The finest in trend trading

Great results IronHeart. So you were trading these one pair at a time, right?

Tymen, what do you think of reducing position size and diversifying risk by trading more than one pair at a time, say 3 to 5? It should produce the same results, but with smaller positions being lost on stopouts, reduce downside risk.

I agree with you Graviton, especially if we work on hight TF, trades are rare.

Iā€™m in favour of trying that kind of approach, as well as trying the 5 lots system.

Some of those walks are begging for a ride, and using 5 lots allows that to happen.

Any thoughts on trailing stops? Set a target per lot (as you mentioned earlier, first to 30, 2nd to 40 and so on). Use candle patterns or the closing of the opposite BB?

Many interesting possibilites to create a productive exit strat here.

I donā€™t want to divert this thread from itā€™s purpose as I have learned so much here and Iā€™m sure Tymen has more to present. Kockneerebel has suggested we meet in the babypips chat room after the London open on Monday to discuss live trades and look at applying this stuff. I probably wonā€™t be able to join until mid-London session since I have a morning routine I canā€™t deviate much from. But I agree thatā€™s the best way to address these side issues. OK?

Iā€™m on GMT time, and am working nights next week.

If I can I will be there, but if not, I and am sure others would apprecieate it if someone could post here with any useful information or discussions that came out of the chat.

I do think that good exit strats are a vital part of any system, so am very interested to see if anything comes from it.



For sure it is important that charts etc and questions about the system are posted here. Chat room should be to avoid clogging up this thread with incidental chat and real time discussion

Thanks Ironheart. Very useful to see how it should be done. Looks like the method works best on the majors or maybe itā€™s a coincidence that the trade that failed was a cross currency. Also the USDCHF doesnā€™t have the volatility I guess so although they were wins, they were less than 5 pips.

I have opened another thread in the Babypips Newbies forum called Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading to answer your questions since they are a bit off topic here. I hope that will better accomodate both our schedules. Happy trading.

Go for it as long as you remain properly capitalized.

Do not skimp here. :wink:
You need the buffer in case your experiencd drawdowns. :eek:

So, of course, I agree with you that proper capitalization is an absolute requirement.
The brokere Oanda caters for those with small accounts so that they can trade micro lots.

Not off topic but thatā€™s OK.

You are wishing to introduce more about the theory of a triptych. :slight_smile:

I think it would be a great idea if you all can manage to get to the chat room and arrange to do some trades together.

You should take charge, [B]kockneerebel[/B], with your brilliant administrative gift, and let [B]Graviton [/B]lead the trades so that all can understand what is going on.
This would be a great help and encouragement to [B]Merchantprince [/B]who we can see, is struggling.

You would all need to communicate with each other carefully to arrange times.
Remember, the private message facility is also available to you.

I wonder if you realise that you have a gift of writing.
I find your descriptions very interesting and informative to read.
On the other hand, I am only a man of few words.
I had a great deal of trouble writing essays in high school. :o :o

I turn on Bloomberg news and let it play in the background.

Bloomberg for breakfast every morning!
[B]Yeeeuk!![/B] :stuck_out_tongue:


Tymenā€™s thread is about trend trading, which is the reason I opened it since Iā€™m a trend trader.

Trend traderā€™s is what we should all be.
Bit hard bucking the trend and winning!!

I encourage everyone to make a careful study of candle formations.

I finished constructing a candlestick trading method last year after 2 years of research combined with the input of traders on this forum. :slight_smile:

I was also taught this when I started out share trading.

Some other tricks are scaling in and scaling out, which is part trade management, which I finally got to.

This is a nice alternative to my 2 contract strategy, but you do need to make sure that your trend keeps going.

Forget scalping the 1M and 5M time frames.

Agreed, in fact most of our experienced traders here will say that too.

And using the CBL for entries yields better entries than any other method Iā€™ve found.

Itā€™s a bit early to say, but it looks like his system is making or saving me about 5 pips a trade.

I am very pleased to know that I have been of some use around here!! :slight_smile:

The next trick is managing a bad trade , and that starts by only trading with the trend

Of course!! :smiley: :smiley:
And thatā€™s what we are all about!!

[QUOTE=IronHeart;188501]Trade 5 - EURJPY 20M.

This was a loss trade. As you can see, there was a valid entry but price never gave me a chance. I believe graviton got in on the bottom BB (not sure how I could have done the same) and rode an O-BB to the skies.

IronHeart hello, I think the trade # 5 was not a loss if you had been an hour, for less noise, and this reduces the retracements by cons you have less trades in the day, n Is not serious, he must let the market come to you, be patient and win.
Very good weekend

To [B]Ironheart [/B]:

Be careful with those BB bubble and BB sausage retracement trades!! :eek:

Remember that at the point of retracement, you cannot tell whether your bubble is going to develop into a sausage.

Look to a higher timeframe - sausages turn into a bubble on a higher timeframe.
When you have found the first timeframe that looks like a bubble, the look for the first candle disconnection from the BB.
This should also be the contraction point.

It is at this point that you can enter the trade on your lower timeframe.

Do not go below 20 minutes.

A timeframe difference should be at least 4x, probably much more.

Combinationsā€¦20min/2 hour, 30 min/4 hour, 1 hour/8hour, 4hour/daily.

These are timeframes on my GFT platform - I do not know what MT4 gives.

Hi Graviton, I donā€™t really like the idea of trading 1 at a time. I try to find as many trades as possible at any given time.

The largest number of trades I have had open simultaneously is 3.

I like the idea of your suggestion, though.

This is very sound advice - thank you.

I would like to reassure everyone that these trades were all post-contraction but without consulting a higher time-frame.

If I have understood your advice correctly, are you recommending that we look at, say, a 2hr timeframe first to determine the beginning of a retracement and only when we see a contraction on the higher timeframe chart, we move to the lower timeframe to make a CBL entry?

That would be the safe way to do it.

You may see the candle disconnect from the BB before the contracton.
Use that then.

Or you can look at a stochastic on the higher timeframe but then you are introducing another indicator.

The higher timeframe informs the lower timeframe and keeps you on the side of the trend that you want.

Well peopleā€¦:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am about to close.

My life is pressing in another direction now (moving).

I hope to be back before May 19, but I have given that date, just in case the telephone company and/or ISP are slow at making the relocation.

In the meantime, I give the charge of the thread to [B]Kockneerebel[/B], [B]Master Tang[/B] and [B]Graviton[/B].
These 3 experienced traders will not steer anyone wrong. :slight_smile:

[B]I strongly recommend the chat room[/B] - different sessions to cater for everyone here, considering the different time zones.

From the chat room i recommend that you all do some live trades (on demo)together.
You can even risk going live. :smiley:

I hope that you all learn much and return to me a definite decision on whether the BB DNA method is something that you like.
In any case, I shall also proceed with the macro BB/CBL/Fibonacci trend trading method with makes full use of 2 or more timeframes.

Goodbye for now till I return.

Tymen, you have been of great help as always.

I hope the move and line transfer will go smoothly and look forward to your return.

Be sure that I will continue my live demo testing and providing useful data for our community.