Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Different brokers give different feeds as you know. The problem is they purposely feed you crap so your ability to judge the market is impaired. Both the candles and volume are generally wrong intentionally on their part to confuse you. I pay $80 monthly to get an unbiased feed from realtime and it’s worth it because it is way different from my brokers feed ( Go-Markets Australia ). It’s tough enough to trade, don’t need poor information to make it worse. All the best.


entered on m15 ND below 89 average

Just be aware that we are contending with a 50-61.8 fib zone just there. Possible reason for the two rejections into the zone in the last few candles, one being quite a high volume rejection

Yes, and it’s accumulation, so looking for longs.

Right, I’m looking to buy if things work out. Otherwise I would like a ND below the 50-61.8 area to consider short.

I guess it’s best to wait for the news in 1 hr, maybe we’ll get a fake break! :slight_smile:

Correct Danny,
I’d only look for a short now if it cleared the fib zone and presented me with another ND confirmation. Will be interesting to see what happens in the next hour or so.

PPF, your ND/NS indicators work a treat :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing them :slight_smile:

Brokers make money if you win or lose. They don’t care at all. Actually, they would like you to win more, because when you blow your account, you won’t be paying any more spreads to them.
Threfore I believe you are being paranoid here. In this thread is many people who are succesful using IBFX or other simple feeds. :slight_smile: For each his own.
But if you want to be really useful here, you could show us some differences between our regular feeds and your special pro-feed. :5:

Hi Danny,

Would like to try your ND/NS indicators. Could you share them with me. Thanks,


Hey Mike,

Oh no, Tassie meant Purplepatchforex when he said “PPF”, so maybe PPF could send you a link to it. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response. The reason many, although not all brokers send a poor feed is because they take the other side of the trade meaning if you win, they lose and vice versa. This is not true of a true ecn broker that actually sends the orders to a bank, but they are few and far between. One such broker is fxdd FXDD Power Trader account with Currenex. It’s a clumsy platform and you can’t run any programs on it, only for placing orders. If you can get a free trial on a feed such as realtimedata, esignal or another of your choice, you will see that the market moves much further and faster then what your broker is showing you providing they aren’t an ecn broker. I am going to be very busy this morning, but I will post some pics for everyone. All the best,


Thanks,will do.


Hey Mike,
Most people here use IBFX as their broker, who do not hedge one side of the trades. GoMarkets is another that people use and are the same. The trader needs to research for themselves and make sure they are dealing with a reputable broker. All the brokers I have seen to date here locally (Australia) make their money on the spread and do not take one side of the trade at all.
IBFX and GoMarkets have seemed to be the most reliable with the volume feeds provided by the brokers.

The indicators are posted on this thread by PurplePatchForex. He has been kind enough to share them, along with updates as he has refined it. It is a very useful tool in my opinion.


This is absolutely right and I’ve read about many people that got burned out by their broker because they made to much money from them…

Actually, when I opened a live account on IBFX they stated in an agreement that they take the other side of the trade.

Thanks for your response. Can’t argue with sucess. I look forward to trying PurplePatchForex indicators. Do you know which page they are located on? I currently use trade guider, but can’t share as I’m not the developer. For what it’s worth, GO Markets is a good broker, but I run several monitors and the feed is different from realtime data, you would be amazed at the difference. I hope that we can all help each other. All the best in your trading.


Reverse is very possible! there is a SV on H1 chart and now it can be a low vol TEST for a support and supply

Hey guys, come join the webinar. We’ll see if we can find a post news trade.
Web Conferencing | GoToMeeting ID 459 113 602.

Not after an argument at all DannyK. We are all friends here :slight_smile: but the following is taken from

Spot Forex Transactions are conducted, not on a regulated futures or commodities exchange, but through a “spot market” that is often referred as the “over the counter”. This system consists of a large network of banks, clearinghouses and other institutional participants that exchange Currency positions with other members of the network. In an inherently unregulated environment of this sort, there can be no guarantees of the creditworthiness of the counter party to any particular Spot Forex Transaction executed on your behalf by Interbank FX. Every reasonable attempt will, however, be made by Interbank FX to deal exclusively with reputable and creditworthy banks, clearinghouses and other institutional network participants in executing and hedging your Spot Forex Transactions

Hi Pete and all,

I’ve been watching all vids, tried to watch webinar but I was at work, computer had no speakers, then it locked up!!!

Sorry but it would have been great to watch the maestro at work in real time. I’ve been following thread and practicing on demo.

Good trading all.
