TCP - The car pub

OK, since we ARE talking dreams here.

When it comes to cars I think this would do me nicely :

And the dream would be driving it up this road.

Any guesses where the road is boys? Give you all a clue. A certain coloured jacket will get you into this club !

Love this car, can’t say anything else, just love this car !!

Augusta? Although I am not a golf man, much to my father-in-law’s chagrin (he is a pro).

If you buy a DB7 and squint whenever you look at it you can get the look for around twenty grand…

Best i can do for you.


AUGUSTA !! BIngo Bango Bongo ST.

Me and my two brothers, driving up that road in the bentley convert for a round at Augusta. Happy days.

In my experience, all the best traders have tanglible but ambitious dreams, so hold onto that image, it will serve you well.

Thanks and cheers MT!

I can code em like Ben prints em, lol. Absolutely agree with the slow and steady term. :wink:

Well, my Miata was indeed a little louder but then after 12 years or so when the top was weared out I bought a new one with noise protection and I can assure you it was like any other car regarding noise if not better. The metal of a limousine on top won’t protect you from noise anyways. What does is the textile below. If you buy a soft top which has a good noise protection and has a thicker textile that’s the key. It was not even expensive. I bought it for $350. It even had a heated and tinted rear glass window where the original was just cheap pvc. Mounted it for myself, though.

ST, funny thing is my beetle was also from 1968 I guess. The reason for that 3. cylinder culprit is what I read in a book a cooling problem. As the engine is cooled by just air it flows great around all but the 3. cylinder and particular where the gaskets of the valves are located. Then the valve stem gets too hot, breaks, valve falls into the combustion chamber and there ya go.

Well regarding big cars/trucks the best would probably be to move to the origin of all that. That’s why my destination lies in the states. Particular in the southern part. Everything is minimum twice as big as in UK. The houses. The cars/trucks. The roards. Everything! :slight_smile:

I see … Maybe I should buy this special Miata southern style:

HoG that is doable. Definitely! I see you are also a convertible lover. Cheers!

I drove a lot of DB. Born in the country of origin it’s probably difficult to avoid that, lol. Albeit most drive VW and many dream to drive a BMW. Those DB or DC as it is now serve well. Had a 8 chambers 350 SE already:

Nice car that time. The engine sounds like that of my Jeep. Like an electrical engine.

I drove with that often long distance with an average speed of hold your breath 260 km/h. Just flying was better so far, lol.

Laguna Seca Raceway was the track.

It has right turns as well:D

Cool video, thanks for posting. When growing up, Brands Hatch (Kent, SE England) was just down the road from me, so I was there quite a lot, would be fun trying to squeeze the Boss round there! Lost the rights to F1 years ago basically because the cars wouldn’t fit round any more without major safety work. I have taken a Formula Ford round there, size suits the track better but still feels pretty tight in places.

Like the 302 in the video. I’ve only had a brief go in my friend’s Mustang (and while it was a V8 it was nowhere near the Boss) and it was amazing how different it felt from my regular cars. Plan to hire one next time I’m in the States so I get more of an extended test drive.

Yes, I was just a kid at the time - tanked up in the morning, had food in the car, and just drove all day at a steady (and high, for the car) speed. It was 25 years old, not surprising I cooked it, with hindsight. Just didn’t know what I was doing!

I was a little younger that time. Maybe 5 years. Same thing. Car was everything and nice feeling of freedom. Well I mean if you always walk or have to ask others then with the first car there is a whole new dimension.

Well I also changed the engine afterwards. A different story and a lot of “tales” or adventures with it, lol. Then you probably also know the common myth of that time that you had only to loosen 4 screws, engine off and new engine in? LOL. It was however a little more difficult. Beetle needed to be in a garage to put it on the lift, because the engine must be changed from the downside. Plus a lot of connections to loosen as well. As always I did it for myself, though. There was a self working garage anywhere you could rent for hours. Took one day to change the engine. We bought a used one for DM 150. That was not so exensive. Served well until I sold the car later.

I actually bought my first car ( sierra cosworth ) because there was a girl in our local pub that I fancied and I heard her say one night she would do anything for a guy with a sierra cosworth. No really ! Got the car, got the girl, found out a couple of months later they BOTH had more miles on the clock than they admitted to. Ended up trading them both for better models :smiley:

My uncle owns a 2011 GT500 shelby. Drove it once, and it scared me to death (in a good way).

For the weekend

My everyday car

And last but not least (in dollars anyways)

just looking at the last 3 pictures from the 4 above. So where do the golf clubs go ??

I forgot about those… I’ll just use my family car, plenty of room in the back seat I’m sure :smiley:

Ah! That’s better.

I can’t help myself, but am in love most with the convertible again. :slight_smile:

Did I tell that the ecar I use in the ez still is a convertible?

The ability to look to the sky, see the clouds at day and the stars at night with just one glance is worth every penny what a convertible takes! Really.

In actual fact, in Scotland, anyone who buys a convertable gets the completely free gift of pneumonia. Which usually arrives about two weeks after you’ve bought the car. Actually hired a convertable in Florida once, should’ve just stuck myself in the oven and saved myself $500 !

I think I like the thought of a soft top, but I’ve yet to discover the ideal circumstances to have one.

That’s a funny story, HoG. So did she do “anything”? :smiley:

Then how do you handle that now? Spotting the car first and afterwards the girl it likes? Oh no, I guess you are married right?

Well I always kept that separated. Girls and cars and everything else. When I had my first girl I had no car anyways and not even a license.

FL was the first time I rented a convertible, too. Orlando to be specific. Nice trip to all the rockets over there at the ocean. :slight_smile:

Hmm, I had my roadster 15 years. Not one day with pneumonia.

I do not really care if it’s a soft or hard top as long as the change can be done in a few seconds. With pushing a button or like with the Miata where it took just a second to pull the soft top over to the front. Today there are a lot of cars out there where they have a foldable hard top and the change can be done with a button (which triggers just some motors which pull it over or stack it in the trunk). What I do not like is the need to leave the car and do it from outside.

I have a feeling Buckscoder that she would have done “anything” whether I had a car or not. In fact, at the time, I had the feeling she had done “anything” several times, in several cars, with several guys !!

Married now though, and my wife assures me I’m happily married. Did fancy the idea of buying a nice sporty 2 seater, but we couldn’t find a decent roof rack to tie the kids on to. So we bought a Nissan Qashqai. The wife’s suggestion.

Obviously she insisted we needed a brand new one because the kids school is 500 yards from our front door and it doesn’t get used for anything else. I think I have more chance of eventually understanding Forex than I ever have of understanding the logic of a woman !