The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

Now is this a debate on trend lines, or trends?..the two can be quite different. Trend lines to me are just a visual to connect highs and lows and projects a string/series of possible support or resistance prices into the future that if the psychology of price/traders continues (trends) as it has, price may visit one of them and reverse at it. If you draw a line on existing highs/lows, then the line is real. Whether price will stay the line when it comes to it next time remains unknown until after the fact. Whether diagonal or horizontalā€¦itā€™s still a ā€œLINEā€!

What makes trend trading more difficult is that it is more of an art than a science. The weekly open is a science (fact)ā€¦not subjective, whereas a trend is quite subjective & discretionary depending on what time frame you look at and what highs/lows you use to draw your lines.

So why did those daily lows make such a (more or less) uniform diagonal formation? Was it because of other traders buying (in this case lol) into that trend line that they also drew on their charts? But how many days formed before they decided to draw a line? If, for example sake, the line wasnā€™t drawn until the sixth day, how did buyers know it was supposed to be support and keep the uniformity before then?

I donā€™t knowā€¦lol. I do however have some ideas that revolve around a ā€œmeasured moveā€ kinda concept, which is like the harmonic moves of fibonacciā€¦itā€™s in the nature of nature. Through trading activities, price naturally does make patterns including one called ā€œtrendā€, and we use the clues we are given while they are forming to speculate whether the pattern(s) we choose will play out or not, and use our experience and trade logs to determine the/our odds of being profitable. Iā€™m still sorting this out in my mind and itā€™s subject to change, but at the moment thatā€™s basically the way I see it.

So again just to be clear, what is being debunked here? That ā€œTymensā€ trend trading is ā€œthe finestā€? ā€¦or trend trading?, ā€¦or that trends and/or trendlines (or any pattern in general), are myths? ā€¦hmmmā€¦lol :smiley:


Havenā€™t enough people already ganged up on, Jaquille? He has been called nasty names and been treated rudely [I][B]in his own thread[/B][/I].

From where I sit, Jaquille made an assertion and then someone else posted a chart on the other thread that backs up the assertion that trend is a concept. So you have to give him that point.

Jaquille never said trendlines do not work. If you want to infer that, you can but you canā€™t hold Jaquille responsible for your inferences.

You may not know this but Jaquille was nice enough to create a very useful indicator on the MMTT thread and post it for anyone to use. Give Jaquille some credit or at least give him a break. If you want believe in trend then so be it. But at least conduct yourself in a civilized manner.


Draw the trendline for next week and the week after and the week after that. You say trend exists so show me the trend [B]IN ADVANCE[/B].

The purpose was stated in a very clear manner. We can dissect that statement into:

Trend is a concept

Trend is a concept that only exists in the mind of traders

Trend is a myth.

That is a syllogism.

[B]A categorical syllogism consists of three parts: the major premise, the minor premise and the conclusion.[/B]

The first statement is TRUE.

The second statement is TRUE.

Now, does the third statement logically flow from the other two? Can you infer Trend is a myth?

Perhaps if Jaquille didnā€™t state the third part, it would not have gotten under the skin of so many. The third part isnā€™t necessay. Proving trend is a concept that only exists in the mind of traders was the point. The myth part is just another way saying trend only exists in the mind of traders.

Before or after the fact? It takes data from the past to establish which direction price might take in the future. If you arenā€™t educated enough to establish that much about trends and drawing trend lines, perhaps you should concede from commenting about the topic all together.

Right now the trend on the daily chart is up. Granted it looks to me to be a retracement of an overall trend that is going down. Yes, there are trends within trends. Iā€™m surprised no one has commented on which direction my current trade is in.

Itā€™s not some holy grail in and of itself. So you and I both know that one cannot discern a trend without previous data already established. So your demands are about as foolish as the ideology that a trend does not exist.

Trend is not a trading system in and of itself. Itā€™s a tool for a trader to use and have a better picture of the overall market.

If none of that makes sense to you, then simply substitute the above text for, ā€œNanananabooboo.ā€

They canā€™t.

Best example, today.

16:30 EST after the FED raised interest rates PRICE did what it wanted to do. Because of MONEY FLOW the USD shot up gainst ALL currencies pairs weighted in the USDX.
[Limit] BUY & [Limit] SELL orders depending on USD being Base/Quote were hitting the Market because MONEY [B]moved[/B].

STOPS got hit & the whole FX universe changed itā€™s rhythm there to rockā€™n roll for 30 minutes or so.

Price found new levels to settle down for the time being until Europe kicks into action.

Price just did itā€™s gig & will continue to do so.

Depends on the chart you were looking at I suppose. The news today was irrelevant to me, as it usual is. The dollar started showing strength yesterday on my charts. Just having a look at AUDUSD now shows that it went up a tad, hit the trend line that was already in place and shot back down. Not in that trade however. I prefer it to break below that huge bear candle from a few days back.

And as far as a live trade is concerned, I was already short GBPUSD yesterday. Got in when price broke away from the weak up trend that was evidently a retracement of the larger downtrend. 187 pips up and counting. Damn those trend lines. They certainly do not have any use whatsoever.

carefully draws downward trend line over the recent candles in this thread

Hi, yeah itā€™s really great up here :slight_smile:

OHHHH. Thatā€¦ yeah, read the first few pages. I asked questions in reference to emotions and related to the fact that you canā€™t prove emotion. To be honest, I am multi-tasking on my computer at the moment and donā€™t care to scale back to find it. I believe there is a search you can do on my profile page. Either way, itā€™s really not that important I suppose. I forgot what I even asked you to show me, thatā€™s how unimportant this is at the moment.

But I gotta tell ya bud, I didnā€™t violate any forum rules. If I by chance hurt your feelings or something that resorted in you ā€œlabelingā€ my behavior, then I apologize. It was unintended.

What would you know, hoser?

LOL! :stuck_out_tongue:

I learn from every experience in my life, as do you. Perhaps you just arenā€™t aware of the fact. But I donā€™t really care to get into the whole deep explanation of oneā€™s psychological development brought on by oneā€™s environment. That can be saved for another thread topic if it should ever arise.

Nonetheless, I refute the notion that Iā€™m here to heckle Jaquille. Iā€™m a stand up comedian, not by profession. I am very familiar with hecklers. They say things that are entirely unrelated to what you are saying on stage to try to trip you up. On a side note, I appreciate hecklers. They keep things entertaining and allow one to develop a thick skin, yet maintain a tender heart. And the very best times are when they get put in their place.

Iā€™m here to refute his notions and the notion of others alike that trends are not valid. They very much are valid, and one can use trends to profit greatly from the market.

I do however deeply appreciate the idea that you consider me smart. Thank you friend.

Emotions? Thatā€™s not the topic of this thread. I donā€™t blame Jaquille for not answering OFF TOPIC questions.

Do you realize that Jaquille never stated that ā€œtrends are not vaildā€? Read the first post of this thread very slowly and carefully. Then read it again. Read it a third time. Jaquilleā€™s actual statement may finally break through your preconceived notions and you will actuall see, probably for the first time, the words Jaquille wrote.

Then reread what I wrote and youā€™ll see I never stated that I consider you smart. A smart @$$ perhaps.

Actually, they were on topic.

He wanted to define trend. I retorted that some things cannot be specifically defined. I used the example of love. You canā€™t specifically define love. Itā€™s an emotion that lies within oneā€™s mind. You canā€™t prove it exists.

But please, no need to further embarrass yourself. Feel free to do the diligence of work needed prior to making your assumptions. Iā€™ll assume you have now done so, and I accept the retraction of your above commentary.

I must say, you are now the one that is straying off topic. As was the case of jaquille when he cared to whine about people trying to ban him or pull him into arguments. The irony being that was the exact thing he was doing in private and public messages to me, and the very thing you are doing now.

Soā€¦ did you have any purposeful comment to add to this thread or did you want to continue in your degregation of the debated topic.

The existence of trend is the topic. Not emotion.

Jaquille wrote, and I quote, ā€œYou are wrong. Trends do not exist.ā€

I did not write it. He did. Directly to me. In this very public forum. I offered twice for him to retract the statement, and he did not do so.

Now you did not directly consider me smart. You inferred it. If my sheer genius :slight_smile: was not on your mind then you would not have made the statement you made.

Seriously, youā€™re too much fun now. Letā€™s get back onto topic. You might even learn the validity of trends, how to draw them, why they exist, and how to profit from them. After all, thatā€™s why weā€™re all here in the first place. To further our educational stance on the markets and as well to teach others that know less than you.

If you only knewā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I think itā€™s important for you to understand the importance of analogy. Itā€™s used to help stress a point at times. Sometimes you need to see things from another perspective to better understand the immediate point in hand. If you canā€™t understand that, then Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m really not much in the mood to educate you on analogies.

So moving back onto topic now. How do you define trend?

When I outline the highs & lows with a hot pink colored line, it ā€œdefinesā€ the direction of price quite well, much like it defines my lipsā€¦lol :smiley: :wink: