TCP - The car pub

Anyone who can afford a ferrari can afford a nice range rover as well for the golf clubs.

And now that you mention golf (again) what golf clubs would you recommend for a beginner? I happen to have one of the best golf courses in my state right across the street from my house, but never went golfing in my life. I did pitch and put a few weeks ago (a miniature form of golf, you only use a putter and number 8 driver I think) and really enjoyed it so naturally I want to try the real thing now.

Have I mentioned Golf here??? I can’t think when LOL!!

Personally I use Wilson fatshaft irons and woods. Although there are some nice titleist and nike irons . I don’t like Ping irons, never have.

But clubs are probably even more personalised than trading methods. If you go along to your local golf shop and try a few different clunbs out, you’ll notice a difference, even though you are a beginner.

There is a school of thought that says you shouldn’t spend too much money on your first set in case you don’t like the game and give it up, thus wasting the money on the clubs. But if you DO like the game and take it up, you’ve just wasted the money on a sh*t set of clubs.

Sorry I can’t be any more help than that.

Quite right, HoG, you have to treat anything with respect, whether it’s a person, the market or a powerful car. Don’t and any of those can bite. Great story!

My daily driver is a Land Rover, but I do have a Porsche 928 as I need to head to London regularly for work and it’s half motorway, half country roads so wanted something that would work for both rather than just one. I’m not stupid on the roads - in my law enforcement past I did all the performance driving courses, skidpan training etc., so I know the value of being sensible and staying safe - but my car is a case in point - it weighs an awful lot (It’s 1970s German engineering, after all!) and is front-engined - a 4.5 litre V8, so that’s pretty heavy, yet the car will apparently crack 160mph. It has been perfectly safe for me, it has an MP3 player attachment so I can have my Johhny Cash and Chris Isaak on, and the leather is very cosseting for the three hour run to work. Point is, though, I could spin it on a sixpence or kill myself pretty easily if I didn’t stay sensible. So I am quite a fan of a powerful car, but not of driving like an idiot. Quite apart from anything else, we most of us have someone who cares about us, so why risk their happiness?

And don’t worry, HoG - according to the original sales blurb, the 928 can take two sets of clubs in the boot, and three passengers to make up a foursome!


Quite right, HoG, you have to treat anything with respect, whether it’s a person, the market or a powerful car. Don’t and any of those can bite. Great story!

My daily driver is a Land Rover, but I do have a Porsche 928 as I need to head to London regularly for work and it’s half motorway, half country roads so wanted something that would work for both rather than just one. I’m not stupid on the roads - in my law enforcement past I did all the performance driving courses, skidpan training etc., so I know the value of being sensible and staying safe - but my car is a case in point - it weighs an awful lot (It’s 1970s German engineering, after all!) and is front-engined - a 4.5 litre V8, so that’s pretty heavy, yet the car will apparently crack 160mph. It has been perfectly safe for me, it has an MP3 player attachment so I can have my Johhny Cash and Chris Isaak on, and the leather is very cosseting for the three hour run to work. Point is, though, I could spin it on a sixpence or kill myself pretty easily if I didn’t stay sensible. So I am quite a fan of a powerful car, but not of driving like an idiot. Quite apart from anything else, we most of us have someone who cares about us, so why risk their happiness?

And don’t worry, HoG - according to the original sales blurb, the 928 can take two sets of clubs in the boot, and three passengers to make up a foursome!


Do I know why my last post went up twice? Not a clue! Sorry for appearing to be a post count builder. In terms of which clubs to get, I always thought start out with a second hand set, then if it turns out to be the game for you chop them in against a new set.


There’s a lot of sense to buying a second hand set of clubs. I trade clubs in when I am buying a new one, and I know a lot of people do the same. A person could get themselves a great little bargain.

When my father-in-law had his shop he had a couple of bins of loose second hand clubs outside, as well as a few second hand sets - you could hire them or buy them. Very cheap way of getting some decent clubs - he could still beat allcomers using them!! (Sorry, make it sound like he’s dead or something - he’s very much alive, just retired so does not sell clubs, any more!)

I think that people can benefit from a percentage of people preferring new stuff - there’s always a lot of decent kit being traded in against new.

It’s like cars - buy a car that is one or two years old (or more) and someone else has taken the depreciation yet you still get the same car. I’m into cars, but my newest is a 2003.

Cars and golf in one post - something for everyone. Drink a pint of Chatsworth/Hobgoblin/delete to taste while reading and you have the holy triumverate for some people!!



Let’s get back on to another “[I]strength[/I]” of ours ST, computing !!

I’m sorry to treat this thread as a “please teach me” thread, but I do have another question. It’s about spreadsheets. You know when you put up a spreadsheet it has rows and columns. Then you enter your information into the cells.

Well why is it that when you print it off, the rows and columns have disappeared? How do you print off a spreadsheet that retainns the rows and column lines?

Or am I doing something wrong? The way I look at it, if I walked into my local pub, and I spotted the buy guy in the corner who knows all about computers, I’d ask him that question. But I’m not in my local, I’m in my “other” local.

So who fancies being the big guy in the corner then ?

Personally, I learned to drive in a Nissan Micra. Most common learner driver vehicle I see on the road is the mini. It would seem this learner driver in London is too good for that “small car” nonsense.

If you look hard, you’ll notice that the learner has already mastered the Bentley Driver’s art of parking across two bays, instead of the one that seems to be good enough for the rest of us.

Incidentally, the story that carried this picture also noted that the yearly insurance for this Bentley was 8k. Not a bad life eh?

You don’t want the big guy in the corner, surely you want the underage drinker in the corner with the LOTR t shirt and a grease problem?! Tbh I am rubbish at excel - I keep my trading log on excel, but never print it out (just have a dedicated external drive) and Mrs Templar still has to renew the formatting for me when I run out of formatted cells. I will ask Mrs Templar, though, and see if she has ever had to print them out.

It was a humble Austin Metro for me. I know I am coming across all Victor Meldrew, here, but the whole parking across two bays thing always winds me up!! But I guess if you can afford that as your learner car, you can afford the odd parking fine!!


Wonder how much this fine was…

People never cease to amaze me! And right in front of a camera, hilarious. Presumably two sets of angry owners tracked him through his car.

Youtube and Wikipedia have both taken a fair chunk of time off my life lol. Thank you for posting that one!

The lines are just for your help on the screen. If you want them printed, there is one setting at print settings where you can switch that on. Or you could also draw a border with matrix lines. :wink:

Plus if you have in mind to save some money, take this one next time instead of buying spread[B]c[/B]he[B]a[/B]t software:

Home � LibreOffice

Excel still has horrible calculation bugs in there. No wonder so many traders lose, lol:

Microsoft Says Excel 2007 Produces Math Errors - - - Informationweek

100000 instead of 65536 in some cases? Ah, just a rounding error, huh?

This is one error which was acknowledged by ms officials. Wonder how many are in there which are not acknlowledged yet? :smiley:

I have excel 2010 and its not much better. But if you want the cells (boxes) to apear. Highlight the area and right click on it. Select format cells. Once you click on that there will be a formatting box that pops up with tabs by the top. Select the border tab. Then you will see inside and outside line options select them. Sounds alot harder than it really is. If you still doint figure it out let me know I will take screen shots and paint them up for you to understand. I am not to great with excel but I am strating to learn it pretty well and doing charting programs on it. It does have math formulation issues but I enter all my data the old school way.

Hello everyone, just thought I would revive the pub chat thread with this question. In the video I’ve put on this post, does anybody know how to create the charts this guy has made on an excel doc??
