The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

Amazing how price just ran away from that imaginary line that doesn’t really exist.

Yep, no useful information here. Nothing to learn from at all. Because it doesn’t exist. Not one bit. Nope.

All hail the mighty jaquille!

The line only exists if you put it there.

It would be preferably if your posts remained ON TOPIC with any nastiness.

For goodness sake, some members take this stuff far too seriously. We’re not discussing life and death issues here! As I said in my opening post, this is a bit of fun, nothing else.

Any indicator only appears if people put them there. But guess what? Enough people drew the same line and enough people reacted at the same line. And guess what? The price bounced off that imaginary line that you claim doesn’t exist.

The trend line exists on the sheer basis that enough people created it on their own charts. Simply because you did not put the same trend line on your chart does not mean it doesn’t exists. Your price bounced off someone else’s trend line. Enough people with more money than you collectively thought differently about the imaginary line you claim doesn’t exist.

Why do you think the trend line was created to begin with?

Are you going to tell me next that the Golden Ratio has no validity either?

Price didn’t bounce at that level because the line was there, it would go wherever anyway. Yes there’s traders who would buy at that line, there’s also traders who would sell. Use whatever tools you choose price will move regardless.
Today I went long EURUSD and this guy ask me if I notice the “trend” was down before I entered…lol…Does it matter? Two things can happen after I enter a trade (regardless of where one thinks the “trend” is) either I win or lose, and to me that’s what matters.

Do you think price moves itself? Buyers and sellers move the price.

That bounce was clearly a trend line bounce because enough buyers and sellers believed in the same trend line I drew. If you follow the line there again were enough bounces to show that enough buyers and sellers respect the trend line.

Having worked on a major banks trading floor I can say I’ve seen trendlines on a number of traders charts (usually the prop traders). And I know the pit traders have been using them for years and used to draw them by hand in the good old days ie before computers! I make no further comment on this as I’m out if the debate, just providing an answer to a question.

I never said the line did not exist. You have taken my words out of context.

How do you know for certain that enough people with more money than me collectively thought differently about the imaginary line?

What is the reason for your hostility?

Are you hostile to others because their religion is different?

Are you hostile to others because their skin is different?

Are you hostile to others because their sexual preference is different?

Are you hostile to others because their nationality is different?

Are you hostile to others because their political affiliation is different?

If the answer is NO, then why are you hostile toward me between my “trend” belief is different from yours?

Course it bounced there because of the line - as enough traders had placed orders there. Price doesn’t move by itself, it’s the result of human action. And you surprise me seeing as your way of trading is based on trendlines (I know as you taught me!)

But it doesn’t always bounce.

Well you already answered the first question.
So for someone like me who didn’t have that “trend” line on my chart what should I say happened there? Its simple traders were buying at that level. Do I need a “trend” to know where buyers will buy? No, one cannot tell. However money can be make by trading off lines drawn on charts but the line has NOTHING to do with the price.
I’m a vet at drawing those lines, I’ve drawn thousands(maybe millions) in my trading career but price doesn’t care what lines are on a given chart. This is why the price breaks lines, pull back before it reaches a line and also rally before it reaches a particular line. If it was so much dependent on the lines to move wouldn’t the market respect the lines 100%.

Need I remind you that I have you quoted in saying just that. If you need to recant, then do so. Thus far you haven’t, so as far as I’m concerned, that is your position.

Price told me so. And price never lies.

There is no hostility. Hostility only exists in your mind. Perhaps you should change your mind if you think hostility exists. Should I start a thread - Hostility-Debunked?

You assume I have a religion.

I have poked fun of my co-worker for having a pimple on his chin. Couldn’t help myself. The thing was huge and oozing with puss.

Absolutely. Pedophiles can rot in hell for all of eternity.

No, but I am hostile to some foreign national governments. I take that back… I’m not very fond of Canadians.

Totalitarianism and Communism are destructive to human nature and have no place on this Earth.

I am not hostile towards you. Hostility only exists in your mind. Perhaps you should change your mind.

Did you want to man up now, or do you desire to continue playing, “the victim”?

Shand we can say it bounce there because that’s now obvious, price can bounce anywhere on a chart, doesn’t have to be at a line. Did all traders who buy the market at that level had that line on their charts? No, but its obvious traders were buying. Trading that way is profitable as you know it, just as trading several other ways.

I do not think you clearly understand the dynamics of trading. Price doesn’t randomly bounce around. Price only moves when buyers and sellers move the market. It didn’t just bounce there for the sake of bouncing there.

It bounced there because enough buyers and sellers anticipated a bounce there. They then either placed limit orders and market orders around that area. That is the only reason price bounced there.

We can then agree on two things. Enough buyers and sellers anticipated the bounce because of they trend line that existed. And that the trend line I drew on the chart can confirm that a bounce there was logical as a result of others placing their trend line there as well.

It is absurd to say the trend line did not exist because it was not on your chart. It was on enough of the charts in the multi trillion dollar a day industry that mattered to cause the bounce to begin with.

Consider this. Retail forex only makes up a slight percentage of all of trading. Big money is what moves prie. Governments, multi-billion dollar hedge funds, and banks. So when I see price respecting a trend line, it’s not because of the tens of thousands of dollars that are being pushed around by BabyPippers who have faith in some imaginary line, but rather the millions of dollars that are being pushed around by the guys that move the market.

The trend line exists because the guy that moved the market says it exists. Nuff said.

100% agree. But the “debate” isn’t about whether the trend is all that matters, rather that it is actually a MYTH ie never exists. But we see time again that trends (multilple) exist all the time, and we can make money from them. Especially if we observe price action at these points, which will give good clues as to whether the Market s taking note of that particular line - as you well know Master Trendline Trader!

yeah I know, was clarifying whether you’d missed off the ? by mistake.

We all by now should know what moves price.
I’m a bull on the guppy and that line wasn’t on my chart(even though I trade off lines at times). I’m not saying your “trend” line didn’t exist. I’m saying there were traders who buy and also sell at that level that didn’t have such line on their chart. If you are a “trend” line trader I’m sure there’s numerous occasions where your anticipated bounce didn’t occur. How come? Base on what you said above it should bounce every time because traders will be aware.

I believe the theory around “trendlines” and the like is based around banks etc averaging / staggering their huge orders out in a structured manner and that kind of thing. Once a trend ends, “those who make a difference” have finished their business and moved on. This is on the larger timeframes / trends of course, they as we know don’t generally play around on the smaller timeframes. That’s just “us” small guys copying what the big boys do :slight_smile:

I don’t trade off trend lines by themselves. I do take not of them for possible shifts in direction of price movement. I need more than one reason to enter into a trade.

I never stated anything was absolute. And yes, on nearly every respected trend line there is a reaction to the line. That doesn’t mean that price will reverse and head the other way. Price very well could continue back on in it’s intended direction. But nonetheless, there is a very visible reaction in the market.

So to sum up. You’re pretty much stating that there’s buyers and sellers at every level. What a coincidence, that was just on the cover of this month’s issue of, “Duh”.

We all get that. There are either more sellers and buyers at each level that will dictate which direction price will move in. And in this case, as it is in a lot of other cases, buyers and sellers tend to place new orders and close existing orders a lot more around strong levels of resistance, such as a trend line.

No, I think we should all gang up on him and make him cry.

Only joking. But having a harder edge to a debate makes it even more interesting. And despite my own frustrations with Jaquille, he has created the most interesting thread I’ve see on here as it covers some areas I’m particularly interested in. So for that I thank him, whilst also calling him a fool (in the nicest possible way of course) in the next breath :slight_smile: