The finest in trend trading

An excellent way to deal with this feedback!!
Fire away!! :smiley:

I have attached a chart showing a failed trade I took today.

I sincerely hope I’ve made a silly mistake

No silly mistake - just a retreat trade.
[U]One of those that I am not recommending!![/U] :smiley: :smiley:

Edit: uploaded clearer chart.

Try to post whole charts rather than thumbnails…

You seem to be having the most success here!! Care to slip in a few lines where I can discover more of your usual method of multiple TF trend following mate? Heh :wink:

As you seem to have the approach worked out, can you please post a couple of your successful DEMO trades so we can compare those to what the rest of us have posted.

OK, glad to hear you are doing well.
I could not edit your post - it is too encouraging!! :smiley:

[B]My comment is this…[/B]

You are using more than one timeframe - great!!
It appears that you are trading the retreats that I am now counselling against trading - interesting!!

What I am going to ask you is this…[/B]

Please check out the following hyperlink…

[B]then, while I am away…[/B]

post some full size charts showing your trading time frame and higher time frame.
In these charts show how you reason and take your trade.

Your present post is a nice contrast to the complaints from the lesser experienced traders. :slight_smile:

For this reason I ask you to post such charts so that these readers can learn what to do correctly and where they are going wrong. :slight_smile:

When I return, I can analyse everything and hopefully provide a better way to enter into the retreat trades.

My usual method is not very mechanical, it’s mostly gut feel and price watching. I look for a strong trend in higher TFs from monthly down to 15M charts and then look for a good entry in lower TFs, then move back to higher TFs to follow that trend. I’ll usually trade 2 to 5 pairs at any time, which ever pairs that seem to be trending the best. Money management is no more than 1% of trading capital risked on any one trade. Today I added Tymens method to help identify direction I want to trade on higher TF’s, moved to 5 min TF and used BB DNA for entry, then moved back up the TF’s as the trade developed following Tymen’s rules for exit in the end. Like I said, mostly gut feel but with better entries now and better able to ride profits. Not sure if this helps newer traders, but those with lots of market scars should see what I’m doing.

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Ok, I owe it to all to learn how to post charts. I’ll study the link and return with charts.

Here I am going to show the trades that…

a) You should take. :slight_smile:

b) You should not take. :eek:

The trades you should/should not take >>>

By all means take the BB walk trade in the GREEN area.
This trade starts with a CBL in a level/squeeze area beforehand.
(see entry rules for level/squeeze areas #2374 page 238).

Do not take the trade in the BLUE area.

By all means take the BB walk trade in the yellow area.

Do not take the trade in the grey area.

Going back and checking. Yes, the 5M mid BB was against me on entry as Tymen guessed, but the higher time frame 15M, 30M & 1H mid BB’s that I was actually trading were trending well in the direction of the trade (down). I didn’t even check the 5M trend since it jumps all over. I don’t trade the 5M, I just slipped down to the 5M to get the best entry for a trade I had already decided to do. I had to wait about one and a half hours for the down BB DNA entry, but it was well worth the wait. I know, lots of words, no charts. I’ll work on that.

The above trades were BB bubbles,
Now we turn to BB sausages…

The trades you should/should not take >>>

By all means take the BB walk trade in the GREEN area.
This trade starts with a CBL in a level/squeeze area beforehand.
(see entry rules for level/squeeze areas #2374 page 238).

Do not take the trade in the BLUE area.

By all means take the BB walk trade in the yellow area.

Do not take the trade in the grey area.

Trading with the mid BB in the direction of your trade appears to be the decider. :slight_smile:

… I just slipped down to the 5M to get the best entry for a trade I had already decided to do.

If you do this, you are not entering on the extreme candle of your high trading timeframe thus violating the entry rules!! :eek:

How did you solve that, if at all? :confused:

The risk of entering on a 5 min chart when you are trading a higher timeframe is that you may get an entry that you do not want!!

Further, there is the BB contraction to pay attention to.

I will have to see if there is indeed a better entry potential on a lower timeframe but there is the attendant risk of [U]getting into a trade prematurely [/U]and then being stopped out!! :eek:

I love rachel and denise

I d’nt love robert and daniel…

Tymen hello, I’m sorry to post all goes, but I must reach 50 before they can post personal message communicate with you, so I’ll be posting like crazy (I am …) to go forward.:smiley:

It seems that we need to act quickly, and I need the address of Grace to try to act:(

[QUOTE = tymen1; 187998] Ici, je vais montrer que les métiers …

a) Vous devez prendre. :slight_smile:

b) Vous ne devez pas prendre. : Eek:

Les métiers que vous devriez / devez pas prendre>>>

[IMG] [/ IMG]

[B] Par tous les moyens de prendre les échanges à pied BB dans la zone verte. [/ B]
Ce commerce commence par un CBL dans un niveau de la zone squeeze / avance.
(Voir les règles d’entrée pour le niveau de zones squeeze / # 2374 page 238).

[U] ne [/ U] prendre les échanges dans la zone bleue.

[IMG] [/ IMG]

[B] Par tous les moyens de prendre les échanges à pied BB dans la zone jaune. [/ B]

[U] ne [/ U] prendre les échanges dans la zone grise. [/ QUOTE]

More seriously, it is good to me (us) remember the basic rules for entering trades, stay and know to wait.:smiley:

salut Didilut, apparement tu as un problème avec tes balises de traduction.
Ouvres un autre onglet pour la traduction, mais reponds dans l’onglet avec la version originale


Oh good. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Gregart can speak French too.

Now Didilut has a companion - much needed for him on this forum, I think. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sounds like Graviton and I have been looking at charts in the same way…just wish that I had his skill, expertise, and experience. These are mostly from the charts that I posted yesterday as I saw the EURUSD developing. It was obvious from the Daily, 4 hr, 1 hr that the main trend was down…and I wanted to catch the trade in that direction. So I will repost those from yesterday. The white screen posts are after the move today. I’m sure this is what Graviton was talking about in his trade. So, until he is able to post his charts with his entry, exit, and analysis…maybe you other members could take a look and express your opinions.

12 more posts - you can put them on any thread!!

Then I can communicate with you!!

[B]I think that Grace would love a visitor!![/B]

These charts show the beginning of the move downward. So…pick your entry.

I’m also posting the 5 min so you can see its volatility.

Also note that currently the EURUSD is shaping up identically to yesterday. Preparing for another drop???