The finest in trend trading

Well, can all those who said they have high failure rates post chart examples so that we can all see if the entry and exits were correct? You may think you did the right thing but like Doctors, require 2nd opinions. Can only get other opinions when others can see the chart. I mean Tymen’s got a few deputies, experienced traders willing to help so why not show ya fails.

Not much Tymen can respond to without some chart examples. It’s gonna come down to lots of posts to the effect of, “Oh no it hasn’t got a high failure rate” vs “Oh yes, it has”

Not very productive.

I hear you, [B]TraderAlan[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I will start by going thro all the posts from where I left off.

I have already advised against trading 2 senarios.
I will repeat those with schematic diagrams.

Further, stick to time frames above 20 minutes.

To [B]MerchantPrince[/B], I say stop trading live right now - do not lose any more!!

If after I return, the [U]consensus [/U]is that the BB DNA method is not delivering the goods because of low risk/reward or higher than expected failure rate, then I will proceed on to the macro trend trading method which simply replaces the SR lines with the BB.

This method is simpler and uses some strategies including a higher timeframe to safeguard against trading in the wrong direction.

But right now, we are proceeding with the BB DNA method because it is the general request of everyone here. :slight_smile:

Hi Alan,

 I've been here from the start of the thread and i'm still here now.  Why?  Because I have faith in Tymen that he will deliver the goods.    I'm supportive but we should still be entitled to be honest about how we are finding the method working in real time.

  If you recall, he actually asked us for feedback on what we have thus far.  That is my experience so far it it seem consistent with other people's.  However, you do raise a fair point.  I have not had those entries verified and shouldn't be arrogant enough to assume that I am right.  However, the rules, IMO, are fairly straightforward and I have double checked the entries each time.  The reason I haven't posted them is because i'm a total pleb when it comes to stuff like that.  However, you have made a valid point so at some point, I will try and fathom it all out.  Don't slate me if it looks like a dog's dinner though ;)

Hi TraderAlan,

Agreed, it is best if we post examples. I should have included a chart in my original post. That way, we can all learn from each other! :slight_smile:

I have attached a chart showing a failed trade I took today.
I have many more like it haha :slight_smile:

I sincerely hope I’ve made a silly mistake :smiley:

Edit: uploaded clearer chart.

This does look to be very much the case!! :o

If the R/R is too low, don’t trade. There will be another bubble/sausage train leaving the platform shortly. Pick a few setups, rank them and take the top 1 or 2.

A very good approach, [B]hachiko[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

As a new trader you must learn the discipline of avoiding the temptation to go to the “action” timeframes - the lower timeframes.

For this method, stick with a minimum of a 20 minute timeframe. :slight_smile:

Take a lesson from [B]o990l6mh (Magnus) , Honorary FX Member[/B], who learnt that the most successful way for him to trade was on the daily or 4 hour.

I think that if you had avoided that evening star, [U]let the price action go[/U], not set the BE till after the price action had gone thro the mid BB then…

…you could have taken your 2nd exit at a much higher place than you did, even if it was not at the upper BB.

But congratulations for using initative and thinking outside the box!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]Dand [/B], in the following post after yours, has done an excellent job in trying to answer your questions. :slight_smile:

I should not try to add to his work. :wink:

You can make the CBL entry on the 60 min too - it is ok.

My friend from Valencia is in the hospital for now, I expect better news in the hope that Grace holds out …

[B]I have the address for Grace.
She has asked me to send her some money.

She has also given me the name of a female friend she has found.
This friend has a passport whereas Grace does not.

I fear that Grace may well go into prostitution.[/B]

This is very correct!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It appears that the jury is still out about this one.

So it doesn’t matter which way the trend is…we are learning to profitably trade against it.

That is the intention of the BB DNA method, but we will have to wait until everyone has had a good chance to test this to get all the opinions.

Incidentally…I think the squeezes are great. They alert us to the next trend.

This is quite true. :slight_smile:

As a father of 10 and grandfather 18…I really do like squeezes!

Ah ha!! :slight_smile:
I understand that you are 68.

[B]Xelnar [/B]has sent me a PM to tell me that he has returned!! :slight_smile:
Now he is very senior at 78!! :slight_smile:

In TOPICS 13 + 14 we did just that before we turned to the BB. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

We have discarded the SR lines in favour of the BB because the BB are not subjective and give superior extreme points.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

No entry possible here with the current rules. :eek:

Picking another timeframe is an alternative solution…

However - this is a retreat price action from a BB bubble walk.
It is one of those trades [U]that I do not recommend[/U] just now. :eek: :eek:

This is exactly what I was referring to in my previous post - a retreat price action from a BB bubble or sausage after walking the BB is [U]not recommended [/U]just now. :eek:

I will post a diagram to clarify shortly.

OK, as I said earlier in another post, [B]stop trading right now!![/B]

[U]Demo trade [/U]and do that on a 30 minute or greater (preferably greater = 1 hour).

[U]Avoid [/U]the retreat trades that I am about to post in a diagram.

See how you go after that. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, I see that you have found your mistakes.
Try to stick strictly with the entry rules.

Use a higher timeframe as a guide to [U]trend direction only[/U].

Enter according to the rules as set - close thro CBL and smaller candle for BB bubble and sausage entries
CBL only for squeeze/level BB entries.

I do not know anyone who is good at counter trend trading!! :smiley: :smiley:

This is an area which is going to receive most of the attention when I am gone, I am sure!! :slight_smile:

Acknowledged!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have since stopped trading the OM types when the Mid-BB is against the trade, …

Excellent move!! :slight_smile: :wink:

Greetings Tymen, I’ve been having very good results with the BB DNA in demo so today I decided to try to fold it into my usual method of multiple TF trend following and money management. The results have been astounding. Took the squeeze and down move from EURUSD for over 100+ pips and took a bubble down on GPBUSD FOR ANOTHER 100+ PIPS. Using multiple TFs with the lower to minimize entry SL risk and moving up to the higher to ride profits to the moon is working well for me. Just wanted to check in and give my two cents to complaints about trading against the trend. There are multiple trends at any one time in different time frames. What looks like trading against the trend in a lower TF can actually be a great retracement entry with low stop loss in a higher time frame. Just my observation. I’m keeping up with posts, but have to make a living also. Thanks for the great addition to my live trading system. All I can say is, WOW!

I am glad to get this feedback. :slight_smile:
I will show you in a diagram the trades not to take.

Then keep to higher timeframes.

I’m sure that Tymen will find a way to refine this strat to make it worth trading. …

I am working on it!! :wink: :wink: