Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I missed it too, just randomly woke up and saw it (6:30am here). However, the following conditions were true:

  1. Price was still within the range of the trade, meaning had I been awake at the entry point, I would still be in the trade.

  2. If I enter now, I get a better entry.

So, why not enter?

Especially after watching the low volume test just now

Edit: BTW, if you’re worreid about missing trades, you should use a ND/NS alarm :slight_smile:

I’m with you all the way on that, 2 x NS on 5min and bottoms all the way, has to go up.

I don’t worry about missing trades too much. Such is life at times and I value the times with my son - wouldn’t swap them. I only worry about rushing a trade or making the wrong decision to trade. Even trades that lose but are good setups are OK by me. They will always happen :slight_smile:

I took the entry shown with that solid demand below which seems to be holding at the moment. Not an ideal NS (the neutral following candle is slightly bullish on IBFX) then entry was a bit late after the push thru and did not notice the Central Pivot line which seems to providing some resistance.

Any Comments?

I still believe my brain works better than somebody elses code.

What if your brain coded it?

I’m not asking for someone else to code this strategy for me :slight_smile: I want to code it for myself. I’m willing to put in the work, just need to understand the ideas and concepts behind it.

Also am I missing something because everyone keeps saying VSA, but correct me if I’m wrong but that’s only 1 out of 3 elements the original poster looks at. So it’s not really just a VSA program.

Wait, what? … Volume Spread Analysis is a method of anaysing the market. It’s one more cathegory to two well known categories - Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis.

We discuss here one strategy Pete developed. It basically says that reversals in fib zones can be confirmed with VSA. In this thread he also introduced couple other entry setups such as Push through supply or entering based on news reaction.

Did I make it any clearer? VSA is not a system.

Some people just don’t get it. Wonder if he will be one of the winning or losing traders??

Yeah sorry I understand VSA isn’t a system, but correct me if I’m wrong but it’s 1 of 3 things used to make a system in this case? The post says VSA, SR, fibb. The 3 combined create the system? Again I’m newer to forex trading and most of my push back is to get feedback on things so I don’t mean to make anyone upset and sorry if I did.

Some people just don’t get it. Wonder if he will be one of the winning or losing traders??

I’m trying to get it which is why I push back and give my point of view, then others give theirs and learning happens (mostly on my part). Just trying to learn from the people doing. :slight_smile:

mmmhh…, yes…but… I hate the term system too, and signals I hate even more, I think the problem is that they are generally used too loosely, but then again when does a strategy become a system, and when is a signal a signal?

It’s like when does a few trees become a wood and when does a wood become a forest, and before you know it you have a timber yard system, was it a strategy in the first place?

So after thinking about it, why not? I could put an argument forwards that VSA is a system, in the same way that writing is a system for communication, VSA is a system for profitable trading.

Or is it a methodology? I know I know, but it is Friday after all!

Sure purple… if you look at it this way… we can ramble about it whole weekend. :slight_smile:

My point which I didn’t make was… If you want to code a robot to trade according to VSA… Good luck with that and please open your own thread. I don’t think we would be able to discuss coding and actual trading at the same time :slight_smile:

BTW… Another NS on EUR/USD M5, but there is some supply still present. I’m long though. Let’s see how it goes.

I guess I was thinking this thread might be the place to talk about the actual strategy and how it works or questions about it? Once I got that down I would keep the coding part to myself as to not disturb anyone. I’m new to the forum but it seems these threads start out about the strategy and how it works and over time more turn into the daily followings of the strategy itself? I’m rewatching the videos but what kind of base knowledge would you recommend I learn because a good number of the base concepts are new to me even. :confused:

Many of the members here would disagree with me, but the book trading in the shadow of the smart money by gavin holmes would be a starting point. Cheers,


Reading Master the Markets would be a good start.
Personally, I think coding this effectively would be very difficult (obviously feel free to try). Yes, it is largely about volume, close price and spread, but other factors come in that a code cannot deal with (in my own opinion). We steer largely away from news events, we are aware that news events at times trap the herd and SM take advantage of it. We keep away from lower liquidity periods (but I suppose that can be helped by not using the indicator in those periods).
Tradeguider have done it, along with Smart VSA (I think that is them), however people still talk about their numerous faults.

Can an indicator look at one time period (ie 1hr) and then from that chose an entry point on the 5min chart? I have no idea, but you obviously might do :slight_smile:

Advantage of an indicator, it can take the human emotion and incorrect though process away from a decision to trade. Disadvantage is that it is not a human brain and cannot think cognitively like we can.

In saying that, I do use one indicator atm, which is a NS/ND indicator, kindly given away on this thread. I only ever use it as a “heads up” and then do my own analysis.

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Ah dang I don’t have a GoToMeeting account. Do you do these on a regular basis? I’ll have to look at getting one so I can see these.

Just click on Join meeting on top of the page and paste the ID…

Perfect thank you. At work we use webex so goto is new to me. Thanks again.

The link isn’t working for me. says the id code is wrong. Please help

Write the ID without spaces as 264519610.

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