The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

The real agenda is to debunk.

How profound…NOT.

And when price goes consistently up it’s called an uptrend and when it goes more consistently down it’s a downtrend.

This whole argument over trend being a myth, or to abritrary to trade or whatever is foolish.

Plenty of people have given arguments that you and your pal jaquille/xtraction have no argument for. When you have no argument then you try to start the rediculous argument about having to have an exact definition of where a trend starts and ends and how to trade it otherwise it’s not a trend…sure.

Here is something I want you and xtraction to do, pull up a daily chart on any pair. Because, forex has VERY strong trends, unless you are blind you will see that the pair has moved over x amount of time one way stronger than another. THAT IS A TREND.

Just because you and xtraction have no idea how to properly trend trade, or dont care too, doesn’t mean they are a myth or abritrary or in only in the mind of the trader, or different for every trader.

They are not abritrary or different for every trader. As you have repeated over and over again, “price is price, it only goes up or down”…or whatever you are babbleing.

10 different traders pulling up the same daily chart will have the same data and the trend will be the same. The only thing that will be different is how they trade it, if they can trade it, if they win or lose, and there analysis of the strenght of the trend.

Quoting, the oft repeated, “the trend is your friend,” and then foolishly asking, “then why do traders lose if they trade with the trend,” shows that both of you don’t have a clue about trend trading or are choosing to be purposely ignorant of the techniques that work EXTREMELY WELL, to actually trend trade. The whole rediculous quote infers that just because there is a down trend you can get in at old place and have a sure win.

As I said before trend traders don’t try to pick tops and bottoms of trend. The simplest way to trend trade is to see one that has been established, wait for a retrace and get in.

Also, most trend traders (myself included) use the daily charts and up. As, anything below that is not considered a trend. ( I know I’m opening up the silly time frame argument again.) The reason being is that technical analyis is much more dependable on higher time frames. So, if you see a trend on a dialy chart that is established you have a lot of time to react and wait for a retrace. Whereas say, on a 15 minute chart, if you thought you saw a 15 minute trend (not really a trend), by the time you get in it’s too late to really capitolize on it.

Both of you like to talk about new traders losing money. Well, it isn’t because of trend trading it’s because of listening to guys like you two who don’t know what they are talking about, going on and on and on, on a forum where any headcase can post what ever nonsense he wants. Trading small time frames thinking they’re missing pips, and scalping for peanuts instead of trend trading is also a big noob enemy.

I assure you trends do exsist, I make 100’s of pips a week getting in and out of trends.

I would share with you some basic and simple templates for analyzing and helping with trend trading, but you and xtraction would only ask inane questions that have no point.

The entire argument about trend is foolish and I’m quite sure neither one of you does anything beyond demo trading. Although that might sound like it’s an insult it’s not, it’s an observation. Because, almost every successful trader I’ve come into contact with uses trend. I’ve yet to puruse a method of trading that doesn’t at least consider the larger trend.

To say trend is a myth AND that is has no bearing or weight on a trade just gives a glaring example of how much the both of you don’t understand what moves price and why price move.

The only thing either one of you has proven in this thread is that you are both psueudo intellectuals who get some wierd glee posturing on a message board and trying to impress noob traders (while experienced traders snicker at you).

Prove me wrong, you and extraction start a trading room and show us how to trade and make real money, since you both know the reason why traders lose money is because of believing in the, “myth,” or ,“concept,” or, “abritrary term,” trend trading. But you won’t, because at best you both of you are armchair quarterbacks, but never really in the game. All you ever do is endlessly postulate on what if’s and coulda shoulda.

Both of you are all theory and no practice.

Really, if both of you put as much time into actually trading as you did this entirely rediculous premise/thread/argument you might actually be able to trade for a living, like I and my fellow trend traders can.

P.S. This is not a flame. Notice I did not call you names or make any reference to your intellect or lack thereof. You will of course take it as a flame because I wasn’t very, very nice and just stated the obvious.

Great words Phoenix…I totally agree with you :wink: I make consistent money using trends.

Unfortunately this will only cause this debate keep going and going. So Phoenix i have a proposition: let´s go back to make money using trend analysis, and forget about this endless ridiculous thread.

I highlighted the flames in [B]RED[/B].

Please do not post in this thread anymore. You have worn out your welcome.

Great post Pheonix, you nailed it.

I fully agree with The Phoenix and I also get sick of people who put down people, namely tyman who is only very successfully helpiing others with his broad understanding and knowledge.

ps love the fact they wrote “you are not welcome here!” think yo hit a slight nerve phoenix :slight_smile:

Those aren’t flames lol. Those are pointing out how the whole thing is rediculous. No where did I directly insult you, though you deserve it.

Also, I dont care if I am not welcome here by you. When you post what is bold faced nonsense, about trends, trends that I have direct experience with in live trading AND have profited from handsomely… then I will point out what is nonsense.

I’m sorry, it’s not a flame, but the whole disproving or debunking trends or trying to makea case that people only see them because they want to is just tottally fully complete nonsense.

I know you only want people to post who agree with you, or who argue in a way that sets up some another nonsense argument, such as arguing about if a trend is a concept or what the exact definition is.

If you dont want me in a thread you have two choices, put me on ignore or dont post on a forum where someone who knows what they are talking about can post counter argument to what is plainly nonsense.


A third option would be to create your own forum where you have all the rules. It’s clear that you, jaquille, are not satisfied with the way Babypips polices their forums. Last I checked, this was all voluntary. Why subject yourself to something that you absolutely abhor?

But nevertheless you choose to stay for your own reasons, who am I to judge. But just be mindful that you are not in your own domain. You do not call the shots. You do not get a say of who is allowed to post where and how.

The irony is that that you essentially have become the most distracting person on this thread. You truly have derailed your own thread. The problem you know face is that you cannot ignore yourself.

As for everyone else, it’s clear jaquille is not open to other opinions other than his own. So the focus rather should be of the concern of other readers. It’s important they are exposed to an multiple objective avenues in their continued education of Forex.

TRO will always be as he always has been. And no one is going to change that.

I’m sorry I hadn’t noticed Jaquille had been banned.

I guess the fair thing is to erase my comment since he/she is not here to defend him/herself.

I liked this thread, it was entertaining and controversial. jaquille might have lost his way, but he instigated some really interesting dialogue from the wealth of experience at babypips. goodbye jaquille, thanks for stopping by!

Today :slight_smile: …but, He’ll be back as someone else tomorrow. :frowning:

If we all changed names, could one consider that a trend?:stuck_out_tongue:

Seems its a trend on BP to band those who see trends as myths:D

Looks like ya all had a good ole hangin’ party. What in tarnations did Jaquille do to break da rules?

I would just like to say that I had nothing to do with this. :cool:

I got a surprise to see Jaquille was banned!!

I predicted the thread would get locked but didn’t predict the unlock or the ban. Subpar analysis on my part. Dang. I must have forgot to carry the 1 again.

Not everyone who thinks that trends are an illusion get’s banned. Only certain ones.

For the record I think trends are an illusion in the minds of the traders, but I fail to see how that impedes me from making profits from them…:confused:

all my trading setups are based on market psychology! price is completely subjective, that’s nothing new.

For the record I think trends are an illusion in the minds of the traders, but [B]I fail to see how that impedes me from making profits from them[/B]…:confused:

It’s not lack of making profits from them.
Run of the mill get’s average returns.
It’s the [B]size[/B] of profits that are possible without this “trend” & indicators way of thinking.
Because people have been hearing this stuff for ages they believe that it is the way to trade. Most of them don’t know any other way & they don’t really want to.

okay let me rephrase,

defining a trend with indicators will always have you a few steps behind the edge of the market.

while defining a trend with market psychology can keep you right on the edge of charts.

if you’re a few steps behind, you’re only going to get the scraps that are left behind. maybe some people just get really good at picking up the scraps! :smiley:

Well there’s definately a well established trend of Avery getting banned from trading forums :smiley: