The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

I am not avoiding anything except those posts and people that have the intention of getting this thread closed.

I stated the purpose of this thread in post #1.

To disprove my assertion you have to show that “trend” exists in other than a conceptual form.

“If trends did not exist, we’d see a normal distribution in returns.” That is a false statement. It is false because it is dependent upon the sample size or the period examined. Adding one more element or more time to the sample size could completely change the conclusion.

Trend suggests price direction. No one stated that it is with certainty that price will absolutely go in that direction. For that matter, the market exists because no one can say with certainty which direction price will take.

Therefore, it is all subjective. It is all speculation. Right or wrong in the market is determined by profitability or lack thereof.

Is trend is a myth, all trading is a myth because everyone entered into the the market based on what the “illusion” that was created by what they saw.

I agree in part.

I agree.


So am I. Though a certain unwanted individual is still posting in here.

mastergunner99, please do not post in this thread.

Absolutely not, where do yet these ridiculous ideas from ?

From people in the form of books, forums, seminars, etc…

With respect to sample size, I’m sure that we’d both agree that we’d need to add a constraint that the sample size must be sufficient to yield statistically significant data.

With respect to the period being examined, why not examine all possible data available ? If you insist on randomly sampling timeseries data, the magnitude of the kurtosis may well change, but its still there. Ignoring this is the equivelent of you arguing theres no fish in the sea, on the basis of sampling a cubic metre of water and not finding a fish.

However you slice this, you’ll find the same thing. Look at the distribution in the length of artificially constructed bars, look at tick bars, look at daily range, if you really dont believe me take random trades over set time periods and look at the distribution of profit and loss, and you’ll see the same statistical property being exhibited. You wont find a normal distribution however hard you look, you’ll find fat tails, caused by bias in market participants, and when those participants act in unison, it results in a TREND.

If you go out in a boat, with an appropriately sized net for the species you wish to catch, you stand a good chance of catching a fish. If you trade a trend following method, with appropriate parameters, you stand a reasonable chance of catching a trend !

simbafx your arguments are well constructed and thought out. You leave out 2 crucial facts: There is no agreement on a precise definition of “trend” nor what the “trend” is at the moment.

One other point that I need to make, I am not skewing anything in my assertion that “trend” is a concept and exists only in the minds of traders. I am not sampling a cubic meter of water and claiming there are no fish. I am looking at all of the oceans.

I don’t think trend has a purpose…it just IS. Determining the direction price “may” travel is the purpose of technical analysis.

I agree that most methods of identifying a trend are doomed to failure with giving as many false signals as true ones. The vast majority of them only use lagging indicators which shows current data as it relates to past data for the lookback period and that includes trendlines, channels, moving averages etc. I know I’ve seen many charts with cherry-picked “after the fact” examples which when applied real time quite often don’t work out.

However, it’s not the trends fault.

I do feel I have a method that can objectively identify trend direction, and determine if it’s in the early or late stages…the structure position of any market and timeframe.


Which, if any, of your threads contains this method?

I’m in agreeance here. It’s the trader’s failure of properly trading the trend that can result in loss. Granted, “proper” is entirely subjective here. I personally don’t need indicators to tell me the direction of price. Price alone tells me where it’s looking to go. I do however use trend-lines to help determine areas where a trend is looking to reverse or come to an end.

Everyone is buying and selling based on their own subjective beliefs about the market. Price moves how it moves because that’s how beliefs change.

Sometimes traders are poorly positioned however, and their beliefs are conquered by the opposing camp (longs/shorts) due to superior positioning/capital. There are many reasons why traders choose to take poor positions, some actually understand the risk and are aiming for larger targets, but most are trading in an emotional frenzy of some sort and if the opposite camp spots this, they can be taken advantage of, and their position wiped out (along with the transfer of profits to the winning camp)

What appears to be a (let’s say up)trend is just traders in the long camp taking up long positions at favourable areas, this pattern is self-fulfilling as new highs are reached, and thus give reason for favourable long positioning on the retrace. When price fails to make new highs (in this scenario) then things get a little more chaotic as both camps try and figure out where a “good position” lies price-wise. Always keep in mind this is competition for FAVOURABLE positions, there is never any guarantee that price will continue upward just because new highs are reached, that’s where trading gets really subjective and experience takes over.

Make sense jaquille et al?

Everyone is buying and selling based on their own subjective beliefs about the market.

I don’t know, does it?

Value is what’s sought after, is it not?
The price is right & quality of the participation is ensured.

Price moves how it moves because that’s how beliefs change.

I don’t know, does it?

You are dealing with human emotion & human decision making when you are participating in these markets.
The majority of humans are creatures of habit.
It gives them a sense of comfort when dealing with familiarity.
Habit & familiarity doesn’t gett tossed aside all of a sudden when dealing with money.

Price & how it moves is a creature of habit & familiarity.

Sometimes traders are poorly positioned however, and their beliefs are conquered by the opposing camp (longs/shorts) due to superior positioning/capital.

What’s poor positioning?

The market has proven you wrong & you are still engaged because of your poor decision making process & lack of Trade Risk Strategy employed.

What are their beliefs?
That the market will turn around & prove them right?

Or is it this folly believing that they can control markets?

There are many reasons why traders choose to take poor positions, some actually understand the risk and are aiming for larger targets, but most are trading in an emotional frenzy of some sort and if the opposite camp spots this, they can be taken advantage of, and their position wiped out (along with the transfer of profits to the winning camp)

There is one reason for poor positions.
The market has proven the position wrong.

The position needs to be killed & taken off according to the trade risk strategy employed!

Emotional frenzy has no place in trading.
Whoever get’s to that place is at the wrong place & doing the wrong thing or not cut out for this trading deal.

What appears to be a (let’s say up)trend is just traders in the long camp taking up long positions at favourable areas, this pattern is self-fulfilling as new highs are reached, and thus give reason for favourable long positioning on the retrace. When price fails to make new highs (in this scenario) then things get a little more chaotic as both camps try and figure out where a “good position” lies price-wise. Always keep in mind this is competition for FAVOURABLE positions, there is never any guarantee that price will continue upward just because new highs are reached, that’s where trading gets really subjective and experience takes over.

Trading can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make it. :slight_smile:

We are supposed to believe adding averages tells us something about “trend”? :rolleyes:

Those who make it simple are ostracized. :mad:

Those who make it complex are worshiped. :eek:

I must admit, I did laugh out loud at the multiple MACD concept. Had I not witnessed it with my own eye’s, I would not have believed it possible.

Tymen is posting trades [B][I]AFTER THE FACT[/I][/B] in his " The finest in trend trading" thread. :mad:

On the MMTT and CHEETAH threads, I post trade setups [B][I]BEFORE THEY TRIGGER[/I][/B] then I post what happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

YOU BE THE JUDGE! :rolleyes:

Is that trend related?:stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, but does lay bare the real agenda behind this thread…

Mr Used, don’t believe you replied to this, could you please explain how “your” method is any simpler, or less complex than any other?