The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

An open mind is a valuable tool for a proffessional trader. But, like when swimming in the sea, remember that not everything that floats is a fish

If trends were a myth, then you couldn’t see them. A trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph.

Unless you are told, or have labels on a chart, you can’t tell the difference between charts of different time. However, you can see this pattern on them all. Whatever chart you are looking at, you can look at the above definition and conclude IT"S trend. If I had to describe what price was doing on any given chart, I’d rather use one word that everyone has become familiar with than some longwinded version of the above definition.

It’s pretty difficult to prove that a trend is a myth when it’s chartable, which can only be done if one exists. Another thing about a pattern is that it is repeatable. So maybe we can’t tell when it starts or ends, but there are clues that we can use, because the clues happened before, and probably will again.

If all the animals in the world were Cheetah’s, then they’d cease to exist because what would they kill? If everyone traded the same way, there’d be no market…and trading would become a myth.

One thing I do agree with in part is your statement :

Newbies should be cautious in believing what they read about {trend} because it sounds good to the untrained mind.

except it doesn’t only apply to trends. You can substitute anything else that sounds good with respect to an untrained mind.


Whether or not you can chart something does not prove it exists. If you charted the number of times alien spacecraft have been sighted, does not mean they exist - or does it? :stuck_out_tongue:

The same is true for Big Foot sightings. The number of times Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Unicorns and God are mentioned in print could be charted. Does that imply they exist?

The definition:
A trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph. [/B]

is vague. What is “gradual”? How much time?

On a 1-tick chart every change in direction could be considered a change in “trend”.

The challenge is to use critical thinking and question authority.

maybe the trend was “inefficient” ?

there is a guy called “tymen1” and he has a thread on trend trading…why dont you have a look mate?

p.s “petefader” has helped me alot, and has given me advice for free, his methods are very interesting and i intend to learn them…

“mastergunner99” has a thread on price action which i found a very good read, and i find his methods quite easy to implement and i will be demo trading them next week

the threads they have put together are filled with information and that is what you need when you learn…content

i cant seem to find any sort of content in this thread apart from “trend is a myth”…ok what shall we replace it with then? tell me exactly what to look out for? shapes, sizes, patterns?..price?..there is simply no detail in here at all…

it is horrible for a newbie like me to come here and be told “this guy is wrong…listen to me” only for another person to do the same again…we just need precise information and clarification so we can test a method and see if it works for US.


you have copied “tymen1’s” title exactly and put the word “DEBUNKED” at the end in capital letters…

and in the same section as his thread…

i think its safe to say that your trying to tell people what he is teaching is wrong…

which is fair enough, but you still missed out the information as to why your method is better, what your method exactly is, how and when to trade your method?

alot is missing from here…that word again…“content”

I think the “content” is usually located between the title, and the last post.

While I don’t agree with the premise here, it may be beneficial if you went through the entire thread before making more comments. Some of what you are saying may have been covered;)

Let me state the purpose again for you:

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.

Wrong? I did not say “wrong”.

One method I use is in my CHEETAH thread. That is where you can find content.

thanks master tang, i was going to agree with what you said and was going to start going through the thread…

until jaquille has now told me the main information isnt in this thread but his “cheetah” thread?!


looks like i was right after all…not much info in here…

apart from his reference to banned memebers posts…in the first page?

strange that.

Please be precise when you write and accurate when you quote.

I did not tell you the main information is in the cheetah thread.


This thread is 48 pages old and most of it contains only arguments and nothing more. If you want to prove trend is a myth, you are most welcome to do so. If you have come on a mission to do it go ahead and do it. Lets see some charts, make some points on it, lets have some healthy constructive debates on it and LETS LEARN. I request you one more time to focus on what you wanted to prove instead of getting entangled with endless arguments. Good luck in your trades.


It has been shown that “trend” is a concept. I call it a myth. One can debate the definition of myth. Charts are not necessary for proof.

The problem with “trend” lies in its vague definition. It is not precise.

I can state with certainty that price is above or below the monthly, weekly and daily open. But can I say with certainty what the “trend” is?

If price is above the monthly open, does that imply the “trend” is up?

What if the price is above the monthly open and below the weekly open - does that imply the weekly “trend” is down?

What if the price is above the monthly open, below the weekly open and above the daily open - does that imply the daily “trend” is up?

Where does “trend” end?

How many “trends” are enough?

Which trend is the trend to follow and for how long?

What constitutes a trend?

What are the necessary and sufficient elements of “trend”?

How much price movement over how much time?

For something that is supposed to tell you simply whether price is going up or down, “trend” sure is complicated.


Thank you for your explanation. Reason why i ask for chart is simple “A picture speaks thousand words” It also makes learning easier and interesting. You got so much to write against trend trading…Fine so how do you trade ? Throw us charts on a pair; explain how you analyze it and predict where price action will go after some time. After that time, lets see your charts again so we can analyze the results. Thats how i was looking to go in depth of your points. Not just by endless writing and writing.


If price goes up for one minute, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

If price goes up for one hour, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

If price goes up for one day, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

If price goes up for one week, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

If price goes up for one month, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

If price goes up for one year, is that a “trend”? If not, why not? If yes, does that mean a long entry has a higher probability of exiting with a profit?

Please be precise with language.

I have not written against “trend trading”. I made the assertion that “trend is a concept that only exists in the mind of a trader”.

Someone else asked about “content” and I pointed out that my CHEETAH thread has one of my methods. But this thread is not about how I trade. Be my guest to question me about trading in the CHEETAH thread. Let’s see if we can keep this thread ON TOPIC.

Cheetah Thread ? I haven’t come across it yet. Will have a look into it.


Pronunciation: \ˈtrend
Function: intransitive verb

1 a : to extend in a general direction : follow a general course <mountain ranges trending north and south> b : to veer in a new direction : bend <a coastline that trends westward>

2 a : to show a tendency : incline <prices trending upward> b : to become deflected : shift <opinions trending toward conservatism>

Accroding to Websters Dictonary, trends happen frequently on your charts. Notice the word “incline”, meaning a slope. Can anyone tell me that there are not inclines and slopes on your chart? Obviously not.

I think it would be wise to move on the a more usefull disscusion, like where to enter and exit.

See! No end to the questions…lol

Actually, to be precise, you posted a definition of a verb not a noun. I asserted in post #1 that “trend is a concept…” I use “trend” as a noun.

The purpose of this thread is not about entry and exit.

That is quite true.

Now, I do use the concept of trend in my trading, but I can see your points and they are valid.

Sorry but I don’t think it’s all valid. All those questions make it look complicated, but are they “relevant”?

It has been shown that “trend” is a concept. I call it a myth. One can debate the definition of myth. Charts are not necessary for proof.

The problem with “trend” lies in its vague definition. It is not precise.

I can state with certainty that price is above or below the monthly, weekly and daily open. But can I say with certainty what the “trend” is?

If price is above the monthly open, does that imply the “trend” is up?

I don’t think this is relevant.

What if the price is above the monthly open and below the weekly open - does that imply the weekly “trend” is down?

I don’t think this is relevant

What if the price is above the monthly open, below the weekly open and above the daily open - does that imply the daily “trend” is up?

I don’t think this is relevant

Where does “trend” end?

This is relevant

How many “trends” are enough?

I don’t think this is relevant

Which trend is the trend to follow and for how long?

This is relevant

What constitutes a trend?

This is relevant

What are the necessary and sufficient elements of “trend”?

This is relevant

How much price movement over how much time?

This is relevant

For something that is supposed to tell you simply whether price is going up or down, “trend” sure is complicated.

No, it’s not really all that complicated…whether something is complicated or not is a perception. To the trained eye/mind, the answers to the right questions can quickly give a trader the information to assess when/where price will go up or down, and place their trade accordingly.