The Babypips Official Mugshots - Post a Pic Of Yourself - You know you Wanna! :)

No, of course not… but I follow his channel and aspire to build a collection like I showed. He is insane with his collection. I love his videos and while he claims it’s a sickness… I am madly in love with his setup!!!

Look at his “Gun Addiction” video soooooooooooooo sweet!


ICT: I am going to go out on a limb here & call you a fraud that is pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. You may have fooled them with your Master FX Trader rubbish but I can see through your web of lies & I know the true origin of your wealth - just found your mug shot on

Jebus man, there’s more weapons in your house than there was in The Gun Store when I was there. God help the fool that tries a B&E on your place.

Once I’ve finished PipSchool I’ll look in to more of your treads & at this rate, you may become my new hero.

:stuck_out_tongue: Those are not my guns friend… I wouldn’t post my collection in photo or video on the internet. Some of my toys aren’t meant to be played with. However, like I said in the previous post… that guy has a sweet setup. I am not manually talented to put together a safe or safes like he has in that video I mashed together… I have essentially wall hangers… and a few smaller handgun safety boxes at this point. I am in awe just as much as you… his is the setup I’m drooling over lol.


When I make my FX millions (or blow my 1st account & decide to just save any future mon£y) this would be my ideal centre piece to my lads room. However my “lads room” is also destined to be a nursery so mmmm, a man can dream…or I could make it the focal point of my living room :slight_smile: If only my wife wasn’t the boss!

Too much food… not enough ammo! :cool:

Okay now… what’s it going to take to see the mugs of the bloggers on here?

I’d like to see the faces behind the cartoons… :slight_smile:

I bet it would bolster more readers to join in. Come on… you’re sexy and you know it lol

HA the only thing that looks worse than my mug is my bank account lol

Somewhere out there on the edge…

That rock looks interesting - where is that?

Me Looking a bit scruffy and barely awake

Stone Mountain Park in Georgia :wink:

as Jollygreenfellow said. Stone mountain Georgia. I climbed all over it including places I probably wasn’t supposed to be but I’ve always been one to follow the path less traveled. It’s 800 feet high so don’t get tooo close to the edge :smiley:

Me with ICT jr.

One Day After I Quit My Job… I’m Looking Out To Sea In Bermuda 6/95

Typical ICT Garb & Attire… No Glitz

I have some really interesting photos I can share with you all if you post more… let’s see those mugs Babypipsters! :5:

you look like you could kick someones ass. from your voice and profession i wouldnt expect that lol

…not to mention few black belts and room full with ‘‘toys’’… lol

a few black belts? i have one lol but that was a looooooooong time ago

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!

Looks like I missed this thread in the past months. Really cool to see who is behind the nicknames. So, this is me and my biggest passion…evrything what is somehow connected with water, sea, ocean (I love manta rays and whale sharks), beach, hammock, good food, drinking and such a things :54:

. That’s me folks.

WOW! This is amazing… thank you for posting this shot! LOVE it! :57: