Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I haven’t seen a buy climax on the H1 for it yet. Wouldn’t you want to see that before you think about a short entry or distribution? The rejections were expected hence the volume increase when it hit that .618, but it wasn’t on ultra high volume to consider a reversal. 1.2940 and 1.3070 are areas of interest for me since that’s when buying really started showing up a few weeks ago.

I’m trying to read the thread (with so many pages it’s almost impossible :slight_smile: ) and started watching your videos. I’m new to forex myself. I’m a programmer though and playing around with Metatrader. I don’t understand all of what you are saying but it sounds like there is a pattern for the most part. Do you think this system could be automated? Since for the most part it sounds like you are using 3 measures that all have values one would think it could be.

I know you use the 1hour chart to see these cycles, but are you day trading or swing trading with this information?

I just programmed an automatic trading system but since I’m new to the market it was pretty basic. I basically store the bid/ask of a pair (gbp/usd currently) in a database every second. I then look for 10 pip movement between 15-20 mins and if I find one I get into the trade in the direction it’s moving. The idea being finding a trend at it’s base to get some pips. I then place a trailing stop loss on the deal set to 15. Last night and today was the first time I had this going. It did a ton of trades but as I’m sure you guessed it didn’t work out so well (on a demo account of course).

If you think your system can be automated I would love to learn more and give it a shot. I’ll keep checking out this thread. Thanks!

Although I have traded forex for four years, I’m a newby to this thread. There are two well known programs to help trade vsa, but I’l bet the experienced traders wouldn’t use them. In any case one is trade guider and the other is smart trader. I like trade guider better. The people who wrote the program would be the first to tell you that it still needs to be analysed by a person and cannot be automated. I wish you the best in your trading and believe there is going to be a webinar tomorrow morning. I certainly won’t miss it. Cheers,


but I’l bet the experienced traders wouldn’t use them

I often feel like the experience traders don’t use them because they don’t know what’s capable and/or really sit down and detail out the system OR the system isn’t solid enough and instead involves a ‘gut’ feeling. If a system is solid and doesn’t involve emotion and has a pretty clear pattern, as this one seems to, then I would think it should be able to be automated.

I do work in IT in a power and gas trading environment professionally and I work with traders who make millions of dollars for this company but when it comes to IT and programming they know next to nothing and often feel threatened and to proud to even discuss automation. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, it simply means there are human emotions to overcome.

There are two well known programs to help trade vsa

Note that the author here uses VSA as 1 of 3 total ways to tell what the price cycle is doing so using just a vsa automation system wouldn’t be his system. I’m not saying it would be easy to detail out the system and think of all the possibilities but if there is a cycle it should be able to be automated.

You get this occasionally in this thread, people want to automate VSA trading. But VSA is discretionary, there are too many variables to take into account for it to be successful as an automated strategy. I am sure if it was possible to do it, it would have been done by now.

My advice is to learn the method as best as you can to understand its depth…I would be quite sure you would realize that you can’t really automate it, and having learnt the method, you would just trade it and watch your account increase steadily.

Good Luck

Automate VSA is definitely posible. What would you wanna do is to pick a strategy based on VSA and code just this little piece. I don’t think you would be able to code the whole VSA and make it work to show just BUY and SELL buttons lol… But I in fact know some people who do use VSA in their automated trading.
I still believe my brain works better than somebody elses code. And I don’t understand how any sane person can use the overpriced buggy piece of sh*t called trade guider. :eek:

stiil l markup mennnn.

Nice big pullback, may give a suitable NS confirmation to get in again???

News in 6 minutes though. 3 lots of medium and 2 lots of low impact news. May be a good thing after news

madscalper is sayin sell now…am not doing any man.waitin to see…lol…another STP VL…WAITIN FOR NS.

Hey fabulono1,
We have hit the reversal volume (hopefully) and waiting on the NS to get us in for a nice ride up (hopefully)

May even go down to the fib zone for a retracement. Still a nice valid setup, but with quite a few pips on offer if that is the case.

Possible stopping volume on 15 min chart
Waiting for confirmation…

dere is no stoping vol. Dere…look at it very welll…dnt say wat u dnt see.

Hi Tassiefx,
Just wandering if you would be able to post the start and finish times for the london,asian and ny trading sessions.
following your current trade,seeing if I can pick the NS when it turns up

Hey Goso54,
Local times, the Asian session starts at 10am, London Session opens at 6pm, and NY opens at 0130 (I think) has a nice widget on it that shows the world, the current time and what is open, along with how long to close and how long till next session starts. A pretty good guide for us :slight_smile:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Demand appearing in the 50-61.8 fib zone. Looks like your typical entry point here.

just seen NS turn up with bearish confirmation

ment to say ND with bearish confimation

I would have happily taken the same trade DodgeV83, however, I was settling my son into bed and missed it. Doesn’t seem to be playing the game for us. If you had your SL below that recent pin low, there is still opportunity to do what we would want it to do :slight_smile: