TCP - The car pub

Whatever you have to chat about cars, engines, roaaaaaaam - here is the right place.

I’ll start with this post from Simon Templar:

This is my reply to this post, ST. So you and HoG and whoever likes can stumble in here. :slight_smile:

Beer is free. :smiley:

Right off your own fridge, lol.

Hmm, I had Germans, Americans, French and some other cars and my Japanese car was really the best. As I said. 15 years and like new. :slight_smile:

Lol - like your thinking. I have to go on the school run now, but will certainly inhabit this thread, too. Weapon of choice for the school run? I have three kids, so it has to be either the Land Rover or the Chrysler, as nothing more interesting has enough seats (they’re nine seats and seven seats respectively). The Miata just wouldn’t manage, although would be more fun in the bends!!


Thanks ST! I am easy going mostly. I just don’t take anything too serious. I do so in trading as well. Then it’s more fun. Though it’s hard to understand for many people how I think. Particularly at the web.

Glad you are our first guest here. Cheers. :slight_smile: HoG and all others are welcome as well, though! :60:

Yea of course a roadster (I mean a real [B]roooooaaaaadster[/B]) has the limitation of 2 seats. Anyways, we were 4 in the “family” and there was almost never the question to drive with more than two. If so, I used a rental car.

Actually I have my Jeep in the US because the roads where I live are more bumpy and heavy trucks all around. Even my Jeep is called a truck now, lol. The problem with a normal car on those roads is that you collect a lot of rock cracks in the windshield and if it rains out there forget driving at all. All the other big cars/trucks throw big water chunks on your car and you can’t see anything, no matter how good the wipers are, lol. Well then, the gas is a lot cheaper over there than in UK.

If you start me on the subject of cars Buckscoder, you may end up with a post that makes post 1000 on the other thread look like a one line joke. However, it feels nice to have a place to come and talk cars with the guys and have a beer or two. Good thinking that man !! :35:

So to kick it off, beat this one. Engine on my vehicle just decided enough was enough.

500,000 miles on the clock. Yes, you did read that correctly. 500,000 miles from that Japanese engine. Now that’s what I call getting your money’s worth.

Thanks for joining, HoG! :slight_smile:

And thanks again, but it’s not about me. It’s about cars and fun. We can use this as pub, whatever topic it is. If it’s not too insane, lol. :smiley:

That keeps your thread a little off the noise.

500k miles is hard to beat, I guess. Oh well, if I still had my roadster …

Then I know an owner of a cab business in Berlin and I know those engines are build to last. Diesel. Not Japanese, though.

Well, I know a lot about engines and cars. I had a diesel engine and the compression was not there anymore. Let the engine under the hood, pulled off the oil pan and head, saw off the chamber inlets, bought new ones plus new rings, let em hone at a engine shop and put em in with my own hands. Everybody said it’s not possible, but that thing was running afterwards. I was surprised, too. lol. :smiley:

I have put 94,000 on my Chrysler (Grand Voyager CRD, since this is a cars thread lol) and thought it was about time to chop it in for something newer. By HoG standards it’s just run in!!

What is this amazing engine that did 500,000 miles?! And presumably that involves a fair amount of urban, so low gear stuff?

I’m into old/oldish cars, often, so mileage is not that much of a concern to me, but 500,000 is impressive stuff.


I need one more keyboard. :44: spilled again all over!

You guys must have contracts with keyboard manufacturers. Confess! :stuck_out_tongue:

My engines never made it to 200k. Either I bought them with a little more and sold them afterwards. Or I did not drive that much. Plus then there was one exception. My first car was a VW bug/beetle. The old version. Produced 1970 around. Highest speed was 125 kmh I guess. At the weekend I drove often long distance and guess what with full speed. That worked fine until then one night the pistons said hello to the exhaust. I mean there were really 1/2 inch small particles from the piston in the exhaust. Later I read in a book that the third cylinder was often the culprit while overheating. I disassembled the engine and which cylinder was it? The third. So that was obviously the built in margin call, lol. :smiley:

Beside of that early experience all my engines brought me alwasy home.

It’s either a toyota or a nissan engine ( can’t remember which one ) that was purpose built for the London Cab TX1 model that was manufactured in Coventry. Doesn’t, or didn’t, go into any other vehicle.

But as I mentioned, the '51 plate (2001) was the last year they made those engines as the company decided they were now GREEN and did not want to be associated with the typical image of a cab with the big smokey diesel engine.

So it was replaced by a modified Ford Transit engine for the TX 2 model. Great engine in a Ford Transit, total sh*t in a London Cab. Only lasted until '06 plate ( 2006 ). Then replaced by some Chinese thing for the TX4 model. ( the more observant of you have just asked yourselves, “What happened to the TX3?” Good question. They never made one. Don’t know why)

Anyway, the early TX4’s engine had the confidence inspiring habit of bursting into flames. So what was the answer? Did they recall all vehicles? No, believe it or not they fitted a sprinkler system to the engine compartment. I sh*t you not.
If you went to view a £30,000 vehicle, and then discovered it had a sprinkler system fitted to it, and it wasn’t a crop spraying machine, would you buy it??

So that is why it is becoming so hard to replace parts for the pre 51 engine. Original manufacturer doesn’t make them anymore. London taxis is now owned by Geely, a Chinese company and all production was moved from Coventry to China not long ago. So now we get the cheaper Chinese version of the spares.

So that fact that the older cabs are so good, and the newer ones are not very good, means drivers tend to hold on to the older models until they die.

Believe it or not, at 500,000 miles, mine WAS still considered a run in. I think that engine is usually, with regular servicing, good for about 8 or 900,000.

That’s how our little pub looks like:



If you want a beer, grab one from the bear thread please:

It’s a free read there! :wink:


Can you tell me how you created the link from your post to the aircraft site. Since us boys are sharing our dreams down the pub, I thought I’d share mine. (I promise to keep it clean !!) Don’t know how to do this. This could be another IT lesson for me and you ST. LOL :slight_smile:


Looks like the big guy with the tattoos has parked in your space Buckscoder. I’d sort him out quick if I were you. Don’t want that sort of thing to be habit forming you know !!

No this guy is a good one HoG:

He will also always get free beer at our pub. Right out of his fridge, lol.

Do you know in which movie this car was used?

Regarding links, I just paste the link from my brower url field into the text. That’s it. :slight_smile:

Isn’t that Mad Max? Rumour has it he’s strictly a gin and tonic man !


I had gin tonic also for a while btw. Not that I do not like it anymore, but I do not drink alc. beverages very often lately. Besides a nice ale every now and then. :slight_smile:

So what is your dream?

Not fond of the color here, but I do love me some Mustang muscle…

The Boss 302 takes out the BMW M3 on the track, and the Shelby version is just a fire breathing monster.

It’s what I want in a year or two:D

Hey, nice to see you around, MT. :slight_smile:

Where have you been? Making too many pips?

I ended now as barkeeper here in this thread instead of becoming a trader, lol. Just kidding, tho.

I drove a Mustang as rental car for a day. Probably not a special version, but I was impressed.

Right now I have no idea about the car I’d wish to drive after my ole Jeep. Maybe a Jeep Wrangler convertible, lol. Something like this:

It’s not too expensive. Anyways, could also be something else. It just must be a truck. The roads down there where I drive are too bumpy and “heavy” for normal cars. My miata would probably drop into a hole at the road, lol.

After my miata I LOVE convertibles. No, I loved it before. I got a rental car as convertible back in the eighties. After that the wish was born to buy one.

Been around:D

More in lurk mode though.

Pip making? I ain’t uncle Ben, can’t print 'em, gotta earn them. Doing okay with it in that regard. Slow and steady wins the race;)

Jeeps are great! I love the older CJ5s, and 7s though. Those were classics. I’m kinda torn on the convertibles though. I like them, but don’t. I like a good hard top, with great sound isolation to enjoy good music while driving. Not to mention temperature extremes here are a bear to deal with.

Love the car thread idea!


toasts with a Paulaner Oktoberfest

On the other side of the garage from the Shelby GT Super Snake will be this:

You know… for the quiet nights out to dinner and back;)

And an occasional mountain drive.

It sure would inspire valet preference…


Morning all, just in from the school run. Funny you should say that - my first car was a 1968 Beetle, my father put a deposit on it in a local classic car dealer when he signed me up to driving lessons, said he would pay the balance when I passed my test, until then it just sat there, calling to me. Couple of years later I was living in the south of Germany, right on the Swiss border, and drove home for Christmas (could make a Chris Rea gag but won’t), heard a rumble out back somewhere on the French/Belgian border, pulled over and realized the motor was dead. Completed the journey on a truck, trailered it to my local specialist - third piston had impacted things it should not, made a golf ball-sized hole in metal it should not touch. £700 to have a new engine fitted, ouch.

Sounds like when they used to use Transit engines in Land Rovers, they used to give all sorts of issues. Made sure I bought a TD5 for that very reason. But would a motor from something else fit? There must be a Lexus at a breaker’s yard somewhere with £500-worth of engine sitting out front…?

I can’t shake the desire to own an American or Aussie muscle car at the moment. Not very practical for a Peak District winter so Mrs Templar is not that keen at the moment…

Indeed and the rumour is that they are making a new one. The director is apparently currently trying to decide whether Mel Gibson would be an asset or a liability.

A friend of mine has a newish Mustang in gunmetal with the black stripes, very nice. Has a sports exhaust on it, sounds like thunder.

Without wishing to come over all European on you, I think that the M3 comparison would rather depend on the track in question…
