That's interesting Brexit v Global Warming

Global warming is a total hoax and nothing more in my opinion, it’s really not that much of impact and not much we as people can do anyway. Brexit for other case is something real and should be profitable for average working English person, that’s why;)

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As you say, that’s your opinion. But the majority scientific opinion is that its not a hoax. My opinion is that I should believe the majority of scientists when it comes to a scientific issue. So how would you get the majority of scientists to reverse their opinions and agree it is a total hoax?

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Thank you and welcome in :sunglasses:

Don’t worry about these two, they are still sulking because I put them right on the other thread

Including the origin and the plain lies which were incorporated in that 97% figure, if I remember correctly, the REAL % was way less than 50 and pretty much ALL of those were having papers or books published as to the disasters it would create ie Every one of them (The sample was very small had a vested financial interest in the “Truth” of it- I also addressed the infamous "Hockey stick " graph so beloved of Al Gore’s film whaich has been proven to have been faked - in line with some of the e-mails from the “Climategate scandal” where it was shown that those "Peer reviewers were saying that it would be convenient if the Medieval warm period and the Little ice age had not existed - and Voila they did not when the IPCC Published it !

THe reality is much as you say

The “science” has got so interwined with Politics that it is frankly impossible to untangle ! and impossible to assess whether there is ANY actual merit in the case at all !

My links above were in similar vain, but when your "Audience " freely admits they did not even bother to follow your links, perhaps they can be said to be “Biased” - Not really much conversation to be had when one of the parties is dancing a jig, with his fingers firmly syuck in both ears and chanting "Nah, Nahna Nah NAAH ! "

However when the exhorbitant fuel costs are directly causing the deaths of 2700 of my countrymen every year - IT IS Time to declare an objection to this PC Rubbish !

WHEN i started this thread I was comparing the huge main stream reporting a few “Global Warmists” were getting as opposed to the rising from nowhere of the New Leading score party in the Brexit stakes ! - so studiously IGNORED by the main stream media :rofl:

Much really as a comment on media bias.

When you can show that the majority of scientists agree with you then I will agree with them. Until then, I disagree with you. Its no good you trying to convince me with science or anything else, I want the scientists to be convinced and then I will agree with their majority. I absolutely promise, if the majority of scientists state that global warming is a hoax, then I will believe its a hoax too.

There was snow on the ground here in Kentucky this morning. Tomorrow, it’s supposed to be in the 70’s (Fahrenheit), that’s convertible/motorcycle weather… I don’t need any scientific evidence to tell me things are changing. This is weird. I’ve lived here my whole life. Whether or not it’s manmade is up for debate, We should be good stewards of this planet on which we live. That’s just common sense. It may not be profitable but it is what it is…

If you mean Tommor and myself by “these two”, you might want to start by getting your facts right.
Nothing you have said in this, or any other thread, would cause me to sulk. I find the majority of your posts humorous, even though that is not your intention, although it is somewhat concerning that people still believe the sort of nonsense you spout.

Like the anti-vaxxers, you cherry-pick articles which seem to agree with your ridiculous viewpoint.

Continue ignoring the truth, Failstaff, let the rising tides swirl around your feet like a modern-day King Canute, although in fairness to Canute he could have been demonstrating his humility, something I believe you may be incapable of.

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Personally I never find ignorance humorous - just sad

This certainly fails to fill me full of mirth - but then I suppose we are all different ;

2700 real people killed every winter in the UK - by your lack of understanding and only likely to get worse !

Your “facts” are so far off the mark, no doubt old age is catching up on you.

“If I remember correctly…” beginning to sound like a former poster on here from Oz who also quoted a lot of uncoroborated nonsense.

Just had the hottest Easter since whenever, well actually the BBC reported:

Three of the UK’s nations have recorded their highest ever Easter Sunday temperatures, the Met Office has said

Bottom line is I’m sunburned at Easter for the first time in my 60 odd years of being on this earth.

Now if I have to choose Brexit v Warming - think I’ll choose the heat :slight_smile:

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Why don’t YOU tell me what the real figures are then ? - Oh sorry = I know you don’t actually Have Any knowledge of the subject.

Here’s a story from Australia - It’s worldwide !

But I suppose as long as it doesn’t pauperise “Eddie” - it’s fine for others to suffer.

Today even beat that - BBC reports:

It has been the hottest Easter Monday on record in all four nations of the UK, the Met Office has said.

It just so happens that my favourite place on the Spanish Costa del Sol has a different record for Easter:


Yet again, you fail to come up with any hard figures. No surprise!

Have I ever taken sides in this? I have merely pointed out some of your many inaccuracies.

The real global warming risk is thermonuclear warming. While politicians push global warming so they can invent new taxes, real problems and risks in our world are pushed to the side.

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Now when I started this thread, it was in observation that the pointless “Global warming” protests were getting way more media coverage than the Brexit issue, which I regard as vital for the wellbeing of my country.

I thought at that time they were competing issues.

Now it seems that it is quite likely that there is a causal relationship between these ridiculous “Accords” which a few of us take to heart and the rest of the world just signs with fingers crossed behind their backs.

Here is a short take from a guy in Canada which rightly links “Yellow vests” and issues in his own country to taxation due to Global warming zealot pressures, this being causal in these cases.

I’m not sure it is “causal” regarding Brexit although anyone in the uk on “Pension Credit” (and many who receive slightly more) is in severe danger of becoming one of the 2700 who are killed every year by exhorbitant energy prices.

I have to say I thank Houndog for his video which I commend for your perusal ! :sunglasses:

It is also quite informative for those who seem to believe that our future should lie within the bloc which is currently the EU - Inflation, depression, national bancruptcy and abject poverty within many of it’s constituent nations - those who “trusted the dream” ! - (I cannot put a “Rofl” face here - as I am tempted to do - it’s just too sad ! )

Here’s a couple of @eddieb (well the zealot website he linked to) “97% of climate scientists agree” [Which they definitely do NOT ! ]-

but these are not quite in the same school as those dreadful “Educators” who are scaring our children to death and creating a generation of panic stricken idiots out of kids who should just be starting to think about music, girls (or boys - depending ) and how they are going to progress in the world themselves. At an age where they should be just “Having fun” - History will shake it’s head in disbelief

and consign these SJWs here !

The information to be gleaned from this discussion makes the acceptance of “Guilt” by the West and demands for “Curing it” by freezing our old people to death - rather stupid - IF indeed you CAN get any more stupid than " demands for “Curing it” by freezing our old people to death"

[quote=“Falstaff, post:29, topic:211496”]
he zealot website he linked to)
[/quote] :laughing:

A well constructed post, but its impossible to use scientific evidence to convince people who reject the integrity of the scientists gathering the evidence. Its Catch-22.

You mean like this…

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What number ?

Quote ;

_**"…Once we recognise this pattern, we can easily identify countless other examples,large and small, throughout history; from the treatment accorded to Galileo for ques-tioning the Church’s ‘consensus’ that the sun moved round the earth to the hysteriawhipped up in the USA in the early1950s by McCarthy and the Senate Un-AmericanActivities Committee, against anyone who could be demonised as a ‘communist’ andtherefore a traitor.A perfect fictional depiction of groupthink in action is Hans Christian Andersen’sstoryThe Emperor’s New Clothes. When the emperor parades through the streets inwhat he has been talked into imagining is a dazzling new suit, all his deferential sub-jects acclaim it as handsome beyond compare. Only the little boy points out that theemperor is not wearing any clothes at all, and is stark naked. And, of course, thosecaught up in the ‘consensus’ all viciously turn on him for pointing out the truth.In the epilogue I shall refer briefly to other instances of groupthink that have be-come only too familiar in our present-day world. But before we apply Janis’s threerules to the ‘non-debate’ over global warming, we must also add one more very im-portant aspect of the way groupthink operates which he didn’t touch on, because itwasn’t relevant to the particular examples he was analysing

.4 The power of second-hand thinkingGreat power is given to ideas propagated by affirmation, repetition and contagionby the circumstances that they acquire in time that mysterious force known as‘prestige’. Whatever has been a ruling power in the world, whether it be ideas ormen, has in the main enforced its authority by means of that irresistible force wecall prestige.Gustave Le Bon,The Crowd

Janiswas only really concerned with how groupthink affected small groups of peo-ple in charge of US policy at the highest level. But when we come to consider thestory of the belief in man-made global warming, we are of course looking at how thiswas shared by countless other people: academics, politicians, the media, teachers,business executives, indeed public opinion in general.But all these people only got carried along by the belief that manmade globalwarming was real and dangerous because they had been told it was so by others.They accepted as true what they had heard, read or just seen on television withoutquestioning it. And this meant that they didn’t really know why they thought whythey did. They hadn’t thought it necessary to give such a complicated and technicalsubject any fundamental study. They simply echoed what had been passed on tothem from somewhere else, usually in the form of a few familiar arguments or articlesof belief that were, like approved mantras, endlessly repeated…"**_

I just go along with whatever scientific conclusion about scientific issues that the majority of trained scientists come to. It doesn’t seem rational to do otherwise.

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