TCP - The car pub

To be honest I think the whole ‘convertable’ issue is a wee bit like owning a Harley Davidson. Looks bloody cool in a warm climate, but you try it here in Scotland where the wind chill factor could see you snap your ear off if your not careful and it doesn’t look so good. And in the winter it’s even worse !! LOL :smiley:

Dont know how many miles these have on them, the odo usually dies long before they reach the hands of the current owners. Dirt road crawling, wading through rain forest rivers and hauling farm produce and raw materials of road does not really require a speedo, a working temperature gauge and a fuel gauge is often more than enough.

Every household has one or more. My dad had two at anyone time, one goes in to the garage and the other is ready to slog. No down time. I think he went through 5 of these in his lifetime. We still have the last two that he used.

Most are military or police surplus vehicles. Once they are towed up to the mountains, they usually get a Toyota, Diahatsu or eve an Isuzu engine and gear box thrown in. Usually a much bigger engine that comes from a 3 ton lorry goes in. Ofcause a modified toyota or honda power steering unit is a must.

Cameron Highlands is still synonym with these land rover models. Though the 110 Defenders are popular, they are not as much of a work horse as the earlier models. The 110s are more of a recreational vehicle. The famous advice you would get from Malaysians when you tell them you are driving to Camerons is becareful of the crazy farmers and their landrovers.

This is what I used to learn how to drive. Yes I learned how to drive off road long before I was legally qualified to learn how to drive.

Brings back so much memories.

Redirect Notice

Note the markings on the door that denotes CH. It means Cameron Highlands. These Vehicles are only permitted to be used in that district. You can see why. Only for farming activities. This particular vehicle is a local contractors who has had it for donkeys years. Not really used off road, hence its longevity. Usually one would last for about five years if used heavily by a farmer.

Land Rover truck in Cameron Highlands | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

And finally some shots from my childhood home town.

Cameron Highland

Oh sorry that it took that long for my reply, but I took a nap. Probably I’m not a great barkeeper tonight. And that with such a great guest like you shame on me. :frowning:

Understanding a woman (as man) is probably a topic what could be written a book about. Or maybe a library? Or was it written already? I don’t know, lol. I guess the woman have the same problems to understand the “Martians” like us, lol. Fx is not that complicated. If I look at my bots. Easier than most think. Oh well, every now and then one of those “Venusians” can at least understand me for a while and I her. Maybe it’s the difficulty in understanding what makes it all more magic than anything else. Even more than to drive a convertible, lol.

Regarding the Scottish open top driving in summer is it really that cold? I could understand that in winter, but in summer? Then on the other side if those jokes with Scottish folks are true (there is one: How many Scotsmen does it take to change a light bulb?
Och! It’s no that dark!) they would hardly spend money for a top right?

Loved the photos Niki, wish we had scenery like that in Glasgow. If you go further up north, to the Highlands of Scotland, the scenery is stunning.

I’m going to do some research into why that area is called Cameron Highlands.

It is very easy to get four seasons in one day in Scotland and that is NO joke.

As for the jokes about Scottish people being tight with their money, we prefer to use the word ‘careful’. :slight_smile:

‘Understanding a woman’. Talk about the “holy-grail”. Work that one out and forex will be a walk in the park !!

Nikita, I see you read that other comment in the other thread. Welcome “aboard” our crazy little pub! :slight_smile:

And thanks for the nice pics!

You are from Malaysia? I have a very good friend from there. His name is Don. We were at the same flight school. Now he is an airliner pilot and flying mostly off HK I guess.

Careful, HoG?. A-ha. :smiley: Anyways, you have great Whiskey over there! Probably because you let it ripe so long as to be careful. :slight_smile:

Sorry to drag everyone back to a conversation we have had previously, but still looking for a bit of advice. A friend of mine gave me a Dell Tower at the weekend which he had as part of a network of computers for a business he owned. He gave me the whole lot, tower, monitor etc.

So I downloaded my trading platform on to it, I’m connected to my broadband using a usb bluetooth device, pc runs on windows xp, don’t know hard disk size, RAM data or any of that stuff and the pc runs as fast as a one legged horse.

Please don’t waste your time throwing all sorts of technical data and questions at me cos I just don’t have a clue when it comes to computers.

Simple question is, is it financially viable to upgrade a pc, or is it better, since I have this monitor, to buy a new tower?

All help appreciated as ever.

One leg doesn’t sound fast. :smiley:

If a computer is too slow, it’s usually the cpu which is the bottleneck. Then it’s better to buy a new computer, because the mother of all boards (the motherboard) is built for a specific cpu class. Means, if you have a computer with a motherboard for say the pentium 1 with maybe 200 Mhz speed, then that’s it. You can’t compare that in speed with a current computer.

Best is you would look what cpu and speed it has. Then you know what animal you deal with.

Anyways, even if you would have a mobo with the ability to upgrade your cpu to the newest high class (highly unlikely), then the other components would become bottlenecks. Like the ram and disk etc.

Currently, you can buy a really top performer for single tasks with even very small budgets. You can’t beat that with upgrading, if it’s really sloooooooooow and a pc from maybe 4 generations or more ago.

I hope that helps a little. :slight_smile:

you may not need to upgrade the internals at all. if anything you may need more ram which is cheap and easy to install

go here CCleaner - Standard

install and start the program, then click the run cleaner button… See if that helps

Edit: I forgot to say, after you run the cleaner go to the registry tab on the sidebar of the program click scan for issues then fix selected issues (when it asks if you want to back up registry, please do, just in case…)

Was actually wondering if it was worthwhile trying to restore it to factory settings. As it was previously used as a business pc it keeps on banging on about Administrators this and Administrators that.

Having said all that, don’t know how to reset it either. Might just use it to keep the door open, obviously not built to be used as a door wedge, but I bet it works brilliantly !!

Yes I am from Malaysia Buckscoder.

Well if you have a friend here, than more of a reason for you to fly down to the equator for a winter.

The best thing would be to reinstall windows, but that can get complicated especially if you don’t know much about computers (no offense, but it sounds like you don’t)

Not now. Maybe next year. I’ve something to do here and we have heaters here. :smiley:

In actual fact, saying I know nothing about computers would be over estimating my knowledge of computers LOL !!

Beyond switching it on and connecting to my trading platform, I really don’t know much about them. But I always thought that was the reason we had kids, to show us these things !!

Go into your device manager of xp and look what cpu and speed it has, HoG. Then we can go further. :slight_smile:

Lol the car was 25 - I was 19!

Don’t know if you ever watch Wheeler Dealers on Sky, but they showed an episode just last week where they did up a Sierra Cosworth. Good recreation, takes my mind off trading highs and lows!

Passengar footwell!!

When I was a kid, my father used to take me camping in the Highlands in his Caterham Seven, with the camping gear we couldn’t fit the roof in. Galashiel en route to going up Ben Cruachan was about as wet as I have ever got…

I’d second that, loved the pictures, thank you for sharing. Nice pics of old Land Rovers, too - makes my 110 TD5 Defender seem very pedestrian lol.


Sorry have not been around this weekend - my eldest son’s seventh birthday party was yesterday afternoon, it seemed to take all weekend to organize it (it was at the local swimming pool), plus it meant we had a houseful of grandparents…sigh… So have not even logged onto the computer this weekend.

Thick fog here, today, too, so off on an extended school run in a minute - guaranteed to get stuck behind someone crawling along at 5mph.

Anyway, thought I’d pop in and say ‘morning all!’


Morning ST

A lot going on this weekend. We discovered Buckscoder has a desire to be licked in a cage and poked with a stick. In fact, it was RC who discovered this. RC also discovered the whole wind blowing thing as well now that I think about it.

What’s going in with these boys ? LOL

LOL !! Now obviously the above post should read “LOCKED” in a cage and not “LICKED” in a cage, which is a different game all together !!

i had to go back up the thread to re read again.

Freudian Slip?

LOL. :stuck_out_tongue:

I take one weekend away from the computer to celebrate a family birthday and this place just goes crazy!!