Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Yeah, and i’m out, locking in profits…demand appeared in the 61.8 fibb from last night’s rise…waiting for the news in a couple of mins…

i hope u can see all the supply urself now…lol …i love vsa

Yeah, some serious profit taking there at the 61.8. I have 1/4 of my position still open at this point. Really, curious to see what’s going to happen with the news, if VSA is really going to predict something here.

Hey guys just getting confused re. ‘push through supply’ and ‘stopping volume’. They both seem to have high volume, is the difference only in candle close? e.g. ‘push through supply’ having little to no wick, and ‘stopping volume’ having a large wick.

According to Petes vids, ‘push through supply’ shouldnt have excessive volume, but youtube vids by tradeguider define ‘push through supply’ having ultra high volume.

If the trade is going my way, say for example in an uptrend, I always freak out when I see high volume, wide spread green bars creep in. How high, and how wide spread, do the bars need to be before I consider ending my trade? And yes, this is taking in consideration when price approaches previous supply/demand, where it can be more confusing for me deciding whether its a healthy push through, or a sign of potential reversal.

After ultra high volume it is unlikely that a move will be sustained, if it is into new ground expect a reversal, if it is not into new ground, the move can continue on quite high volumes until it reaches new ground.

In tradeguider they mostly refer to actual traded volume of stocks/futures, with FX we use the tick activity. There is a slight difference between how Tom Williams use actual traded volume in his teaching. Pete has slightly adapted this, with stocks a push trough on high volume means a good thing, for FX is a bad thing, that is the main difference.

And also, take note of the reaction to the high volume, a high volume bearish bar with the next candle bearish is weakness, while if the reaction is bullish, then it shows strength.

what phase are we on now…am kind ah confused…is dis a mark up?

are we on a mark up phase…need anwsers plz.

Not in markup, it’s ranging.

see whether it works

worked:), hi, first post in this excellent thread, i got monthly ozzie, we got test, no demand, taking off demand, then close below both of them, very bearish, then december another test, on daily basis or intra i would short the **** out of this sort of pic, but then again its monthly, what u make of it guys?? thanku u 4 constructive reply

very similar stuff on copper, this would imply kadaboom on about all risk on assets…

And my favourite, nothing hard about this one, lowest volumes of the day, plenty of time to enter, 60+ PIPS

Need I say more???

Nice 5 min spring/NS on gu. 1hr showing strength as well, not yet confirmed by bullish close though.

Looks like some serious buying on M5 just around some hocus pocus US News… Anybody up for longs? :slight_smile:
There was high volume on the push through, so I will wait for NS.

Nice trade purple :slight_smile:

Longs -Not for me, thanks Sagiz, the old ones are the best :), so simple and so effective those trades.

…i am in for a little long…

Still sitting in this g/u long…went half risk since 1hr didn’t come around yet at the time of the 5min entry. The chart says more buying than selling in this range, so I’m trusting it and holding.

I was starting to fancy it, but stop too wide for me, and it’s late, risk 20 PIPS + gain 30 at best?