The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

This is not about my beliefs. I do not believe I have shown anyone disrespect even though others have disrespected me.

I wasn’t going to post anymore in here but I have to say… that was funny

The same can be said for RAP, ROCK, OPERA, etc…

One man’s pleasure is another man’s pain :stuck_out_tongue:

Something is peculiar… I have been accused of having a “holier than thou” attitude. But think of the thread title “The finest in trend trading”. If I had started that thread wouldn’t you accuse me of having a “holier than thou” attitude based on the name of the thread alone? There is a double standard in place.

I think that it is important to maintain an open opinion on both views until one or the other suits our personal need best. Both members are fully entitled to put forward their view and reasoning, without resorting to, or being subjected to, personal attack.

That is good advice, both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, and it probably does no harm when starting to develop parallell strategies.

The reality is trend following works, regardless of how you define trend. Similarly, the outcome of a single trade can be influenced by luck. These concepts are not mutually exclusive.

If only that were the reality.

If trend following works then why do the majority of mutual funds fail to beat the index? Why do most traders lose?

The manner of which you posted charts was very TRO-ish. Where was your point of entry? Why was that your point of entry? Where is your intended exit? And why did you choose that as an exit?

That is full instruction.

Anyone can post a chart and say, “Look, I made money.”

Lack of discipline. Lack of proper money management. Lack of proper risk assessment. Lack of control over one’s psychology. Too much fear. Too much greed.

To ask why trader’s lose, doesn’t mean that trend following does not work. I’m surprised you would even suggest such a notion as reading this back I’m sure you can see the true folly in such a statement.

As mentioned, I was answering a post. I was OFF TOPIC. But the entry should have been obvious. The following charts showed what happened after the break out. The price is now 0.9013 if anyone is keeping score. I do not recall breaking any forum rules with my style of posting.


  1. No perfect traders allowed. If you’ve never had a loss in the Forex, you are not welcome here, although you can contact Babypips so that we can give you all our money to trade, haha.

  2. No advertising or solicitation (this includes but not limited to email address and chatroom requests). Duh! We make you pay for that However, if you have over 50 posts we will allow you to put links up provided that it is relevant to the topic that is being discussed. All links or posting behavior deemed as advertising/spamming/promotion/solicitation will be deleted.

  3. Disagreements are allowed. Flaming is not. Blatant attacks on any trader are grounds to have you BANNED from the forum. Also, inappropriate language or subject matter will not be tolerated. That includes foul language, or content of a sexual or discriminatory nature.

  4. Have fun. If you don’t throw in a corny joke with your posts, it will get deleted…just kidding! But do try to have fun!

You seem determined to link me with others which serves no purpose at all unless you are trying to provoke a fight. Please take note of rule #3 when you post.

“If trend following works then why do traders lose?” does not imply that if traders lose trend following does not work.

Let’s make this simple. State the current trend of each of the 4 majors pairs and when it started. Then state the precise method that was used to determine the trend. How long does it take for a trend to be established? Also state what conditions must be present to determine the trend has ended.

This may be educational and entertaining.

Hi Jaquille,

Is this the objective of this thread ? If your view is trend is a myth, please tell us what is your way of trading so we learn from you if it is worth it. Other than arguments, I do not see anything constructive filling up this thread. Pls enlighten with your method of trading.


No. The objective of this thread was in post #1. Have you read post #1?

I have another thread where I discuss my methods.


Hi Jaquille,

I have to admit I’m curious about your method of trading.

Do you think you could describe it in detail along with maybe a chart or two?

For instance, would you place a pending order to open a position if price reaches x or y, or do you need to monitor price action to determine IF the fact that price reaches x or y equals a high probability trade?

I think a real in depth description of a trade, past or future, would help me and others to understand properly how you trade.

What purpose did the question pose if not to imply that?

It was a question, that’s all. mastergunner99 I may starting ignoring you, just like I am ignoring ThePhoenix. I will not be dragged into a fight I cannot win just so you can petition to have me banned. I saw what happened to others who take on BabyPips “agents”.

In a way I suppose I should be flattered. However, I have made no petition to Babypips to ever have anyone banned. The only folks that deserved to be banned are those that attempt to take advantage of new traders and Babypips for their own financial gain. I think it’s quite safe to say, that excludes you.

Forums are a place to express ideas to the attention of all the members. Those members in turn have an opportunity to take in what is said and respond. You have stated some things in this thread that I have challenged. Apparently, this threatens you.

I welcome a healthy debate. But it would appear that you would just as well have everyone swallow your Kool-Aid without question.

If for whatever reason you become banned, which I doubt will happen nor do I want to happen, it would have been solely based on your interactions and not the interactions of others.

As you mentioned, Babypips does offer the ability to ignore users. Feel free to enable that feature at any time if you must. It makes no difference to me one way or another.

I don’t care to go through all four majors, but I’ll entertain you with one.

EURUSD is in a current downtrend. I drew a downward line supporting the ideology. It began early December. Price stalled on the 4th, reversed, and by the 7th it was apparent it was now in a down trend. It took a single day for the trend to begin and two days to confirm it.

When pricing closes past the break of a trend line, and the following candle either continues on, or retests the trendline before continuing on, for me would constitute the end of a trend.

As it stands, EURUSD is looking to break my current trend line. Tomorrow, it will be a determination for me if price will continue to move up.