The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

Yes, I read xtraction posts and cut a paste articles that were supposed to back up undeniably his point. Same, “trend is a myth,” argument as here and it’s still just as rediculous.

[B][U]Yes, I read xtraction posts and cut a paste articles that were supposed to back up undeniably his point. Same argument myth argument as here and it’s still just as rediculous.[/U][/B]

You have read nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally Posted by crosshairs View Post
Good morning apache rider!
Interesting to witness the behaviour of the various financial centre’s trading sessions when tracking developments.

My watch list highlighted continued exuberance on GBPJPY & EURJPY this morning after the Asian session maintained the positive direction from London & New York. Both have scaled yesterday’s highs respectively & are above the Weekly & Daily opening prices. They were both decent buy candidates!

The GBPUSD is trying hard to push up, as are the EURUSD & AUDUSD, & although all 3 are trading above the Weekly open & today’s open, they’re all struggling to scale above yesterday’s high, so I suppose you could say they’re mildly exuberant?
I think content would be a better description.
Certainly not worthy of a bet today so far though.

The Asian session didn’t like the GBPUSD level however. Obviously it’s recovered somewhat since, because the London buyers are back in evidence.

The CAD is the complete reverse of the above. Not really doing anything at the moment, happy to languish contentedly at last weeks low & today’s open.

And as I type, GBPUSD has now decided to make a move!

And not one mention of a trend line, elliot wave, moving average, channel, band, [B]trend[/B], range or consolidation.

People already showed you, “proof,” in this thread and the other one, you chose to ignore it. Or explain it away with some pseudo intellectual babble that doesn’t make any real sense.

But, they didn’t really have to have proof as most of the people who have ever used a trading platform have discovered that by looking at longer time frames and zooming out you can see the overall previously established trend easily, even if you don’t have a clue how to trend trade.

And that proves that trends are a myth how? Just becuase a trader chooses to use one tool over another doesn’t mean he doesn’t believe in trends.

I defined trend already in Tymans thread. No need to repeat anything. Nothing from your side with any substance until now.

If anybody tells me “you should” I usually reply with: Going to the bathroom minimum once a day …

If you want debunk anything, then you have to define it first. Nobody can debunk anything, what doesn’t exist.

[B]continued exuberance[/B]

[B]positive direction[/B]

[B]struggling to scale above[/B]

[B]mildly exuberant[/B] [B]content[/B]

So, if we all just capitulated, and used terms like ‘exuberance’,
or ‘languishing’, instead of trend, or consolidation, or wave, to what end would it serve?

You are trying to disprove a word.

A description.

It’s not a myth, price moves. I think we all agree.
Not only does price move, sometimes it’s a continued action.

Your weekly cross wouldn’t happen, or be profitable without it.

What is then the correct term for price moving in that fashion?

If “trend” is mythical, or mental, what happened to make price move?

Don’t come back with “buyers bought”, or “sellers sold” either.

I want a one word term for price action that goes in a general direction for an extended period of time. Something that I can use to describe to another trade the price action during that time.

Go ahead, I’ve already posted a list of words.

If you pick any of them, I could use a thesaurus and trace it right back to trend.

way too many posts to keep up with. ill let this one go though, for me trends do exist. can i put a precise definition on a trend? nope. does that stop me from using them and making money off them? nope
i dont even remember what your arguement was. was it trends dont exist? or wat?

btw i like xtractions point of view on only going one direction. i kinda do that but i view the overall trend. and usually follow it unless there are some signs of reversal such as S/R, Fibs Momentum, Chart patterns. this way i dont need to just buy. i can make money selling as well

Actually as long as a trader who is profitable is good enough. A trend trader can be profitable, a non trend trader can also be profitable. I prefer to be on the both sides and use setups for a trend trader and a non trend trader to profit. The forex jungle is so dangerous why stick to our old conventional way. and not think out of the box to survive. Jacko is a trend trader and he is profitable and james16 is not a trend trader and is also profitable. :slight_smile:

My mind is the only place a trend needs to exist.

I love my wife. I can’t prove that to you. Nor can I define to you that love. It is subjective to everyone that has love. I love my wife differently than I love my children. Yet it is love that I feel for them. Because it only exists in my mind and cannot be defined, does not mean my love does not exist. Subjectivity rises above black and white. It’s self definitive.

A trend exists, simply because I believe it exists. Even if it is within my own mind. One cannot disprove that the trend is there as I see it and believe it to be there.

Reality is what you make it to be.

Example. I believe you to be xtraction. Can’t prove it. Can’t disprove it. But all the same it’s real and truthful in my mind. And my reality is formed of what is in my own mind.

Traders trading makes price move.

No, reality is reality.

Is Used xtraction, too? Who else is xtraction? Do you think xtraction is the only person who believes that trend is a myth? :eek:

Exactly. And it’s completely relative to each mind. How you interpret the world is different than how I interpret the world, and we are both right.

Real is only as real as your own mind makes it to be.

  1. No clue who Used is.
  2. Don’t know.
  3. Where ever there is a belief, there are those no matter how many or few will tend to agree.

Jaquille, your arguments at the beginning of this thread were fruitful, now they seem like exhausted comebacks.

In my opinion, trend only exists because a trader wishes it to. Yes, it is a term put to a phenomena in trading, whether one chooses to use the word or not is up to the discretion of the trader. Trend has simply been a term coined to decribe a phenomena, maybe you describe it as ‘traders trading’ and explain it through supply and demand. All in all, does it not all equate to the same thing?

Demand is a FORCE upon price.

Supply is a FORCE upon price.

I look at the market with these principles in mind and don’t clutter my brain with much else. I know when the forces of supply and demand are equivalent that price is at equilibrium and will range until something changes. When demand is in excess of supply, price will move up. When supply is in excess of demand, price will move down. The passing of time, the changing of prices, and the creation of news events will all change supply and demand.

As a trader, I study supply and demand in the marketplace and look for opportunities to join in on a wave of supply/demand. Sometimes the forces of supply and demand are self-reinforcing, and this is what I would call a TREND.

Prove any human emotion to exist.

There is no precise definition.

Emotions are nebulous concepts.

That implies emotion only exists in one’s mind.

One can prove gravity exists. Prove emotion exists.

Furthermore, you can’t disprove a negative. You can only simply believe it not to exist. So your initial request to show proof that it is not true is flawed.

I think you meant you can’t prove a negative such as there is no such thing as a BLACK SWAN.

I guess in your world Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, BigFoot, Unicorns and God all exist because you can’t prove a negative?

I’ve seen Santa and the Easter Bunny. I have taken pictures to prove their existence. They tend to show up in my local mall around Christmas and Easter.

I am the tooth fairy, and I’m fairly certain I exist.

Not sure about Big Foot or Unicorns or God. I’d like that at least one of the three exists. And I believe one does. I, however, accept the notion that I very well could be wrong and none of them exist. Either way, can’t prove it.

Likewise, you can’t prove a trend exists, nor can you prove it does not. You can only believe it does or does not exist. And we all base our trading on our beliefs. Sure, we trade in accordance to the rules we set. But those rules were set in place by our individual beliefs we have in the market.

You say trends don’t exist.

I say trends do exist.

And we’re both right.

On my screens price moves from left to right. Sometimes moving up and sometimes moving down. The longer that the sustained movement is in the same direction ( up or down ) then the more profit I make. It does not matter whether you call this pressure or trend or apples and oranges. What matters to me is that I am buying when price is rising and selling when falling. The rest is semantics. It would be useful to know when the direction was going to change.