The Cult Leader of Babypips

That’s fine but give the guy a chance to get off the line. As for the challenge it doesn’t mean much to me - but with your knowledge I thought I would be an easy target that you can passively overcome.

Come now MG99…

I haven’t yet begun to spout of income. You claim in posts elsewhere you want legitimacy in the field… I bring it. I don’t create Nicks to hid behind… I’m not an anonymous blogger. I use my real name in association with ICT.

I don’t foolishly brag. I disclose what is asked of me when and how I feel at any given moment. I won’t need to brag this year. I won’t be doing that no sir… I will be serving. I will not boast of numbers as I intend to gradually increase the first year. The second I will pour on a little more and really run hard in the third year.

When folks, like yourself Mastergunner99, state they don’t care either way what others think or feel… only to spend multiple posts and lines of commentary proving the contrary… it shines like a Neon Sign. If one had little to no concern… their words would be few if none at all.

I would agree that most want to copy my trades and this is not my intent. Nor should it be anyone’s desire to follow me. I’ve shared enough here on Babypips to set yourself up in business and you don’t need my trades to further its effectiveness. Sure do the lazy want to see the Razzle Dazzle before entering the long and deep waters of ICT material… absolutely. I won’t be doing this for them… I am doing this for a deep rooted need personally… beyond the credit it will no doubt bring me online. The reasons I only hinted at elsewhere and won’t go into any more then I did then.

I haven’t disclosed my goals outside the 36 months and 1 million target. If I shock & awe anyone… or bore & rock you to sleep… matters little to me. It’s a personal matter I am doing publically. If I wasn’t confident I was able to and will do it, do you think I would have made it so well advertised? It was spoken and it shall be done.

I appreciate the hand… however, I don’t need anyone to hold me accountable. I do that better than anyone could. As for results, mine or else, unmoving and unrelative to your thoughts Mastergunner99… this seems like an insurance policy. If I do complete the task I set for myself, you won’t be moved. As you stated… you are not concerned. So much so, that you responded with my potential, albeit foolishly thought, “backpedaling” comment just a few posts back. This doesn’t communicate lack of concern. This doesn’t jive with “not overly concerned” or “not changed in my thoughts”. If I don’t care about something… I never concern myself with it. Consider the vast number of threads on here as an example… I don’t frequent those… why? I don’t have a vested interest in them… therefore my concern and thoughts are essentially and quite apparently displayed by my obvious absence.

This is what tickles me in all my years online. The attempt to portray power, weakness, indifference, humility, concern, disregard… all the while the obvious shines through. I am viewed as a great Trader and well… an all around nice guy. The truth is… I am just a guy that understands people more than most. I read them like a book… and it’s shocking how good I am at it… quite frankly. I’m more a student of human behaviour than I am a great Trader. I read human behaviour in Price Action and I read it in forum posts.

I might seem at times like I am spouting… but there are dozens of opportunities daily from this forum I could use as a soapbox to preach the word according to ICT. It is not my passion or interest to answer every persons opinion of me or my methods. I just step in when the facts get skewed and folks get too far out of line. The truth is… like a few others on here… you want me to fail… this would provide years of “material” for you in these forums… and as much as I do care to help others and try to exemplify the spirit of sharing… I am afraid that’s a need that will be left wanting.

Despite what is seen in a handful of posts by me. [I]“I’m slow to speak, swift to hear and slow to wrath and I let my words be few.” [/I][James 1:19, Eccl. 5:2, Jn.8:26]

Last I checked, I wasn’t the one that brought up the challenge. I didn’t even think about it till someone else mentioned it.

And if you think Forex is a battle over pride and ego, then there is much more for you to learn.

Challenges is not trading. Entirely different methodology and mindset all together.

Don’t confuse my sporatic appearance on this forum to shed away my boredom between appointments and when I’m sitting on the can as some measure of me caring about you or your challenge.

For a guy that can read someone like a book… let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

The image of me is what you in your mind created of me. Even the voice in your head as you read these words is not my voice. How you define me, is not who I am. You only know me by words and a couple random pictures, the rest you formulated.

The real psychology is that you want me to care.

only read a couple of posts, wont read the rest, wont reply anymore. i just want to express my concern about so much hate in these forums (not just this thread). its just destructive and does not help a single person. so why even bother?? i dont get why people spend so much time criticising and hating. rather do something that adds value to someone.

Enough bickering already. ICT promise a live trade account let him deliver, the chatter wont help. I like your stance MG99.

TopFroxx, don’t mistake differing opinions with hate. That’s far too strong of an emotion for such a topic.

Actually… with all due respect… I couldn’t care less if you care. Again, you are missing the point. I am doing this regardless of you as a member of the audience. You however, insist on making a stage of it and trying your heckler material in attempt at diminishing my core point of doing it at all.

If you cared even more, I’d swear you were a fanboy. :wink:

I am glad I entertain you…


This reminds me of…um… no that’s not mud the monkeys are slinging heheh

That’s almost my point, neither of us really care what the other thinks. Neither of us know each other.

However, one of us has created a teachable methodology to what seems to be success in currency trading. As much as it is a personal thing for you, it is also a very public assertion to validate your brand.

Now I’m sure you’ve found some semblance of success in Forex. Most of us can if we hang around enough to figure the damn thing out. So I don’t doubt at all that you’ll pull some profits. I just don’t think it will be shock and awe as you described.

Also, I’d suggest hiding your actual trades. That’ll show who’s really following you to learn or to catch a hand out.

As much as you would want me to be a fanboy, I just can’t get into your trading methodology. For me i prefer a simpler approach.

I do appreciate however, that you actually take the time to converse with me. We both know I’m not some trollish flamer looking to start trouble. We also both know that your fans think of you more than the regular guy you are.

The general tone here from ICT and the majority seems to be that the whole live trading and account thing is about proving something to “Trolls”. As if its a test of his worth and nothing more.

I’m actually excited to follow it for one reason only and that is I have never seen a real or demo account being traded profitably for over 6 months. I know some people are fine and able to commit 100% to all of this business without ever having seen proof of success in forex trading. I’ve spent a few years learning this game on the belief alone that its possible. I just have never seen it happen before. I sort of need to see it done, simply knowing that a person has traded an account profitably with a real broker will give me a whole new level of commitment.

Thats not because I am “lazy (and) want to see the Razzle Dazzle before entering the long and deep waters of ICT material” it’s because I need evidence to believe in something, especially if its something put forwards by someone online. Me saying I need evidence is not about ICT having anything to prove to me. It’s about me, my mind, my personality. I do not believe anything 100% without proof. I’m just wired that way, it’s how my mind works. Thats why this live account for me is not about ICT being proven right or wrong. It’s just going to be that little bit of evidence that there is a person alive who can trade profitably.

It would just be really helpful for me to see. Thats why I want to see it for selfish reasons, to inspire me to work harder.

Many will see this need for evidence as weaknesses as so many in the past have been quick to point out on many a forum. I really don’t care. If this goes ahead it will be a true inspiration to me.

So thats why i’m excited and am keen to see the results. Not because I’m calling ICT a liar or a fraud or whatever else. It’s because I have never seen consistent success in this business from myself or others and I really want to see it.

So bring on this year. I need to see this.

Because he’s invested way more of his time in us then “the regular guy.” :wink:

Head over to myfxbook. You’ll find a lot of people that trade successfully.

He invested that time into his brand. He’s awaiting the call from Babypips or whomever to Shepherd his Flock into a profitable position. That’s my personal belief based on my own logical deduction and reasoning.

He puts in this time no more for you than for himself.

I encourage you to read the 48 Laws of Power. I’m quite certain ICT has.

I’m not waiting for Babypips.
I am no Shepard.
I haven’t read the book you cited… so I don’t have a comment.

I have however read the 66 Books… and chose rather to live my life according to those. The Bible.

Sermon on the Mount… read that and you will see why I do it… and why I won’t be going into “business” after this run.

Always a conspiracy… and always an angle. It’s ever more the sweeter when I see folks scratch their heads as to why I do what I do… without cost.

Thanks MG99! :57:

I can relate… I needed this too… Larry Williams was my answer then… and my motivation.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

I hope he doesn’t conceal the entries and exits. I won’t be hurt if he does tho. Be alot easier to use the money I’ve made off the market to trade than the money I make at work. Take some of the emotions out hopefully. At the very least it won’t put me into any trouble with the lady lol. I’m sure we could all follow and have different results. Some people will over leverage and blow their accounts some will be to scared to takes some trades or take profits earlier or let trades runs. I’m not lazy but working 60 or more hours a week with a family to take care of leaves little time for trading or anything else. I read at work when I can. This would help me beyond words. Not to say some of it doesn’t come from greed or laziness because it does. But at the same time there’s other factors. But whatever he does is whatever he does, ill keep chugging away regardless. I won’t say I’m not hopeful tho.

For your sake, I hope he doesn’t show. For one the trades will not be displayed with real time notifications.

Secondly, you’re too desperate to play with such a risky market as Forex and expect to come our ahead.

Emotions will rip you apart financially. Forex isn’t a Godsend to save the oppressed and overworked. Work hard. Put food on your table. Save your money. Then when you already have your security, and still want the adventure, Forex will still be there.

The 20 hours of overtime aren’t to put food on the table. I’m far fairly far ahead financially. And blowing a $500 or $1000 account won’t hurt me at all. I like having money and I work hard and keep working hard to put back for retirement and so I don’t live paycheck to paycheck.

Then be smart about this. Stop looking for the free ride. Give it enough time and you’ll figure out how to maintain an edge in the marketplace.

Apologies for assuming your financial position.