The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

This may be of use to define the concept of “trend”.

Except you are quoting me out of context.

But you agreed with the statement in post #1.

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.


Would you be so kind as to expand on this? Thank you.

Someone asked for me to show them a profitable method. A break of the two day low was profitable.

A break of the two day high was profitable.

I did not quote you out of context. I said trends exist. You said that I am wrong and that they do not exist. Does not get any more plain than that. I was accurate in the use of my quote and it was well within the expressed context.

A break of the two H1 high.

My point has been made and you agreed.

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.

Profitable so far.

You realize that you are only showing trades after the fact?

There’s no validity here. I can post any chart and tell you why it’s profitable.

And be careful. It was charts like this posted without instruction and teaching that brought an end to the Never Lose Again thread.

Very well put. Thank you again.

After the fact? The first chart was only 3 pips past the 2 H1 high.

Instruction? A breakout of the 2 H1 high needs instruction? Let’s see:

  1. Determine the highest high for bar1 and bar2 where bar0 is the current bar.

  2. If the price of the current bar is equal to the result from 1) then go long.

Price is now 0.8982 for those keeping score. :wink: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

contraditory you say???

so you are telling us that you don´t know a definition for trend but you keep saying that it doesn´t exist???

if you don´t know what it is how do you know it doesn´t exist???

from the posts you had posted i can see that you believe in trends… you only give them other name…

when you said that the breack of the 2 previous days high is profitable i say that the continuation of the trend is profitable…

now call it breack of the 2 previous days high or call it trend continuation sounds diferent to the ears but looks the same to the eyes

Have you been reading along?

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.

A post from the other thread showed a chart of Dow Theory that stated [B]TREND IS A CONCEPT[/B].

I also stated that the definition of “trend” is not precise.

Please refrain from misquoting.

Yes, it clearly needs instruction. Eyeballing most charts, I can see plenty of opportunities where the trade would fail. What is the money management behind it? Are there any rules fit for risk/reward?

Posting a chart and stating an entry is only one fraction of a complete trade.

sorry for my bad english… i may not understood your post very well… i think we have diferent definitions for the “concept” word in our different languages…

can you explain what is a concept to you?? is the word “pain” a concept??? or there´s any “precise” definition for the word “pain”… this is just a example… i think your point is just a case of semantycs… isn´t it!!!

I posted the entry instruction. No trade works all of the time. Expect to “fail” or lose some of the time. What is the money management? You’re kidding, right? [B]STOP LOSS IS EQUAL TO RISK DIVIDED BY POSITION SIZE.[/B] A “complete trade” is entry and exit.

This is way OFF TOPIC. But I did broach the subject when I responded to another poster.

The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.

I posted the definition of concept. I also discussed semantics. Please go back and read the thread.

can or can´t you aswer to my question using your definiton of concept???

do you consider pain as a concept? do you know any precise definition for pain?? do you think pain exists or is only in our mind?? i can use a lot of other words to ask those same questions.

don´t get me wrong… i think i understand your point of view… i just think that you shouldn´t say that one thing don´t exist just because you don´t believe in it. everybody can have different opinions about something and still respect others people opinion

I posted the definition of concept earlier. Please go back and read.

Is pain a concept? No. Pain comes from certain electrical impulses in the brain. Some people can not experience pain because their brain do not function “normally”. People under hypnosis do not experience pain when exposed to the same stimulus that caused them to experience pain before being hypnotized. What is painful to one person may not be painful to others. Country music comes to mind. LOL!