The 3 Duck's Trading System

Good Trading To You For The Week Ahead.

News/Pairs that Duck Hunters should be mindful of this week are;
Rate statements out for these pairs this week.

[B]AUD[/B] pairs on Tue
[B]EUR[/B] pairs on Wed
[B]GBP[/B] pairs on Thur

Also mind yourself with [B]all pairs[/B] this Friday because the Non-Farm Payrolls will be released.

This short video will help you.


Ya Gotta love the Aussie d-pip!

Hi Everyone,

I am fairly new to forex and would like to know if someone can tell me which indicator on metatrader 4 can indicate the 60SMA.

Thank you


The 60 period simple moving average represent’s it pretty closely.

Sometime a screenshot is best to demostrate, follow 1, 2 and 3 and you have it mastered :slight_smile:

I like your style!

Thanks much appreciated!

Thanks Captain for all you have done and continue to do. My first trade on GBP/USD last week scored 74 pips :wink:
I like your approach to trading and it compliments what I already do. I am officially Duck Hunting :60:

Please could someone help where can I find the ebook on the system,

Email Cpt Currency and request from him the ebook. It is free. You can also google the 3 Ducks trading system and u will locate his website.

Easiest route is to do what Ray_1 said & email Andy.
But instead of googling, simply click on Captain Currency’s username, click again on his home page & that will transport you directly to his website where you can request the ebook

Hello Duck Hunters,

[B]Thought for Today[/B]
[I]“Anybody can look at yesterdays chart and say why a currency pair moved; but to make money the currency pair has to be traded today”[/I] Captain Currency

[B]Profitable Pairs[/B] (11th - 13th April 2012)
4 strong currency pairs that I think could offer us some profitable 3 Ducks trades in the coming days are;

[B]Aud.Usd[/B] – current spot price is 1.0310, the Aussie Dollar has been under selling pressure over the last 5 weeks and I would be looking for selling opportunities when my 3 Ducks line up. A break back below the 1.0270 area is needed first.

[B]Eur.Gbp[/B] – current spot price is 0.8260, the Pound has been stronger than the Euro since last week and I would be looking for selling opportunities when my 3 Ducks line up.

[B]Eur.Usd[/B] – current spot price is 1.3140, and I would be looking for selling opportunities when my 3 Ducks line up. All bets would be off the table on a move back above the 1.3240 area in the coming days.

[B]Usd.Jpy[/B] – watch short video and I’le show you why!

Hope this help you,


These are not trade recommendations. The 3 Ducks Trading System is best used as a set of guidelines with discretion in addition with your own market analysis and trading ideas. I do not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information.

Hello fellow Ducks hunters,
3Ducks system will be back tested by Robopips. :slight_smile:
Beginners can take a look at the back tested results when they are released. Remember to keep a lookout for Robopips next blog post. :33:


Cool! I hope the ducks back test as well as they perform in real time. :10:

Follow the rules strictly & stick with Andy’s usual +40 pip TP & -20 SL. I am interested in seeing the results. d.

I’d like to know how Robopips will perform the back test. Based on my experience with the 3 ducks it seems to lend itself to be traded more as a ”discretionary” method than a purely mechanical one. I use it as a guide to scan, filter set-ups, then place trades based on what I think will work, not following set “rules” and “profit targets”.

It’s also important to pay lots of attention to S/R levels, over bought & over sold conditions, session timing, news, etc. Without somehow factoring in market knowledge, conditions, sentiment, all that stuff, the ducks might not back test as well as I’ve seen them perform in real time.

Anyone watch the new reality show on the A&E network, “Duck Dynasty”? crazy show! :smiley:

Has someone an EA for this system ? I’ve tried it with Strategy Tune but it’s pretty complicated…

I hope this never happens. Too many trading threads start out with good & meaningul discusions then somebody writes an EA and everything that follows is about coding. Arcane language that has nothing to do with trading the presented strategy. The 3 Ducks requires looking left and thinking, EAs in my opinion try to eleminate that.

Some of you might guess that I’m opposed to EAs. I believe it was my suggestion to admin that a separate section be devoted to coding for any particular strategy. This was done but is not followed much, coding still coagulates good trading threads. Again, just my opinion. dobro

Oh yeah you’re right:) so I take back my question. I read today captains ebook and understand that’s better not to coding this “system”.


Nice work, Thanks :35:

I’ll wait to see Robo’s test results, then tell you what I found.

I think Robo has tweaked it enough in his pre-code routing, that it took away the original intent. I was disappointed to
see he had changed it from the 5, to 15 minute on the short period, and that he was looking for 1:1 R/R.

Hopefully he adjusts the 5 minute 60 period SMA to a 15 period to keep the value the same. Otherwise, if he uses a 60 there, it would be like having a 180 period SMA on the 5 minute chart. Another longer time frame MA kinda defeats the purpose.

I’m not holding my breath for great results from him testing this, BUT… I’ll check them out. Stay tuned;)