undo things people pick up else where, so also because of that, I do not recommend anything else.