The Cult Leader of Babypips

It’s fine lol. I know it takes time. I’m not trying to take myself from point a to point b by using ICT as a signal service. This would be a side “investment” like my rent house, my 401k, and my personal IRA.

Please don’t bring the Bible into this discussion. I don’t recall Jesus telling people to go into all nations and teach them how to short the yen. I get that’s part of your allure to your audience, but the use of religion and other higher powers is a tactic commonly used by those that lead cults.

It is ironic that I got led to this thread by Micheal himself, through checking his last comment!
You probably don’t know me Michael, however I read every post on this thread despite that it is as you call it an anti ICT thread,and my thoughts went from why?, interesting, rude, goodbye, hello again, insightful, …and to the decision that this whole thread is really entertaining and full of gossiping players in a Soap Oprah! lol, No offence at all intended to anyone.
But from all the things that got said I liked that quote the most : I read people through what they write.
Indeed we can learn a lot through peoples action and reaction, just like the market isn’t it? That’s one thing we all share and participate in.


I realize God and Jesus makes folks uncomfortable… but I am afraid if you want to bring me into a discussion… I will mention my source of blessing. It is not from the Fx market. I don’t bring Him up to spit shine my halo and dust off my Sainthood… no. I give Him Praise and Honor and if I am ashamed of Him, He’d be ashamed of me. That takes presidence over your comfort and opinion.

If you see someone who is in control of all facets of his/or her life and actions… and has the ability to inspire others… I find it rather weak and unfortunate folks like yourself resort to labeling one a cult leader. Frankly, it is silly. The audience of One is the only party I concern myself with… not the community of Babypips… I am accountable to God. It’s not something you could understand without knowing me.

You made ridiculous troll remarks and implied I am preparing a campaign to start a business or partnership. I told you where my motivation is found… and the central principles I live by. They are not in a rag of a book titled 48 Laws of Power. I find my life guide in God’s Word… either deal with it… or clam up?

If you can’t have a discussion with Jesus as a central tenant to my personal life and motivations… then that’s something you need to reconsider. As I won’t refrain from doing so. Blue collar humor and pathetic attempts to turn my comments around like I am somehow trying to convert you… again, this is lame.

I love God and His Word. If you don’t… that’s your choice. I get it… it seems cool to say “I don’t need God”… but I do. If you can’t take someone giving the deserving adoration, then you aren’t prepared to have a real discussion but rather a debate… one I have no problem engaging in as well. I know I won’t win the debate… but I won’t lose it either.

I laugh at the Cult title… but it needs to be retired. It’s grown very tiresome… and I think the audience begs for more.

God doesn’t brag.

Jesus didn’t need to prove himself to anyone.

And talking about God doesn’t make me uncomfortable for a bit. I grew up in the church and found my own brand of beliefs that’s suitable for me.

But this isn’t a discussion of religion, so your religious rant is just that… A rant.

I liken you to a cult for the obvious reasons. You play all the routine attributes of all great con artists and cult leaders. If I cared enough to go through the book, I could liken you to all 48 Laws of those that seek power.

I’m keenly aware how quickly our banter is diminishing into drivel. Appreciative of the entertainment. Best of luck on your shock and awe. Feel free to have the last words.

Well since you said it… I’ll correct it.

God does brag on Himself actually. The entire account in Exodus shows Him on center stage and bragging to Moses and by plagues that there is no other God save Him. The prophets show ever more the bragging God does of Himself… and the Bible closes with even more… in Revelation John says that there couldn’t be enough books to contain the wonderful things God has done. Sounds like a bragger to me. :wink:

Jesus when raising Lazerus said He didn’t do this for His sake but for those watching… proof. At the wedding Mary asked Jesus to turn the water into wine… He refrained but after Mary insisted the people listen to Him… He performed the miracle… proof. The entire ministry of Jesus was Him PROVING He was GOD in the FLESH! lol

I am content with these words being my final installment. Unless you wish to have a Bible study… that would be awesome. :57: