As fas as I can tell, no one else has reported any issues, either via PMs or on the forums. Can you visit the site at all?
no i cant get onto the site at all, tried in firefox and IE on two different pc’s
strangley i tried on a third computer (which i havent used to access the chatroom before ) and it went straight through to the sign up page?!
i have deleted my cookies and temp internet files on both pc’s but still no joy?
any idea’s why this is happening? i even turned off kapersky, but it still wont let me access:
h t tp :// m/chat
Just checked - I have the same issue.
On other news, I’m currently having a record 7 days using 4H charts.
The predictive power of 4H charting (especially if you anticipate a move on a 4H chart and enter on a 1H chart) is very strong.
Some issues still exist, such as hitting TP1 and moving strongly towards TP2 before retracing swiftly and wiping out all gains by hitting BE.
The way I try overcoming this is by looking for a reversal or end of trend on a 1H chart. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I get it wrong but I still end up securing the pips.
I’ve also been trying to cut losses early by not letting PA move all the way to my SL (which tends to be reasonably large) and awaiting in hope that it would turn around. I think I may have found myself in 4H charts.
I have no idea why you guys would have issues accessing the BB DNA chat room; I certainly haven’t blocked anyone’s access there. It’s the same as it’s always been.
Going to take a wild stab in the dark and say your isp is Virgin!
Have you tried rebooting your router, I had the same issue getting in to the chat room and that sorted it for me.
Hope this helps
Yes! thanks for the advice MasterSafe, there have been many issues I’ve had lately with Virgin!
Sorry Tymen for all the off-topic chatter!
Haha my ISP is virgin too and i couldnt get in… wonder what the issue is…
He he.
This is very different from the profoundly pessimistic view that [B]DodgeV83 [/B]is painting right now with his backtesting.
… I think I may have found myself in 4H charts.
Yes, I think you have!!
Your virgin ISP is a bit of an adulterer I think!!
I was being sarcastic when I said all I got was a “lousy +10.7%”
An entire month with 0 bad trades and +10.7% when only risking 2% on each trade is incredible! That’s 338% a year :eek:
I’ll go add a smiley face to my last post
Hello DodgeV83, and all, sorry for ask in this thread but still I can not send private message, but I’ve been looking, and I do not get to backtest with MT4.
DodgeV83, I saw your youtube video testing Tymen strategy with Meta Trader, and I am almost setting everything except teh Exper Advisor, that by default is MACD, a Media AVerage. When I click start, I can see just this 2 indicator, but I only want to see the candle formation as in your video.
So, please could you help me to setup MT4 to backtest my understanding of Tymen’s method? Or a reference where to learn to do it?.
P.D. I am right now at page 294, just when tymens back to the forum after his moving.
Oh my God, I finally made it to the end. I am absolutely impressed with both your teaching style and your system, Tymen. I started demo trading your system today after spending the past 2 weeks reading this gem. I was 4 for 5 TP1 on the 30 minute charts, resulting in +157 pips. The one trade I lost, I looked at and clearly violated the entry rules. I was lucky to get out of it for a small loss of about -5 after I realized my mistake. Thank you again, and I will continue to demo.
Lol just looked back at what I wrote… to be fair, I was just about to board a train, so maybe I didn’t think before I wrote it lol.
Iron heart, do you mean you look at 4hr charts for a trend, then proceed to using 1hr tf for a valid cbl entry?
So im assuming you are looking at about 5 trades a week? Rough estimate.
Backtesting results on USD/CAD for the month of April: +1.8%
Timeframe: 4HR
Risk: 2% per trade
Trade 1:
Trade 2:
EUR/USD H4 has been the one shining light in my backtesting.
From start of 2009/01 to start of 2010/06 on H4;
eur/usd +46%/-14%/73%
usd/jpy +8%/-15%/81%
aud/usd +3%/-20%/73%
gbp/jpy -8%/-23%/81%
eur/jpy -10%/-23%/76%
gbp/usd -20%/-27%/72%
Very interesting to note! The Win:Loss ratios are simply [B]astounding[/B]!
I’d love to see what settings/rules/lotsizes…etc were used on these trades. Making 46% on an account when risking 20% a trade is much different than making 46% on an account while risking 2% per trade.
Also, EUR/USD had some big trades during this time, which completely carried the rest of the group. Take away the biggest winner (EUR/USD) and the biggest loser (GBP/USD) and you’re at -7% for this time period. Letting us know a little bit more about how you got these numbers would go along way towards making a good evaluation of this strategy.
Save one of my EA files to your installation directory/experts folder, for example:
C:/Program Files/IBFX/experts
Then the EA will show up in your list.