The finest in trend trading

Hey sijeeva,

I personally don’t see any entry into that trend from the time frame shown.

You might want to look at other time frames to see whether they offer an entry.

that’s right ironheart (NZDUSD - 20m)
its a nice downtrend but there is no possiblities for entry !!!

Here are the results as promised. First the good news - there was no loss. There was a little profit. About 17 pips. It’s my own fault I am afraid as I entered the trade too early. Second entry made 2 hours later as the upwards momentum crossed over the CBL. I am not sure how much leeway we have to manage the trade using this method; so I left it alone after the second entry, apart from moving the TP’s down as the BB contracted.

I was getting worried as price retraced, then feeling a bit better once the gradual uptrend was underway. As TP1 was below entry when price crossed the mid-BB, I moved it up to the outer BB and raised TP2 higher in preparation for a nice walk. Was looking good and 17 pips taken at TP1 when the candle closed over the outer BB (I closed Entry 2 for max pips). SL was then moved to Entry 1 BE as shown. Around UK open, the Euro dropped and BE SL was hit.

There are many other ways to manage this trade but I hope I have done this in accordance with Tymen’s guidelines. As always; questions, comments and feedback welcomed.

Hi hackico
this is not a trade I would have taken. Can you explain why you took 1st entry please ? and why you took a 2nd separate entry ?

I’m with kockneerebel - I’d like to know the reasoning behind this one too…
I think you might have been a little lucky here - I’ve had setups that look much better than this, which have gone against me! :eek:

After my first few days of trading this live, I don’t know about anyone else but I am getting nowhere near a 90% win rate. I am following all the guidelines for entries and today alone I’ve been stopped out of 2 of my last 3 trades. I also took some nasty losses yesterday.

What I am noticing is that in sausages, even when price moves off the outer boll in conjunction with BB DNA rules, price very often does not reach the mid boll at all, stopping somewhere “in space” and then plunging back downward (or upward).

My wins are miniscule and my losses are much, much worse.

Hi merchantprince
which currencies and TF’s are you trading ?

I’ve been trading GBP/USD, EUR/USD and USD/CHF off the 5m charts and GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY and CAD/JPY off the 15m.

More than a little lucky actually. :o I looked at H3 and Daily and saw that the price was dropping to an area of support around 1.33 but instead of waiting until price dropped to this point, I decided to jump in as soon as the upper H1 BB started to contract - Mistake 1.

Second mistake: Entry 1 in the wrong place. As Tymen has said, it was way too early. Entry 2 was made as per Multiple Entry approach to give 2 contracts and spread the average entry point.

shall i know the reason

I have not had any real success but I attribute that to my preferred approach of trading with the trend, using Fibs, S/R’s and longer timeframes and hence inability to apply the BB DNA rules correctly. I have never been any good at counter trend trading and it shows.

The entry that I see is the open of the candle following the second entry, which for me is to close to the mid BB for an OM trade

Tymens advice is not to go below 20minutes chart (home chart)

Hi Merchantprince,

I was actually just writing up a similar comment to yours :slight_smile:

I too am not seeing anything near a 90% win rate, and largely for the same reason. I have since stopped trading the OM types when the Mid-BB is against the trade, for the reason you mention about PA not reaching the Mid-BB).

I’ll be interested to hear if others are noticing the same thing. I like you, have been trading shorter time frames -mostly the 15min. having said that, the higher TF trades I’ve been taking have been no different, really.

hahaha whoosh:D
I think something might have been lost in translation there. :slight_smile:

Tymen is obviously using DNA as an analogy for the structure of price action with the BB. I’m sure he doesn’t honestly believe the BB’s are a living organism :slight_smile:

And I’ll add it is most certainly NOT a “bunch of hogwash”. That is quite a bold statement given how generous Tymen has been with his time and knowledge, and the effort he has put into this thread, expecting nothing in return.
You might want to consider offering him an apology…

I have taken a few paper trades and have had similar failures. I’m entirely confident that I understand the rules of the system so far, how to draw CBL lines and when the entry is right for the different types of band formations. I’ve cross-referenced several times again Tymen’s material and know that I am doing as directed. Yet, the failure rate is surprisingly high and the profit poential, unless you catch a BB walk trade, are too small.

I’m sure that Tymen will find a way to refine this strat to make it worth trading. He promised a system with good R/R and 90%+ winners. Now he’s got to find a way to deliver one or else we all fly to Oz and give him jolly good telling off :wink:

MK, I think “Jean Paul” is a frequent troll on BP who really doesn’t like Tymen. He’s made several appearances before and this looks like one of his posts (a newly-registered member who jumps right into 260-page thread to flame?). I’m sure he’ll end up banned again pretty quickly.

In any case, if this doesn’t work on the shorter TFs and one must stick to higher ones (at least 30m), along with perhaps giving up on any trade where the mid boll starts out against you, is really going to limit the effectiveness of this strat down to what JoCT became for me: sitting 8-12 hours a day at the comp waiting for 2 or 3 chances to trade (and with a much larger stop-loss, to boot!).

Ah I see. Hopefully if that’s the case, we’ll be rid of him soon.

Yeah, since I have been trading the longer TF’s and avoiding the OM trades against the mid-bb, I’ve noticed the problem of long days at the computer with few trades. And the trades I do take are not particularly profitable unless they make it to TP2. And the SL is a killer, I agree!

Hopefully Tymen will chime in with something to cheer us all up :slight_smile:

Just ignore “JeanPaul” and he’ll get bored & go away.

Anyone who followed Tymen through the Candlestick Trading thread knows he is a dedicated mentor.

[B][B]JeanPaul[/B], as you are a newbie with only 3 posts to you name, I would expect that you have a little more respect!![/B] :mad:

I suspect that you have not been following thro on this thread - otherwise you may well have avoided such comments. :frowning:

As a retired school teacher of mathematics, physics and chemistry, I am well aware that this BB DNA is not a living thing.

But it does have life to it in the sense that we are dealing with living traders, not dead ones!! :stuck_out_tongue:
The DNA analogy is derived from the fact that herein we see 4 types of price action.

In future, if you are going to post on my thread, or any thread for that matter, remember that we [B]Honorary FX Members[/B] are veteran and experienced traders.
I have been here a number of years, and worked hard to try to contribute to the success of new traders on this forum as well as protecting them from dangerous loss senarios.

We [B]Honorary FX Members[/B] are sick and tired of new people coming on this forum and spouting venom and judging everyone else without knowing where they are at - in short, being trolls.

I will overlook your outburst this time, but if you continue, then I will exercise my right as an [B]Honorary FX Member [/B]and long time, experienced, veteran trader and ask the Administration to delete your posts - something that I now do regularly to protect the integrity of this thread!! :wink: